The hottest greenleaf day

4 years, 1 month ago

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It was an extremely hot green-leaf day, possibly the hottest day yet. The trees and leaves swayed in the hot humid beeze. The hot blazing sun was rising up in the horizon, sunlight shone throughout the lush green forest. Most cats were in their dens, trying to keep cool but it wasn't enough to beat the heat.

The hot air ruffled Flintstream's fur as she decided to go for a walk to try and escape the heat. She went to the crystal blue river and lapped at the somewhat cool water before she heard a loud splash. 

Owlfeather had cannonballed into the river, well what was left of it anyway. The river had started to dwindle since green-leaf begun. It wasn't too bad though, there's still plenty left before they have to start rashioning water. 

Owlfeather chirped in delight, "You coming in, Flintstream?" She mewed happily, enjoying the cool water as it lapped at her fur. 

Flintstream looked at her in disgust, "There's no way I'm getting my luxious fur wet!" She scowled at her best friend. 

Owlfeather shrugged, "Well suit yourself." She retorted, as she splashed a paw at Flintstream, a few droplets hitting her beloved fur. 

Flintstream scoffed at owlfeather, how dare she do that! She thought angrily, she started to see red. She stomped away in anger and her fur bristled in frustration, it's not worth the effort to fight, especially since Owlfeather has water on her side. 

"I'll find some other way to keep cool." She mumbled, owlfeather could barely hear her and shrugged as Flintstream walked away from her.

Flintstream briskly padded away, her paws touching the warm grass beneath her paw pads. She thought about ways to keep cool, the dens were too hot, even though they weren't in direct sunlight. She thought a while about what she could do, that didn't involve getting her fur wet or muddy. 

Then it hit her, a marvellous idea struck her mind. "I'll go to the two-leg place! The thunderpaths outside the two-legs den are cool in the shade." She exclaimed loudly, to herself. 

She sluggishly walked to the west side of the border and through the forests to get to the two-leg place. The heat started to get to her, finally she arrived, exhausted from her travel. It was still bright as it was the middle of the day. It started to get hotter than the morning sun as the sun rose to the center of the blue sky.

She found a nice little two-leg den, it had a small garden and a white picket fence. She was wary of the monster that lived there more than the two-legs. She didn't mind two-legs as long as they allow her to do her own thing, meanwhile monsters scare the living daylight out of her as they rumble and shake the ground. 

She padded up to the grey thunderpath, it was cool to touch, better than the hot grass, however it was still too hot for her gorgeous long fur. She crept closer to the monster, that was sitting on the ice cold thunderpath, hoping to find some place cooler.

She discovered that it was cooler towards the monster, it's still hot, even though it's in the shade , she thought to herself. She decided to go under the monster since it was sleeping. It was like a miracle, it felt like the cool crisp days of leaf-fall. She decided to sleep there, under the monster, with no care in the world as she had forgotten her fears.