A kicker

3 years, 10 months ago

Valerie whilst on their normal daily routine sees a Scorbunny in trouble

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     The fire was searing, and growing in size it crackled as it incinerated the vegetation. As the wind picked up it started to spread one shrub, two, three all at once it gained speed and ferocity with a hunger for more fuel. Over there! Puddles muddy water now! a voice yelled from the thick vegetation covered by towering lush trees and mountain shrub. Out of the trees a large stream of beige colored water was launched towards the direction of the fire dousing the area and extinguishing the fire and in a hurried pace the blue plain face pokemon appeared from the bushes and stumbled towards the now thick veiled smoke scorched site. It looked around there were no other fires leftover. Quaawaah! The pokemon yelled after it turned its back and waved at the place it had exited the brush. The short shrubs with tall grass rustled and out of it came into view a person in her early twenties, with a side swept bang tied with a ponytail of dark brown hair. While wearing a celadon colored tank top and Olivine cargo pants accompanied by grey combat boots.You get it Puddles? she said exasperatedly while stopping scanning the site. She caught her breath and nodded seeing the fire extinguished and exclaimed in a confused tone really? That's the seventh one, these fires keep popping all around the HQ what's going on?

Waa.. the fair sized quagsire stood on its spot looking up at Valerie, its trainer and then it glanced over to its left with a dubious expression and calmly wandered off into the bushes with a perplexed sounding quawag? H-Hey hey puddles, buddy?? where you goin'? Valerie sighed and glanced at the scorched plants well that's done, and followed the obvious trail of broken branches moved shrubs her quagsire had left behind.As she was nearing another clearing through the broken shrubbery she looked noticed her quagsire motionless with its back facing her leaning down looking at something? She got closer and heard a small squeak. Puddles?  Did you another fire or - Valerie noticed a small injured pokemon laying down on its torso on the dirt floor covered in thorns and seeds growing from the small plants, the pokemon has visible long ears with blazing orange tips and toe marks and white body rabbit like. Creee! It let out a small squeak in pain and flinched shaking its body but it kept a wary eye as Valerie got closer not taking its eyes off her, those injuries, it looks like you were in a fight Valerie said.The pokemon moved slightly it was making a great effort to free itself and keep its distance but the thicket was enveloping it like a move leech seed Valerie thought. The quagsire was trying to pull off the small vines emanating from the thicket attached to the pokemon with no avail they were extremely sturdy. Okay hold still, she took out a pocket knife to cut the main cluster of branches attached to the pokemon's fur. Valerie grabbed the pokemon it was small enough for its body to be lifted with one hand and in a quick motion she cut off the biggest branches around it put her knife on the ground and started pulling the vines which were now breaking free with ease now it felt like unraveling a small wrapping. She rotated the pokemon so it would face her as she was kneeing and looking closely to it make sure it was clear of vines I've never seen a pokemon like you before?[The pokemon seeing being close in kicking range kicked Valerie's chin in a barrage of kicks that were light hits compared to attacks she's been hit with but could still feel the blunt of it] ahahasck!! It took her by surprise and she loosened the grasp on it enough that it bolted out of her hands and hopped away out of sight in a blink of an eye. Valerie tried to follow it but lost any traces of it. Wa! The quagsire exclaimed nervously as it waddled hurriedly, I didn't think I'd do that with those injuries... wow that bunny packs a punch said Valerie while stroking the area of impact under her chin.

     An orange tipped long ear twitched, the pokemon stopped its motion looked around vigilantly and went back to turned its head to some white metal pieces spread out onto the forest floor. The pieces were smaller than its hand fitting of its tiny paw. It carefully mounted the pieces fitting into a circular shape but the pieces fell into itself. The little rabbit Pokemon let out a hushed panicked scree. It's ears dropped in disappointment And it stopped for a second. Then it carefully gathered the pieces and moved to a shaded spot under a nearby tree with some stones, the stones resembled a stone fence broken down by the ages. There it kept trying the same action this time with nearby mud as an adhesive, it fell in again. It tried again but this time the pieces stayed put the pokemon squealed in joy. Nahhggraa a growled screech was heard it startled the rabbit pokemon. It was about to grab the pieces but stopped midway, the mud needed time to dry. It looked back at the direction of the sound through the dirt trail paving the way in this area of the forest. A tall pokemon appeared on the other end. The size of this pokemon was gigantic  and taller compared to a person, the long eared pokemon knew it had to hide before it was seen!

The rabbit Pokemon tried to cover the pieces with a big fallen leaf and quickly scanned for a small opening beneath the roots of the trees, not there! It looked for fallen brush of thorny plants stood on its way to stealth there was no place to hide it went behind the tree and crouched glancing at the upcoming pokemon. The pokemon had a deep navy blue hair with a creme underbelly walked on two leg had two ears and four large fangs. The rabbit pokemon was already unnerved ducked but its eyes shifted back to the hidden pieces and then back at the tall pokemon vigilantly. The tall sharp fanged pokemon was carrying what looked like the trunk of a tree with both of its hands as it walked forward, and there was more. Behind it appeared another large pokemon taller than the previous one it had light blue wings but was not flying instead walked on them, in quadrupled motion.  Its body was black with its neck enveloped in a white hair collar but its ears were bigger twice as the size of its head and had a circle shape similar to a speaker. The nose was bright red and looking through its face was piercing yellow eyes. It was carrying on its mouth what looked like a bag full of tools and wood pieces. Next to that one whose long tail swung slowly from side to side as it looked at the Pokemon with navy grey fur and bright red feathers on its head like a crown and on its short back tail. It was smaller than the two and twice the rabbit pokemon's size. A bright yellow gem was seen on its forehead but it flashed sharp fangs and had white two digit claws. This pokemon was walking on two legs also carrying supplies. These Pokemon don't cease to end the rabbit pokemon sighed in bewilderment, oh! It thought to itself, a familiar sight the blue pokemon it had seen along with ... the human!

Valerie kept moving forward with her pokemon, as she was also carrying supplies up the trail. She exclaimed loudly, Half way there! good job guys when we get back to the HQ you'll get some berries! She lowered her head down a bit and said under her breath And me some food because I’m starving haha .The group of pokemon cheered.Valerie looked around the area the rabbit like pokemon had been and noticed the poorly hidden metal pieces and changed her expression to a puzzled one. What is that? She broke off from the group heading up the dirt trail and approached the big leaf with her hands still carrying the supplies it leaned in closer. The group of pokemon stopped and looked at her confusedly. The quagsire who was carrying one piece of wood the size of its palm came closer, the weavile next to the noivern let out a We? The typhlosion seeing this stopped on its track, rah? And the rabbit pokemon panicked, it couldn't let the human get closer! It stumbled out of its hiding spot and mode some motions to attract her attention. Valerie looked toward the pokemon huh- hey!!! It's you again!  Quag! The quagsire approached closer to the rabbit Pokemon. Squee keak.. The rabbit pokemon took a few steps back, Quawag, the quagsire moved closer, it took more steps back. Quawag, the quagsire moved closer again at a constant distance, it grew tire or the game and decided to climb the branches of a small tree nearby out of the quagsire's reach.

The quagsire kept staring blankly with a happy expression and mouth agape at the rabbit. Valerie approached the rabbit pokemon near the tree, I've been wondering where you went after that kicker few weeks back she let out a chuckle. The rabbit pressed its body towards the inner part of the tree creating some distance, but it was still about hand's reach for Valerie. You're not wounded anymore either I was worried, she said. The rabbit looked in confusion. Valerie started rustling through her bag of supplies on the floor.[the rabbit watched her but as it saw the hand get closer it crouched as far as it could] The hand had had placed a yellow freckled pear shaped berry in front of the rabbit pokemon Valerie stepped back and put about six on the ground near the base of the tree and next to the pieces. Is this your home? Here more of them, don't want you getting roughed up as before right? She grinned at the Pokemon who was watching her still crouching leaving the berry she left in front of it untouched. Valerie picked up her bags, well see ya next time, come on everyone! The quagsire looked at the rabbit and waved it goodbye then hastily wabbled towards the group. Valerie and puddles joined the group and led them carrying their supplies off up the trail. The rabbit pokemon grabbed the berry and climbed down the tree next to the uncovered pieces, and the pile of berries a few feet away from it. It took a bite out of it and could feel the sweetness and revitalizing energy from it, it turned its head back with a mystified expression to where the group was walking further deep into the mountains.

     The long eared pokemon was hopping rapidly and covering a long distance from the riverbanks in the forest. Valerie had heard the noise and as she went to investigate and lowly crouched as she approached with caution the sound of water splashing with sticks and debris being lifted up.It was the little rabbit like pokemon again! she thought to herself. The pokemon had picked up materials from the river and vanished into the bushes in an instant.Valerie stood up and carefully crossed the river and inspected the area where the pokemon had stood a few minutes ago. It seems like they're collecting something? she grabbed one of her pokeballs and with a small flash of blue light the figure of a weavile soon materialized into the pokemon. Valerie looked at the weavile, Rayo remember the little rabbit pokemon we saw a while back? I want you to check what they’re doing out here with these, and she placed her hand on the small trail of disturbed dirt. Wea! Rayo shouted and quickly analyzed the trail and vanished into the bushes with as minimal sound as she has heard any pokemon travel through the shrubbery. The rabbit pokemon had been a rare sight among the pokemon in the area that call this mountainous territory their home more so Valerie thought to herself he might be the only one.The weavile jumped and traveled through the thicket of vegetation until it was getting thicker and thicker until it slowed the weavile’s movements. In an agile manner grabbed the closest branch and pulled itself upwards towards the canopy of the tree and waited for Valerie who was following a good distance behind. Then, it continued its pursuit for the long eared pokemon and well after weavile spotted it in the distance it wasn't hard to keep a visual on it since its fur stood out from the surrounding greenery. The weavile tailed the pokemon through the canopy stealthily, the pokemon was so focused on getting to its destination it couldn't care less at this point only to reach the place and drop off the materials. Soon after, the rabbit pokemon stopped in an ample area covered by the tree surrounding canopy but there was a small field under it and beyond a small lake with still water. However, between the field and the lake was a giant string like hexagonal pattern familiar in cobwebs, it was a spider web. The rabbit pokemon stopped on its tracks and looked up among the conjoined spiderwebs there was one where a huge red spider pokemon rested, with yellow legs and purple stripes. The weavile found a spot to lean on and looked down at the two pokemon with attentiveness.

The rabbit pokemon approached the web and dropped the materials in front of it, the ariados climbed the web down to meet the dropped off items and gave the rabbit pokemon a nod as it moved its fangs and extended one of its claw. Piled with the materials were the familiar pieces the fiery rabbit pokemon had been trying to fit together and the pokemon handed some of the pieces to the ariados who began enveloping the outer edges with string shot and piecing them together. SQUEEE! the pokemon squealed with bewilderment its eyes almost letting out a spark of wonder. It's working!! The rabbit pokemon thought to itself. Weavile’ gaze was concentrated on them. Valerie’s head peeked out from the leaves below the tree Rayo was perched on, What are they doing? Her eyes widened, hold on..? she realized the now half sting glued pieces were taking a circular form, That's a pokeball! But what are they doing with it? she said in a hushed tone. The ariados stopped spinning its thread with a half assembled fractured pokeball and pointed to the cave near the opening to the lake and let out a chatter that sounded like chirps and buzzes. The rabbit pokemon looked back at the cave and nodded, it rushed towards it with a bold face readying itself as it entered the cave. Once the rabbit pokemon vanished out of sight into the deeper part of the cave the ariados stopped working on the pokeball and four small spinaraks descended from the cobweb's upper part.

Valerie glanced towards the cave with a concerned expression and was taken back, by an immediate high pitched squeal heard inside the cave and with it a temblor. The ground shook, and small pieces of dirt clung to the roof of the cave was seen shifted falling to the ground. A more unnerving sound was heard, a buzzing echoing from the cave it got louder, and louder. The little bunny pokemon appeared from the cave with a face of unseen horror and just as quick it rushed out into the ample area of the field. It turned around and stopped facing the cave opening, while looking back at the ariados and spinaraks. And busting through the cave darted a pokemon just as big as the opening with wings that buzzed and enabled it to hover on the ground. It had two big spiny pincers on its head, yellow eyes and a mouth with seven vertically aligned curved fangs on each side.Valerie was in awe a pokemon that resembled a pinsir but a bigger version, could this be a mega evolution pinsir?? The rabbit pokemon rushed towards mega pinsir and with a flaming kick brushed off against its shell, the rabbit pokemon's eyed widened almost no effect? It tried again. After dodging giant thrashing attacks, the fire kick was brushed off again by the toughness of the shell. The long eared pokemon took a few steps back and tried a couple of times to scratch or do a visible point of damage to the giant mega pinsir. The ariados noticed the fiery kick were not doing the damage they planned, they tried to aid the fight by wrapping the string shot against the mega pincir to hold it back but the treads snapped amidst mega pinsir' s vicious outrage. The ariados' eyes focused instead on the rabbit like pokemon and shot string towards it enveloping the pokemon into a semi cacoon with its top still unwrapped. The pokemon squealed and angrily chirped at the spider but it noticed the bulking mega pinsir’s figure locking its sight on it, and the long ears on its head drooped and this time it squealed louder in panic as the ariados web flung the pokemon into the cave.

The mega pinsir stood motionless for a second throwing a quick glance at the ariados proceeded to turned its back on it. It followed hastily rushed after the half wrapped cocoon thrown into the cave and was about to fly to its cave until it felt a sharp pain over its shoulder. The pain was quick but bruising nonetheless almost to being thrown rocks and shards. The mega pinsir looked back at the ariados who were puzzled and confused desperately looking at each other. They rapidly crossed their claws and shook their heads in denial they looked back at where the direction of where they saw the shards come from but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Infuriated by this the mega pinsir thrashed through their webs and the spinaraks and ariados were flung away into the distance by the mega pinsir's strength. The mega pincir landed on its feet, turned back, and started marching towards the cave until it stopped as it felt another piecing sensation again. It put its hand over the location of the pain and picked out ice shards embedded into its shell. A voice came from behind mega pinsir "now that' s more of an even match don't you think?" Valerie said with Rayo landing in front of her and let out a,Weavile!! while extending its claws out. The mega pincir with rage filling its golden piercing eyes turned around and spread its enormous wings in an intimidating display letting out a bone chilling screee. Icicle clash! yelled out Valerie. Rayo started to circle around the pinsir, who was angrily trying to hit the weavile. In that instance, the weavile summoned a giant icicle bigger than its own size and threw it directly at the mega pincir's face cracking the ice into thousands of small shards upon impact. Valerie saw mega pincir become more infuriated and delved into frenzy, and as that happened she glanced over the mega pinsir's shoulder, towards the cave. She saw the little white haired rabbit pokemon running out of the cave it was seen thrown into, and looked at the pokemon battle now ensuing near the cave entrance.

The long eared pokemon's expression froze for a moment, but then focused as it charged towards behind the mega pincir with a flaming kick. There was still no effect to its hardened shell, but it made the rabbit pokemon notice a small leafy satchel the mega pincir had wrapped around the spiked armor shielding its wings. The rabbit pokemon, landed on the ground and jumped once more but near the satchel letting out another kick which burned the satchel and dropped a small spherical yellow stone. The stone fell to the floor and in that moment the mega pinsir' s form emanated a bright light blue glow enveloping its form which was now shrinking into now a normal sized pincir without wings. The pincir did not take notice instead it rushed to attack the weavile again. Oh! Valerie's expression lit up that was so clever little one! Rayo let's end this, she shouted. Ice punch! We! The weavile said in affirmation, and rushed to the approaching pincir snuck below him and jabbed its face with an icy uppercut! Weaaaavile! The pincir was thrown back and fell to the ground. It was still conscious though, and raised its body once more but it stood with a fearful expression now as it noticed its stone was on the ground. The weavile came closer to it and grabbed the stone with its claws rotating it a bit with a smug expression, Wea we. The pincir immediately gathered itself and ran away as fast as it could, and was now a hefty distance away from the field. The stone at a closer glance it had orange and browns wrapped in a curved pattern inside its yellow spherical shape. Rayo threw the stone upward in a playful manner while still facing the direction of the pincir ran away. It watched the pinsir in the distance and when the stone fell back on its claw it grasp it, pulled its arm back and flung it towards the pinsir's direction, who let out a fearful screeech in the distance. Huh.. I guess that takes care of that, but you didn’t need to throw it said Valerie who saw all of this transpire.  We.. wea, Rayo raised both of its arms and shrugged with it she could notice a small smirk on its face.

The rabbit pokemon glanced with an awed expression but then shook its head to snap itself back and started scanning the surrounding area. "Hey little one come here", Valerie called as she picked and dusted something off the ground. The long eared pokemon warily approached her and with a closer inspection saw her raise the broken pokeball pieces to its direction. Are these yours? she asked. The pokemon looked with a glum expression at the unfinished and tattered state of the pokeball but then nodded without hesitation. As it grabbed the pieces, the long eared pokemon went over to the lake to wash off the dirt on it leftover from the battle. Valerie followed the pokemon to the edge of the lake and stood next to it. She crouched down and grabbed a severed piece from the shattered leftover pile. The pokemon looked at her conspicuously but dropped its guard as it saw she was helping wash the metal fragments. I don't know what you were trying to do back there, but it quickly landed you in hot water, do you know not to pick fights with bigger pokemon? I mean.. she extended her arm with her hand pointing across the to the top of the long eared pokemon, you're a size-able pokemon but not ready for something like that pinsir. No response from the bunny creature it kept washing the pieces.

     They both had finished cleaning the metal pieces and now sat near the rim of the lake near the battle scene. Rayo kept a careful eye on both of them while it leaned on one of the nearby tree trunk. The orange glows of the sun started to set swept across the small lake area. Valerie turned to the pokemon next to her. Your trainer, Valerie paused for a minute. Is that why you wanted to glue the pokeball together? They might come back? The white haired rabbit like pokemon nodded confidently. The pokemon taking in what had ensued situated the semi glued pokeball on top of its legs wrapping its arm around it. Valerie turned back to the glistening water of the small lake and stared at the horizon , you know it’s hard losing the people that mattered to you the most one day they can disappear and it leaves you in a horrible shock and… and  you don't know how to deal with it. There was a moment to silence between them. Were they close to you? The pokemon looked at her and let out an affirming scree. Then it put the fragmented  string shot glued pokeball it was holding aside, and jumped up landing on its two feet raising its paw and letting out a number of chatters as it posed fighting stances and stood upwards smirking at Valerie who chuckled, I see they battled often! The rabbit like pokemon nodded this time grinning gleefully. They meant a lot to you I can tell, Valerie exclaimed. It can be scary to lose someone like that one of your most treasured trainer, Hell even the only trainer you knew! She faced the pokemon in a serious gaze, but sometimes it’s better to let them go.

The pokemon narrowed its eyes at her in confusion and tensed its body. Valerie looked at the pokemon’s hand who was holding the semi glued pokeball, its broken even if you manage to glue it back together it won't be same, they won't come back. The pokemon tensed its body as the words entered its mind and stood up one again.  It looked at her in a defiant pose grasping the immediate shock it started to take a step back away from her. "Listen, I know you want to hold onto them since they meant a lot to you, but you have to realize they're not the only ones, Other pokemon, people care about you…we care about you! The way you were left is unacceptable, and your trainer hasn't come back, what kind of selfish douchebag does that?" The pokemon, let out a loud shriek stomping its feet on the ground angrily facing Valerie's direction. It quickly moved towards Valerie who was holding the rest of the loose pokeball pieces. She cupped her hands and covered them as soon as she noticed the rabbit pokemon approaching her trying to grab them back. The pokemon tried to open her hands. In return, she tried to turn away and block the pokemon. "A broken pokeball is one thing but they could've come back and searched for you!! they needed to! you were their pokemon!" She shouted. The pokemon was already exhausted from yelling and trying to pry her hands open reached out through the small opening before getting blocked by her body again. It kicked her near the side of her rib a couple of times while shouting an unrecognizable ear piercing screech. One kick specially was heated up and burned, she could feel the searing pain as it leaned against her through the clothing letting out a small trail of smoke.The weavile who was watching from a distance let out a shocked, We! Followed by an angry growl and hurriedly stepped towards Valerie and the rabbit pokemon.

It readied its arm for an attack locking its sight at the small pokemon. No! Rayo don't! Valerie shouted, Rayo stopped clenched its fangs and  expressed a worried resentful face, weavile...  It lowered its claws and glanced back at Valerie. Valerie in turn looked at the rabbit pokemon who stopped kicking her but still desperately reached for the pieces covered in her hands. The long eared pokemon broke down shedding tears but still angerly hitting her with its paws everytime with less power and punches. "It’s useless stop it little bud", Valerie said. Useless? Useless… A voice resonated with the rabbit pokemon.Scorbunny! The breeder told me you were the best of the litter, a trainer with deep blue spiky hair chuckled, hehe welcome to the team! Screee! The scorbunny looked dazzled as it was introduced to its new teammates. The team at a glance consisted of all fire types magmortar, charizard, blaziken, emboar, volcanora and now scorbunny. The trainer was a travelling at the time and stayed in a small hotel on the mountainside readying for the league in the next few months. Go scorbunny! Let’s show them your blazing power! The trainer shouted and out of the pokeball the scorbunny came out and screeched in eagerness.A montage of battles was seen, with each battle being harder than the next and Scorbunny bruised itself pushing the boundaries of experience for its trainer's glee. The rest of the team cheered little scorbunny and with each victory came a row of hand slaps and fist bumps the whole team grouped in a huddle and went for a lively cheer of victory.It all was cut short as the scorbunny was immediately beaten by the bigger and fully evolved opponents it faced. They tried again this time weaker trainers but greater opponents they lost, and with every loss the trainer became frustrated. The trainer was distraught how could this happen? They made sure to contact the best breeders in the region and even beyond into Galar region for the top scorbunny. It had heard they were the most powerful fire types rivaling charizards with twice its growing speed. Days passed and in the last week of their stay the scorbunny was let out of its pokeball it happily squeaked back at its trainer who looked with a grim expression. Almost, disgusted at the sight of the scorbunny.

The scorbunny took in their surroundings, they were in a small pokemon dirt field the soil was dry and rough the wind was nonresistant. A small street wall was on one side the whole area was blocked off from most public view aside from some nearby flying pokemon they were the only ones in the area. Scorbunny... you'll fight with magmortar today the trainer said in a steady voice. The scorbunny was slightly shocked but it could surely battle its teammate for practice right? I'll get stronger, it thought to itself. The trainer knew everything about being stronger with its team, that's how they came so far!  As the battle ensued the trainer commanded both pokemon in the fight ensuring to push them and use their disadvantages against each other, the scorbunny was looking fazed as it was exhausted from dodging the magmortar's attacks. One punch up, dodge, now here it comes a tail swipe dodged that too! Ah?! The scorbunny tripped on a small dent on the ground it took it off guard. As it missed its moment to dodge and instantly took a heavy punch into its body as the Magmortar's arm was bigger than the little Scorbunny's body sending it flying a few miles before slamming into the dirt. The bruised scorbunny panted, it took a moment to picked itself up and readied itself it wanted to keep going. The fiery pokemon team were now out of their pokeball and watching the match and cheering. The trainer broke through the cheer and spoke in a firm voice scorbunny now you'll do the attacks I'll fight with magmortar. Now the trainer only commanded magmortar against scorchbunny, the pokemon was puzzled it had never done this before but  it kept thinking, it’s part of the practice make it more powerful like the others, right? It kept dodging and attacking magmortar who was seemed to have a few bruises but it wasn't tired at all unlike scorbunny. The scorbunny was reaching its limit. Magmortar knew this, it looked back at the trainer awaiting to be called off. The pokemon team was also holding its breath. The trainer paused and said in the same firm tone, focus blast. The magmortar hesitantly channeled a blue sphere of power above its belly. The scorbunny knew what was coming it tried to get out of the way, but it was too late a stream of blue energy launched itself to scorbunny's direction and hit it straight on. Scorbunny was past its exhaustion point but the trainer was watching the whole team was watching it, couldn't let them down now! It mumbled to itself and slowly got up on its feet while crouching in pain. Fire blast! The trainer said and soon enough scorbunny 's face met a giant blast of fire engulfing its body and knocking them out of consciousness. The pokemon team could feel the heat from their spectating area and were genuinely worried but didn't move.

The trainer looked over at the unconscious body of scorbunny facing the ground and said in a monotone voice, "we're done". The magmortar sighed in relief and looked over at its bruised and knocked out teammate scorbunny. It slowly walked towards them. Magmortar, everyone...  the trainer spoke, you've seen how weak scorbunny is not even after all the training we've had could it compete with us against the league of trainers. Scorbunny opened its eyes and regained consciousness but was still too hurt to walk. It lifted its head up looking at its trainer who was nearby. The trainer glared at scorbunny, we're removing you from the team. The trainer looked at the rest of their pokemon, you all hear this? Scorbunny is not part of our team do not waste your pity on someone weak as it! They took out a pokeball, scorbunny thought the pokeball was familiar, it is! their pokeball! The pokemon lifted its paw reaching out for it. The trainer placed it on the ground below them and stomped on it breaking the ball into metal pieces. You couldn't even beat magmortar my weakest the trainer said under their breath, you're useless to me. The rest of his pokemon looked shocked at the whole event, but then quickly realized their trainer was walking away from the field. "We're leaving", the trainer said. The pokemon hurried behind them but after taking a path near the bruised scorbunnny who was shaking in complete disbelief and paralyzed. Scorbunny saw its teammates pass by them charizard and blaziken gave a quick glance but then kept walking. Volcanora stopped for a second, but turned quickly following charizard and blaziken. Magmortar was already trailing behind the trainer. Emboar stopped in front of scorbunny who could see it grasping for the broken pieces of the pokeball. It moved the pieces closer to the quivering bruised pokemon, bringing some sense of relief to scorbunny. Emboar then turned its back and followed the others. Scorbunny noticed  they were leaving and tried to drag itself towards them but its body wouldn't move. It looked down at the ground between its paws in frustration and as it raised its head again, but now there was only a fading trail of airborne dust on the horizon. That was the last time scorbunny saw its trainer.

Scorbunny realization sunk in as it stared at Valerie's hand still shedding tears. It re positioned its body and lowered its head into Valerie's lap while hugging tightly in what appeared to be fear as it had remembered the memories its mind tried to block all this time... to remember how it got lost from its trainer. Valerie looked down at the pokemon and stroked its head. The scorbunny took a good five minutes before it raised its head and pushed itself to stand up away from Valerie and loosened its body while it dried its tears with its arms. She shifted her body closer to scorbunny's to lean in with the pokeball pieces Scorbunny who was too busy drying its tears to notice. She grabbed scorbunny's paws and cupped them together leaving the rest of the pieces on its hand. Scorbunny was surprised, "It is yours" valerie said. This trainer might have been someone that took care of you but they weren't the only one that cared about you, I want you to know that. The scorbunny looked at the pieces on its hand with a focused gaze. Valerie was moving to lift herself up from the ground but the pokemon tugged her jacket and offered her the pokeball pieces along with the fractured pokeball. Valerie said in a puzzled voice, you... you want me to have them? The scorbunny nodded insistently and then raised its paw pointing at itself then the pokeball pieces and then Valerie. Valerie took a second to respond, you mean… you want to come with me? The scorbunny sprung in joy and squealed loudly while jumping constantly. Valerie looked at the scorbunny, I can't, she said.

The Scorbunny froze and for a second you could see their disappointment in their drooping body, Valerie continued, you see this is broken, doesn't work anymore! pointing at the fragmented pieces. The scorbunny was saddened. But! Valerie interrupted as she took some pokeballs with different designs from her bag you can pick from these instead! She said with a grin. The scorbunny's eyes let out a spark and its ears perked up. It quickly rushed to the place she placed the pokeballs all of them had such colorful designs. .One pokeball in particular caught scorbunny's attention a pokeball with orange red band and a top half with a red sign on top of its button. The enthralled rabbit pokemon tapped it and immediately was caught. Valerie picked the timerball from the ground and held it close to her vision. Letting go does't mean forget,  you might have thought you needed to cling to the pieces but it just doesn't mean they were the right ones for you, that wouldn't deter a kicker like you though. Your sparks heated all over the place, but not as much as the light that shone from all you braved yourself into to find yourself here.

Welcome to the family Centellas!

The End