Valerie (Pokemon Trainer or Rocket AU)



5 years, 1 month ago


It involves Valerie in the pokemon world that is oddly similar to their other version counterparts. There's two versions of this AU.

Pokemon trainer AU 

In this universe, the story is very similar to Valerie's canon story only difference is they're a pokemon trainer and everyone has pokemon. In this version their pokemon team consist of pokemon they found or was given to them via the rebels or other people.
Pokemon (6)
Their oldest pokemon is Puddles a quagsire, Valerie's newly evolved tysplosion (who is a big hugger) and Ravager their noivern. Rayo the weavile and newly addition to the team Centellas the scorbunny!
 As you can tell in this AU Valerie nicknames all their pokemons. 

Pokemon trainer team rocket AU

The other version is with the supervillain version of them. In this one Valerie's story varies from the supervillain au they hail from . Valerie became part of team rocket out of desperation for a better state of life.  They stayed most of their time throughout Kanto, but decided to concede from team rocket after an incident  (rescuing their pokemon back when the boss wanted to send them away to other grunts ) since then they have been on both sides of the wanted lists. They usually lays low, wondering different regions ,moving in the dark, with occasional crimes .Valerie still has the rocket habits. Their trusty companion Dino always accompanies them!

Pokemon while in team rocket (4) 

-Dino (Nidorino) >Nidoking
-Scyther >Scyther
-Golbat >Crobat

Pokemon after leaving team rocket (6)
-Dino (Nidoking)
-Tiny (Duskonoir)