Tox Character Interview!

3 years, 10 months ago
11607 4

A character interview! I haven't done one in a while! It's going to be very long! I'm very excited haha!

CONTENT WARNING: Swears, macabre subject matters probably, dark themes, general unfiltered dumbassery

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1: What is your full name?

What, like... In a legal sense? Uhhh... Well, the name written on my birth certificate is Ingrid Walsh, soooo... I'll go with that!

2: Do you have a nickname, pseudonym, or alternate identity?

Yup! You can just call me Tox! Or Toxie, if we're close like that, heheh.

3: How tall are you?

Six feet on the dot! Haha, I'm long.

4: How much do you weigh?

Weight? What is this weight you speak of? I mean... Personally, I think weight is a societal construct, it's all subjective. Just like bones and physics.

5: What kind of build do you have (are you thin, fat, gangly, muscular, etc.)?

Long. I am a lanky sparkle noodle and I'm proud of it, haha.

6: Describe your hair. What colour is it? What style do you keep it in?

What's... Hair? Is that like those little locks Mercy's got? 'Cause uh, I don't have any of that haha. Now fur on the other hand! I got the prettiest purple fluff you've ever seen, mark my words. 

7: What colour are your eyes?

Bright green! Sort of like a vat of toxic waste! Or well, what I assume toxic waste looks like, hehe.

8: What is your ethnicity?

Uhh... Uhhhhh... Ferret??

9: Do you have any unusual physical features?

Welllll... Not to brag or anything, but... I can bend and stretch as I please. I'm not bound by the laws of "anatomy," or whatever the hell. I'm like a jelly noodle or something. And uh, I guess that's apparently NOT normal! Oh, and I have a sparkly tongue, and sparkly spit. Wanna see?

10: Are you considered to be attractive?

Pfffft, I dunno. Quite frankly, I don't care. I don't exactly live to please, haha.

But also,, Mercy thinks I'm cute so like,, even if the world finds me disgusting, at least I got one guy who thinks differently haha.

11: What does your voice sound like?

Uhhh... I dunno! Some people have described it kinda like the voice of a teenage boy? In a way? A little more rough and androgynous than that. And apparently I have an accent! No one cares to tell me what KIND, but it's there!

12: What kind of accent do you have?

See, that's what I was saying! I apparently HAVE one, but no one tells me what kind! And I mean, I don't really notice I have it. My voice sounds normal to me, haha.

13: Do you have a favourite quote or commonly used saying?

"Life's short and I'm not afraid to die, so why stop myself from having some fun?"

It's a tad nihilistic, but it's probably one of the best quotes I've ever come up with!

Oh, and I also love threatening to eat people's bones. Ha, scares the shit out of them.

14: Is there any particular facial expression that you are known to wear often (dour glare, cheeky grin, etc.)?

Grinning! I almost always grin, like all the time. Usually not maliciously, either. I'm just a positive person, okay?

15: Are you known for having any particular mannerisms (gestures, habits, or ways of doing things)?

Well... People tell me I'm "eccentric." I make a lot of big, sudden gestures, I talk with my hands a lot, I twist and stretch a lot. Oh, and I'm also very touchy-feely. I like close contact, to say the least, hehe.

16: Do you have any allergies, diseases, debilitating injuries, or other physical weaknesses?

Haha, I more have the opposite! I've done so many stupid things, I have no clue how I'm still alive!




But, uh, lactose. I'm lactose intolerant, can't stomach the stuff. I can have alternatives, though.

17: Do you have any scars, tattoos or birthmarks?

I got stuff! Like the danger sign under my eye? That's one. And so is the stuff on my back! No, I'm not telling which one of the three these are, hehe. As far as scars... God, I should REALLY have more than I do. I got the chip in my ear, duh. And also a burnt-short tail!

18: How good is your personal hygiene?

Haha, funny joke. But really, I try to keep up on it more than Mercy, at least. He's the smelly one in our relationship, that's for sure. And I love him for it, among other stuff!

19: Do you wear perfume or cologne?

Why would I? What's the point in covering up all my natural musk? Well... Unless you got some that's formaldehyde-scented or something. I'm definitely there for that, haha.

20: What is your preferred style of dress?

The most obnoxious Hawaiian shirts I can get my hands on. Oh, and no pants. None. Zero. Zip. Bring pants into my establishment and I will forcibly ban you. Disgusting.

21: Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? If so, are you nearsighted or farsighted?

Well... I don't wear 'em to see, but I do have sunglasses! I, uh... I basically never use them? They just look cool, haha.

22: Do you wear jewelry or other accessories?

Yep! I got a piercing in my ear, and my collar obviously! Ahh, I love my collar a ton, believe me. I'd never go anywhere without it! It's like a security somethin' or other.

23: Are you left or right-handed?

Both, and I can write with my feet if I REALLY want to. My talent knows no bounds, bow to me.


24: How old are you exactly?

Uhhh... Fuck, I don't know. I don't keep track anymore, haha. Uhh... I'm somewhere between my late 20's and early 30's, though.

25: When is your birthday?

June 5th! And the only reason why I know that is because I like celebrating it! Oh, I'm a Gemini, by the way! Haha, yes, I'm prepared to accept all of your salt.

26: Where were you born?

If I don't even remember how OLD I am, do you really think I'd remember where I was born?

27: Where do you live now?

In a lovely little funeral parlor, smack dab in the middle of a lovely little township, full of lovely little people, of course! I'm lying send help

28: What is your nationality?

Haha, I don't know. And if I'm to be completely honest? I don't care. Like, literally at all.

29: What is your occupation?

Mortician! And only mortician! Yep, just that! Ignore what anyone else tells you! I totally don't have a 100% legal and legitimate forensic pathology lab or anything! At least so long as you're a cop!

30: Do you belong to any exclusive groups (guilds, clubs, teams, religious sects, etc.)?

Not... That I know of? Uhhh... I own my funeral parlor, Oblivion's Cabana? Does that count?

31: Do you hold any rank or special position within your occupation or group (team captain, chairman, chief engineer, head nurse, treasurer, etc.)?

Owner of the funeral parlor, I guess?? Haha, hell if I know.

32: What social class do you belong to?

All of them. All of the social classes are mine. I licked them and everything.

33: Do you hold any noble titles or estates?

Haha, if I do then I sure as hell don't know it!

34: Do you have a criminal record?

Doesn't everyone? But yeah, I got some stuff. No big deal, I doubt the record even actually exists. I bet it's just a myth the government came up with to scare us into behaving, haha.


35: Who are/were your parents? Tell us about them.

Uhhhh... Haha, let's... Let's not do that. Please. Or really anything concerning family!  

36: Do you have any siblings? If so, tell us about them.

Okay, well, I guess I don't have any say in the matter of family. Fine, uhhh... By blood? No. I had some... I guess step-siblings a few times, though? Never lasted, but like... Still. Ha, guess most things don't, huh?

37: Who are/were your grandparents?

I-... Huh. I mean, I guess it depends. If I had any at first, I don't really know 'em. And past that, usually one of us, be it the grandparents or me, weren't going to stick around long enough for us to be able to meet anyways. Well, uh... If you catch my drift. No, I'm not elaborating.

38: Do you have any aunts, uncles, or cousins?

If I did by blood, then that sure woulda been nice to know a LONG time ago. But, uh... I mean, they've come and gone, I guess.

39: Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, tell us how their legacy affects you.

I AM the notorious ancestor, haha. But, uh... No, not that I know of. At worst one of my blood relatives, if there are any out there anymore, may have a criminal record or something. I'm SURE at least one or two do.

40: How close are you to your family in general?

Gee, I dunno. Why don't you take a look through my previous replies and see? 


41: Are you basically an optimist, a realist, or a pessimist?

Optimist, of course! But only in the worst possible way! I mean, uh... I guess it's more like I'm an optimistic nihilist, if anything. Would that just be an existentialist? I dunno, haha. 

42: Are you spontaneous or do you always need to have a plan?

Welllll... I can work either way, honestly! I'm not vehemently against planning, or anything. But usually, I'm spontaneous and improvise as I go along! It's only gotten me hurt, uhhh... A dozen times or so, maybe? That's a lot less than a lot of other activities! 

43: Do you like to take risks or do you prefer to play it safe?

Haha, wow, okay. Is this an actual question? This is an actual question. Wowie. I think it's preeetty obvious if you spend even 5 minutes around me, but I absolutely do NOT play it safe. Ever.

44: Are you generally laid back or are you inclined to worry?

Oh, I'm very laid-back. Maybe the most laid-back person out there. Haha, what a silly question. 

45: Do you like to make jokes or do you prefer to keep things serious?

Serious is boring! Like... Come on! If I had to have a conversation where I didn't slip in at least one joke, no matter how subtle, I would quite literally implode right before the other person's very eyes.

46: How well do you work under pressure/to a deadline?

Well, I mean... I'm a mortician. That's kinda my life. Prepare the body and get funeral arrangements all made up by this specific date and time. And I always come through! So I'd say I'm pretty great at it!

47: Do you prefer to work with your head or your hands?

I mean... I dunno! I kinda work with both in conjunction with one another. Like, I'll be working with a body and investigating injuries on it, while also thinking "Hey, what kind of thing did this?" Or I'll be mixing chemicals and thinking "Boy, I wonder what purpose this'll serve?" So I guess I never really work with one without the other.

48: Would you call yourself a perfectionist?

Haha, absolutely not. Perfection is boring, and striving for it is pointless. No one's gonna remember how hard you tried to pretend like you're the ideal being in every situation. Nor are they gonna remember every tiny little fuck-up. So who cares about putting that kinda stress on?

49: What makes you happy, and why?

Lots of stuff! Being around Mercy, for one. That short, smelly ball of fluff is my pride and joy, haha. Alongside that... Working with bodies makes me really happy. Being able to investigate them and stuff just fills me with a huge sense of joy. Oh, oh, and flexing my chemistry knowledge! I love working with chemicals of any kind, even if all I'm doing is mixing them for the hell of it! It's just a great time! Oh, and having eggs? Hoo boy, you give me an egg and you've just won my eternal friendship.

50: What makes you sad, and why?

Haha, ha, uh... What a stupid question! I mean, nothing, obviously! I don't GET sad! Why waste time feeling bad when I can go out and have some fun, y'know? Is this working? Okay, good.

51: What makes you angry, and why?

Hell, angry's a strong word. I wouldn't say there's a lot that gets me legitimately angry. Aside from pants. Seriously, fuck pants. Disgusting. Gross. Icky.

52: What gets you excited, and why?

Oh, there's so much! Being able to do stuff with Mercy is always exciting! And getting in new bodies to investigate? That's a hell of a good time! And cooking eggs! Watching them cook is always so pleasant! It gets me super excited for food! And, uh... Wow, there's so much!

53: What makes you stressed, and why?

Stress? What's that? I mean, I know I've met her, but like... What's the point in carrying her around, y'know? Move forward, live on. Until you die. Then come see me, haha.

54: What makes you frustrated, and why?

Ahh, there's a nicer word! Well... Crying frustrates me, like a ton. I just can't stand the sound of it, or the act, or anything having to do with it. And really just sensitive people in general can leave me feeling annoyed. Like, yeah, I'll try to console you as well as I can if you're a client, but like... I am NOT good at that, haha.

55: Are you short tempered? How well do you keep your cool?

No, I wouldn't say so. In fact, my temper is quite long! It takes a while before I'm actively angry!

56: How easily do you get depressed or discouraged?

Why, not at all! Haha, what's the point in it, y'know? Is this still working? Okay,,

57: When was the last time you cried?

Ew, gross. I don't remember, and even if I did I wouldn't want to bring it up again.

58: Do you have any fears or phobias? What is your greatest fear?

Fear? Ha, silly. I fear nothing. No man. 




Okay, there is one thing. Mercy without his cheek fluff? Absolutely cursed. Can't handle that.

59: What gives you a feeling of satisfaction or fulfillment?

Ooooh, interesting question! Well... Finally discovering a distinct cause of death in an investigation? Always satisfying. And so is reaching the conclusion of said investigation. Just having everything tied up with a neat little bow is magnificent. Oh, oh, AND finally being able to eat eggs I've cooked. It feels like an eternity waiting for the whites and yolk to set, my anticipation just builds and builds. And then it all comes to a grand conclusion once I'm able to take the first bite. Ohh, there's nothing quite like the heaven that is a perfectly-cooked egg, let me tell you!

60: Do you adhere to a code of conduct which guides or restricts your actions?

Hahaha, oh that's a funny joke!! I barely even abide by the most basic of morals, honey. You really, HONESTLY think I'd adhere to any other guidelines? 

61: Do you make promises or oaths? If so, do you keep them?

Ehhh... I dunno. Promises break, they're flaky little things. People put so much faith into them, and they really shouldn't. I tend not to get involved in their sticky web, personally. I'll do little favors here and there, but otherwise? Nah.

62: Do people consider you to be trustworthy?

Uhhh... No clue! I know Mercy does, but otherwise? I think the other folks here find me shady as hell. And I mean, they're not wrong, haha.

63: Do you have any secrets? If so, does anybody know about them, and how did they find out?

Oh, I got 'em all right. And I'll die with 'em. Hopefully, at least. I mean... I guess Mercy knows most of 'em because I told him, but... He's special, okay?

64: List three of your quirks or other defining characteristics.

Oooh, uhhh... I'm an amoral, reckless genius. I love eggs and will take them for payment over anything else. And... I hate pants?

65: Do you have any bad habits? If so, have you tried to kick them?

Haha, I'm sure I got plenty of 'em. But if I'm being honest here? I don't really care to get rid of 'em. They aren't hurting anyone, they're more annoying than anything.

66: Do you have any good habits?

Ehhh, debatable. I guess I have habits that people may consider good. But nothing exceptional, y'know? Like, oh man, I make sure I'm well-fed. And I hydrate before I die-drate, wow. 

67: Do you have any vices?

Oh, I definitely do. I mean... I dunno, there's something about going into the seediest bar in town and getting a drink that just really takes the edge off, y'know?

68: Describe what would be a typical day/week for you?

Well... I get up. Get ready. Have breakfast. Start working. Hopefully see Mercy at some point and give him his daily sniff. Have lunch somewhere in there. Eventually finish working. Have dinner. Go to bed. Rinse and repeat. It really ain't anything too exciting unless we got something going on. Which, I mean, we usually do, so...


69: Do you have any special skills or abilities? If so, how did you acquire them?

Like I mentioned earlier, I can kinda just... Reject physics. I'm a wiggly noodle. I dunno how that happened, I think I was just born without bones or something, haha. Oh, and I also have a HUGE resistance to toxic substances! Poison, harmful chemicals, you name it! Hell, it's almost like an immunity at this point. I've probably singlehandedly raised the LD50 of every substance out there just by existing. No clue how THAT happened either. If I had to guess, I'd say I just exposed myself to so many toxic things over the years that my body just built up a tolerance, haha. As far as work skills go... I'm superb with bodies. Investigating them, testing them, knowing causes of death, all good things. Same with the mortician work and like preparing for funerals. I've been really interested in anatomy and the body for a while now, so I've done a lot of research about it. Learned a lot from case studies and documentaries and such. I also took a couple online classes, so like... I'm basically an expert, haha. It's the same with my knowledge of chemistry. I've been interested, so I studied.

70: Do you have any serious difficulties with certain skills or abilities?

Oh, absolutely. Doesn't everyone? For instance, I struggle with just about anything having to do with emotions. And it's not so much from a lack of empathy, mind you. ...Well, okay, it may be. But I'm shit at trying to comfort people. I try and just pretend along, and apparently I'm a great actor. But damn, all the tears and the blubbering and the sensitivity, I just... It's rough for me to handle, for some reason. And I struggle with dealing with children. I've never really liked them too much, a lot of them are downright nasty. I mean, if I HAVE to, I do my best to handle them. But it doesn't end well, thus people don't usually trust me to babysit. Which, hey, I guess that's a win for me, right?

71: Are you particularly athletic?

Ehhh... Not really? I'm flexible, I guess? But I'm nothing special in terms of physical ability aside from that.

72: Do you participate in any kind of sports?

Ha, no. I don't like sports, thanks. Especially not participating in them, it's just not for me.

73: Can you ride an animal, or drive a vehicle of some kind?

Yeah, I CAN drive. And I have the prettiest car, came straight out of the 50's. Haha, it's absolutely lovely, I adore it. But for some reason, I just prefer walking. I mean, granted, taking a nice drive with Mercy? I ADORE that. But... Y'know.

74: Are you proficient in any martial or combative skills (martial arts, fencing, gunfighting, etc.)?

I mean... I wouldn't say I'm proficient, per se. Like, I've never gotten specific lessons in combative skills or anything. But I can defend myself if need-be.

75: Are you gifted when it comes to intellectual pursuits?

Depends what kind! On average, yes! I'm smart, I just don't always seem like it, haha.

76: Do you speak more than one language?

In a way, I guess? Haha, it's funny, but a while back I used to go to this one drugstore every day that had a TV in it. And whenever I was there, they'd have this one detective show playing. And I LOVED it, it was basically the greatest show I had ever watched. I'd go in there just to watch the show sometimes, maybe buy some sort of snack while I was waiting. The main issue, though? The thing was in Portuguese. Granted, it had English subtitles so I could understand it, but still. And after watching the entire series in that drugstore, I found that I had developed a strangely extensive Portuguese vocabulary. Now, do I remember all of it? Absolutely not. But I remember enough of it that I can confidently say I'm bilingual, haha.

77: Do you have a good memory, or do you tend to forget things?

Oh man, I'm just about the most scatterbrained person you could ever hope to meet, haha. My memory sucks. I can't remember so much as what I had for breakfast this morning without making a sticky note of it. Which, I mean, that's ridiculously annoying. But the notes help! And I'm so lucky to have Mercy around, he helps keep me on track!

78: How long is your attention span?

Decent until I get bored, hehe.

79: How good is your sense of direction? Do you get lost easily?

Shockingly, it's actually pretty good! I mean, so long as I'm relatively familiar with the place I'm at. I've gotten to know the township like the back of my hand so I never get lost.

80: Are you particularly artistic?

I mean, uh... Haha, I'd like to think I am. My best works include doodles on anything I can find, mainly napkins. Especially napkins. And I decorated a straw wrapper with doodles once because I was bored, that was really fun. I could fit so many tiny designs into that one wrapper. I think that's my magnum opus, and I still have it framed somewhere, haha.

81: Do you have any talent for music?

Kinda? I mean, I have instruments I like. Like the marimba? Hoo, love it. Same with the saxophone, specifically alto. So I've learned how to play them, but I never have actual access to them, haha. I'm also a MASTER of the kazoo, no matter what anyone tells you.

82: Can you dance?

Yeah, I can! And I absolutely love dancing with Mercy especially!

83: Do you have any acting talent?

Haha, if I didn't, then I doubt I'd still have as many customers as I do.

84: Can you cook?

Some stuff, yeah. I'm no exceptional chef, but I know my way around a kitchen. Especially when it comes to eggs. Which, I mean, considering how much I eat them, that's probably good!

85: Do you have any knowledge of medicine?

Yeah, I do. Not enough to prescribe any or anything, but I know a lot of prescription names and what they do. And I have mostly Mercy to thank for that, haha. Having a doctor for a partner is super helpful, believe me.

86: Are you any good with machines or electronics?

Ehhh... I dunno. Not exceptionally? I'm not bad with them either. I absolutely prefer older tech over newer tech, though. Like CRT televisions and monitors? I ADORE them. Security cameras I have a love-hate relationship with. On the one hand, I love watching the footage from them. On the other, getting caught on them is... Eh.


87: Who is the most important person in your life and why?

Are we talking living or dead? I'm assuming just living, in which case... Absolutely Mercy. He's just the greatest in so many ways, y'know? We've been together through thick and thin, and... Well, I think the best part of it is that... Ha, I know he won't be leaving me any time soon. He won't ditch me and leave me to rot. It's such a secure feeling, knowing he'll be there and be dependable.

88: Do you have a significant other? If so, tell us about them.

As if I haven't been talking enough about him, haha. Mercy's mine. He's a tiny, smelly doctor and I love him with my whole being. He's my pickle cat, and I'm his sparkle noodle. We're meant for each other, y'know?

89: What do you look for in a potential romantic partner?

I don't need to look for anything. I got one already, and I'm happy with him.

90: Who is the person you respect the most and why?

Well... As far as living people are concerned, probably Mercy. There's a lot of reasons for it, but y'know. But out of everyone I've ever met... There's one guy out there who I respect the most. And ironically enough, I didn't even get to know his name. See... A long time ago, I was in a kinda shitty situation. I don't wanna get into the details yet, but... There were only a few constants that I knew wouldn't leave me. One of them being that drugstore I mentioned earlier. And the other... Well, the other was the manager of that drugstore. I don't really know what he was to me, if I'm to be honest. A friend, I guess. Sorta like a fun uncle, or what I would assume one would be like. He always looked out for me whenever I came in there, and he'd always make sure there were fresh hard-boiled eggs in the deli whenever I came in. I liked him. We talked a lot, watched that detective show together when he had a break, it was fun. Then one day, um... He stopped showing up. I was young and clueless at the time, I didn't know what was going on. I kept coming in and looking for him, he wasn't there. Well... As I'm leaving one day, I notice a lot of people in black at this park. I got curious, so I walked over to check on it. I thought I'd blend in well enough, since I was wearing black that day too, haha. And... I realized, that was the funeral for the manager of that drugstore. To this day, I don't know exactly HOW he died, but... I knew he did. And I was confused, upset... Scared, in a way. And this one guy noticed me. He was the funeral director and the mortician, come to find out. He came over, and we started talking. I was asking a lot of questions about existence and death, and... Hell, a lot of stuff. And the guy... God, I'm sure the guy was grieving just as much as I was, but he answered them despite that. And... He kinda taught me a philosophy I carry with me to this day. I've kinda made it clear how I think of death. Like, it's inevitable, and nothing you do in life is really gonna matter at the end of it all. So why worry about it when you can just have fun and live each day to the fullest? Who cares if life is a waste, so long as you enjoy every moment? That's how the manager had lived, that's how that guy had lived. And honestly... I've never respected anymore more than I did the man who taught me that. Ironically enough, I never saw the guy after that. But his message lived on. Not to mention, he kinda inspired me to follow his path in life. I mean, before that I was already thinking of doing something to do with bodies. The first idea was being a doctor or something, but... I dunno, that funeral kinda motivated me to be the person who fills in when the doctors fail, y'know? Haha... God, I think this is one of the few good stories I got from the past. Yeah, it's morbid and a little sad, but... It shaped a huge part of the person I am today.

91: Do you have a mentor or person to look up to? If so, tell us how they influenced you.

Probably the same guy I talked about in the last question. So, uh... Refer back to 90 for this, hehe.

92: Who is the person you despise the most and why?

I mean... I guess I don't really outright despise anyone specific? But I'm not a fan of the authorities around here, haha.

93: Do you have any rivals? If so, describe the nature of your rivalry.

Pfft, no. If I do, then it's one-sided.

94: Do you have any enemies? If so, tell us about them and why they are your enemy.

Like I said, the authorities are kinda my enemies. Like, I'm not necessarily on super bad terms with them, but I don't really like them. Lots of reasons why, y'know.

95: Do you tend to argue with people, or do you try to avoid conflict?

Depends on the situation. I'm stubborn, yeah, but if I know I'm in a situation that'll end poorly then I try to negotiate.

96: How quickly do you judge others?

Pretty quickly, for the most part. Granted, that judgement can change, but like... That split second "I like them" or "I don't like them" happens instantaneously.

97: How long do you usually have to know somebody before you are willing to trust them?

Uhhh... Depends on the person. If I like them, then I can trust quickly. If I don't, then it takes a very long time of convincing.

98: Do you hold grudges?

Mmm... Sometimes? Not really, usually it's no use being so petty. But once in a while I'll make an exception.

99: Do you have a lot of friends?

I wouldn't say I have a lot, no. Maybe... Two or three really good ones?

100: Who is your best friend?

Probably Mercy. Or that one bartender, I do like him. Ha... Can't remember his name for the life of me...

101: Do you find it easy to make friends?

Ehhhh... Yes and no. Yes in the sense that I find it easy to want to be friends with someone. No in the sense that I find it easy to get them to stay around, haha. I absolutely don't.

102: How well do you get along with strangers?

Again, it depends on what my first judgement says! If I like them, then we tend to get along great! Well, so long as they can handle my personality, haha.

103: In social situations, do you tend to take the lead, or go with the flow?

Usually I tend to go with the flow. Or rather, sit back and just let whatever chaos could possibly come out of the situation happen.

104: Do you like interacting with large groups of people, or do you prefer small groups?

I'd prefer smaller groups? Less people to deal with that way, y'know. I don't really have anything against large groups, mind you. It can just be more of a hassle that way.

105: Do you like spending time alone?

Not... Not really. I mean, sometimes it's great, but... Ha, I'd never wanna be stuck alone, y'know?

106: If you had to be stuck on a deserted island, who is the one person you would want to have with you, and why?

Mercy, without a doubt. For one, we could chill there for as long as we wanted. Like, being on an island with Mercy, just relaxing on a beach, soaking up the sun and watching the waves? That'd be heaven. But when we finally decided we wanted to leave, I know he'd be smart and resourceful enough to get us outta there. Especially if I helped him.

107: Who is the last person you would want to be stuck on a deserted island with?

Uhhh... I dunno. I mean, the island fantasy is kinda just for Mercy. But I guess I'd least like to be stuck with a cop or something. Just because I don't really like 'em to begin with.

108: Are you a listener or a talker?

Uhhh... More talker, probably. I can talk and talk and talk all day long. But I'm not opposed to listening.

109: Do you like to pull practical jokes, play pranks, or tease others?

Yeah, they're pretty fun, haha. I more playfully tease than play pranks, but y'know.

110: Do you like children?

No, absolutely not. They're almost on the same level of distaste as pants and the authorities. Like, I wouldn't go out of my way to torment any, but I don't like being around them.

111: Do you like animals?

Haha, funny question. Look at me and ask again.

112: Do you have any pets or animal companions?

Does Mercy count? He's a cat, and he's definitely my companion!

113: How do you relate to members of a different race?

I mean... We're all animals here, really. I don't see anyone any differently. Unless they're scared of me or something, then I'll tease them a little, haha.

114: How do you relate to members of the same gender as yours?

Honestly? I haven't met anyone who is, haha. But like, even if I did... It wouldn't change how I treat them? Gender doesn't matter, man.

115: How about members of a different gender than yours?

Same as the above. Gender really doesn't matter. In the end, we're all just flesh and bone, right?

116: How do you relate to people from a different social class?

Well, like I said, I licked all the social classes. Therefore, I would make it very clear that their social class is mine now. Haha, but honestly, it doesn't matter.

117: How do you get along with people in general?

Depends! Personally, I get along just fine! But other people are a, uh... Variable sort.

118: Are you inclined to act differently among certain people or groups?

Well, I tend to get more moody around the authorities and what-not. And when I'm with emotional clients I tend to feel the need to act sympathetic, even if I'm really not. But other than that... No.


119: How would you describe your childhood in general?

...Ah. Fun. This. Do we have to? Can I go home?

120: What is your earliest memory?

What I ate for breakfast this morning, only thanks to the sticky note on my fridge. Haha, get destroyed by my lack of memory. Is this still working? Whoo.

121: Did you go to school? If so, tell us about your school life. Did you enjoy it?

I mean... Yeah, I did go to school. It was kinda rocky, since I'd move around the city a lot and have to attend different districts whenever I did. But academically, I was amazing. Socially... Eh. I'm sure the constantly moving schools didn't really help at all with that. But I mean, I guess that's okay! Gave me less distractions, so I could finish school out strong!

122: How many friends did you have when you were young? Are you still friends with any of them?

Honestly I, uh... I never really had friends. I was more a target of bullying than anything. I was the weird kid who was interested in death, anatomy, and chemistry, y'know. Sometimes I'd get in good with groups by taking stupid dares, but they just kinda... Left after a while and forgot all about me. Not that I needed them, anyways.

123: Who was your best friend when you were young? Are they still your friend?

Like I said, I didn't really HAVE friends when I was younger. So...

124: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Well, as I mentioned earlier, my initial thought was something to do with anatomy. Like, being a doctor or forensic pathologist was at the top of my list for a while. Or like a chemist or something cool like that. But after the funeral, I shifted gears and set my sights on being a mortician. And, well... I guess the forensic pathology idea never really left my head, haha.

125: Have you ever traveled outside of your home country? If so, to where?

Not that I know of? So... No.

126: Tell us about your first date.

Well... The first one would've been with Mercy. We'd been working together for a while, and I had kinda started to realize my feelings for him. And naturally, I was a MESS. Okay, feelings are not a thing I feel well, believe me. So I'm sitting there, wondering what to do, and finally the idea of asking him on a date came to mind. He'd been getting so stressed out and down, I thought I could ask him out on a drink to raise his spirits. And, well... I was working off of the salary of a mortician who's more likely to take eggs for payment than money, so you can imagine my budget for this drink date at the time. And I knew of one place where we could get a delicious drink for dirt cheap. So, y'know... I took him to possibly the seediest, least romantic bar in town, haha. I mean, the place is a real piece of shit. You gotta keep an eye on your drink at all times and hope to whatever deity you believe in that you don't get stabbed, shot, beat up, or otherwise brutally maimed there. But I mean, the bartender? Phenomenal. The guy knows how to make a good drink, that's for sure. So we had our little date, chatted a lot, y'know. I tried to keep it casual, keep our minds off of the stressful stuff. And y'know what the best part was? After all was said and done, it actually worked. Well, I dunno if it helped him destress, but it did help me express my feelings! And considering this guy's my partner now... Well, y'know!

127: When, and with whom, was your first kiss?

Well... It was with Mercy I'm sure, but... I don't really remember when.

128: Have you had many romantic interests in your life?

Nope. Just one.

129: Have you ever been pursued by a romantic admirer?

Haha, funny joke. Well, I'm flattered that you think that anyone else may have loved me at some point in my life.

130: Have you ever pursued someone romantically, yourself?

Yup. What, did the date story not cover this?

131: Have you ever been in love? If so, tell us what happened.

Oh, I'm in love, alright. And it's fantastic.

132: Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

Haha, that's a kinda personal question, don'tcha think? I mean, I think my sex life is my business and mine alone.

133: Have you ever lost anyone special to you? If so, how did your loss affect you?

Well, uh... Yeah, refer back to the funeral story. But also... Also... Fuck... Okay, I can't hide this anymore. I know there's just gonna be more questions about it, so... I should just say it all. You want the truth? It's here.

...Wait, you're still here? Shit. Damn, okay, I thought my diversion could work. Well... I guess if I'm stuck talking about this... Fine. I've lost a lot of people who were special to me, honestly. And not necessarily in a death sense either, more... More in an abandonment sense. See, I grew up in a huge city. Like, the thing was giant. And my original home, with my birth parents... Well, it wasn't so giant. It was a tiny apartment that was totally falling apart. We were very poor, it was hard to keep up on bills and food and what have you. My parents took the best care of me that they could, and I loved them so much.  But things... Things started changing. I dunno what I did wrong, I dunno why they did what they did. But... One night I was asleep in my bed, and by the next morning... By the next morning, I was on the cold steps of a foster home with nothing but a tattered blanket and my collar, even if it was too big for me. Ha, I could wear that damn thing like a belt for the longest time. Regardless... I didn't know my way home. I didn't know what had happened to my parents, or why they had abandoned me. But... They did. They had. I was taken into the foster home and found myself put up for adoption. I was confused, really. I thought my parents would come back to get me, they never did. I was taken in by a different family, but... Eventually that one fell apart too. I landed right back on those steps, cold and abandoned. It kinda just continued in a cycle like that. I'd be adopted, I'd do some unknown thing wrong, they'd abandon me and forget I had even existed. Didn't matter what I did, really. No matter how desperately I tried to make it work, it just... Ended the same way. I would beg to them. Plead for them to keep me. Try my best to make things work. And it just kept happening, over and over. I kept overhearing conversations from the woman who ran the foster home. She said I was getting "too old," and it was getting even harder to find me a home. Age was a bad thing, I guess. And I'd see younger kids being adopted into families, sometimes ones that had left me. Ha... Maybe that's why I forgot my age and hate kids, huh? Regardless... It was just a huge cycle of loss, y'know? The only constant person was the manager of the drugstore, and I mean... He left, too. Granted, not of his own will, but... Y'know. And eventually, once I was 18 (Ha, they were keeping track of the years, not me), I was forced to leave. I left the city altogether to escape those bad memories. I found my way to the township, got a job as an assistant to an old mortician there. Learned what he did, and... Well, when he died, I took over. I owned the place, it was cool. I did some remodeling and redecorating, started the whole secret, totally legal lab... Stuff just fell into place. Then I met Mercy, and... Well, we all know how that went, haha. And... He's the only one who hasn't abandoned me yet. He's the only one I haven't lost. Well, he and the bartender, but... Y'know. 

Whoo... Well, that was rough. Ha, pardon me while I, uhhh... Take care of my sweating eyes.

134: What do you consider to be the most important event of your life so far?

Oof, uh... That's tricky. I think it's a tie between... Four. Either the first time I saw that one detective show in the drugstore, the funeral, moving to the township, or meeting Mercy. All of them were very important developments for me, all for different reasons. So... Get back to me?

135: What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

Haha, I dunno... Maybe getting Mercy to stay all this time? That's a pretty good one. Ooh, or not being dead yet!

136: What is your greatest regret?

H-Ha... Ha... I dunno if I HAVE any. Regret isn't really something I think about often. Like... Life's too short to stay tangled in regret, y'know? Even... Even if it may be rooted in past fears and traumas.

137: Tell us about the best day of your life.

I dunno... Probably the day I first met Mercy? I guess I didn't know it at the time, but that fateful encounter... It was gonna spark the greatest chain of events in my life. And all he did was walk through my door. Like... That's literally it, haha.

138: Now tell us about the worst day of your life.

I-... I think I already touched on it, hehe. Let's not go back down this path, hm?

139: What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing to ever happen to you?

What is shame, really? Never met her.

Okay, but uh... Real talk. The incident with how I burnt my tail short? That was pretty damn embarrassing, haha. Not that I'll say what it was.

140: Have you ever been in a life-or-death situation?

I mean... Thinking about it logically, isn't the simple act of getting out of bed a life-or-death situation? Who's to say you won't trip, fall, and break your neck the second you step out from under your covers? Thinking about it like that, I've been in lots of life-or-death situations!

141: Have you ever killed someone?

Shockingly not... At least not intentionally, haha. No, but for real, unless one of the bodies I've investigated wasn't actually dead before I started, then I haven't.

142: Tell us about the most frightening experience of your life?

Again, I... God, I guess this was the plus side to coming clean, hm? No need to talk about the worst events over again.

143: What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

Haha, I dunno. Depends on what you feel is "evil."


144: Do you think people are basically good or evil at heart?

Pffft, I'm the last person who should be talking about what's "good" and "evil." But, uh... I dunno, neutral? I kinda feel like we all start out blank slates, maybe some people are more tilted toward one end of the moral scale than the other. Then their experiences are what define them.

145: In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any person could do?

If you really think about it... Nothing's really "evil" with the right justification behind it. Like, if you told a person you murdered someone, they'd find it pretty damn evil. Tell them you murdered that person in self-defense or on accident, suddenly the level of evil changes. It's never consistent, y'know? So who am I, a person with very few morals to begin with, to judge what's evil without any backstory?

146: Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why?

Ha, I dunno. Ironically, for all the time I spend being a nihilistic bastard, I haven't put a lot of thought into higher powers like that. I'm not denying that there IS one, but I'm also not about to accept any specific one, y'know? There may or may not be one. I won't know 'til I'm at the end of the road, y'know?

147: Do you believe in an afterlife?

I mean... Theoretically, I could see it. Going scientifically, the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can't be created or destroyed, rather transferred or changed from one form to another. We people are, essentially, just a bunch of chemicals and energy piloting a giant meat suit. So who's to say death actively ends that energy surging through the body, y'know? I dunno where it'd go. Maybe into reincarnation, or maybe into a ghost of sorts? I got no clue, and I guess I really won't know until I'm there, right?

148: Do you believe in miracles?

Ha, no.




...Well okay, on second thought--

149: Do you believe in angels, demons, or other such supernatural beings?

I dunno. I've never seen 'em, but who am I to deem they don't exist just because of that? I'm limited by mortal knowledge, man. I may have learned to transcend physics, but not existence as a whole, haha.

150: Do you believe in ghosts?

Refer to my answer of 147, please. 

151: What is your general view of religion?

I can't dictate what people believe, I'm not omnipotent. Haha, you can believe whatever you want and I won't stop you.

152: Are you superstitious?

No, not really.

153: What are your views on gambling?

Eh. I don't see a point, personally. It's just putting money up to chance, and people get hooked to it. I guess there's a whole risk-reward system, but like... Who says it's not all totally rigged?

154: Do you believe in luck?

Ha, what else has kept me alive all these years?

155: How much do you value money?

Less than eggs and skeletons. Moving on.

156: What are your views on politics?

I don't really... Care all that much? I mean, the views of a single person aren't gonna change the political outcome. It's all dictated by the majority vote anyways.

157: Do you support any causes or charities?

Haha, not as of right now. At least not devoutly, y'know.

158: What are your views on lying?

It's a valuable tool that some people utilize just a little bit too much. And yes, I may or may not be included, haha.

159: What are your views on theft?

Haha, I've done it. Not with like... Irreplaceable stuff, but y'know. It's whatever, really. I don't care.

160: What are your views on killing?

Killing causes death, death causes a need for a mortician, a need for a mortician causes me to get business. I mean, uhhh... I don't condone murder. And I'd never do it. But also...

161: What are your views on crime and punishment?

Eh. I mean, I'm not really a fan of the authorities, we all know this. But like, if you're committing lots of crimes and not covering your ass, don't be surprised when the law catches up, y'know?

162: What are your views on sex?

On a personal level or in general? Because in general I don't really care. Gives me dumb joke material sometimes, haha. So long as it's consensual, I don't care. On a personal level... Haha, I dunno. I don't need it to be content or anything, and I'm really not in any rush to get laid. I got better things to do, y'know? 

163: Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

I didn't until I met Mercy, haha. Now I'm... Skeptical, but accepting of the idea.

164: Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good?

Eh. Other people can do it, I'm not really one of 'em. Well... Usually. I dunno, there's exceptions!

165: Are you patriotic?

Pffft, no.

166: Are you inclined to voice your opinions and beliefs?

Yeah, I definitely am.

167: How far will you go to defend your beliefs?

Pretty damn far. I'm a stubborn bastard, so...

168: How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others?

Depends. Usually I'll accept that we have different opinions. But that doesn't mean that I don't think some opinions are downright stupid.

169: Do you consider certain groups, or types of people, to be inferior to you or beneath you?

Ew, gross. Nasty mentality. We're all made of the same flesh and bone, man. How can anyone be inferior or superior?

170: How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?

Depends on exactly what KIND of thought or feeling it is, haha. But usually I'm very honest with 'em.


171: What is your favourite pastime?

Favorite pastime? Shit, I dunno. Uhh... Messing with chemicals is pretty fun. I just goof with 'em as I please, really. Otherwise, uh... Being with Mercy is always fun. I love that. Does that count as a pastime? Or maybe decorating my parlor! I love to decorate stuff in general, really.

172: Do you have any hobbies?

Well, I mentioned the doodling thing. Uhhh... I guess... I read stuff? I don't know if reading is a hobby, but I do that. I dunno, my main life is more interesting than my hobbies, haha.

173: Do you collect things?

Oh hell yeah! I have two main collections: Fake skeletons and porcelain dolls. And yes, I decorate my parlor with them all the time. I also love collecting old memorabilia, especially tropical-themed memorabilia. Oh, oh, and stickers. Especially glittery stickers, I love collecting those.

174: What is your favourite colour?

Ooooh... Either toxic waste green (Like my eyes), or purple. Just... Just purple in general, haha.

175: What is your favourite food? What is your least favourite food?

Well, my favorite food is easy! I love eggs! Seriously. I will kill a man for a single hard-boiled egg. I'm ruthless. ...Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, haha. But still, I love 'em! And least favorite food... I'm not a fan of vegetables, just in general. And technically most fruits, though some I'm fine with (like pineapples and coconuts, haha). Sorry, I'm a pure carnivore, haha.

176: What is your favourite drink? Do you have a least favourite drink?

Oooh... Well, my favorite drink is eggnog, hands down. I make this fantastic lactose-free eggnog and it's just... Delicious, fuck. Least favorite... Well, I'm not usually picky on my beverages. I guess probably milk, considering... Y'know, lactose intolerance?

177: What kind of music do you like?

Uh... Uhhhh.... Uhhhhhhhhh... Fuck, shit, fuck, what genre would you even classify my favorite music as aaaaaaaaa

Well, I like bossa nova! And really anything with that sorta feel, the kinda music you'd expect to listen to on a tropical getaway. And like 50's style music, that's always fun. I also like... Well, uh, I guess it'd be considered avant-pop? ...Yeah, sure, let's go with that.

178: Do you have a favourite song?

Oh, but of course! I have a whole playlist of favorites, actually!

179: Is there a particular type of music that you can't stand?

Not... Really? I guess really mainstream modern pop is kinda not my cup of eggnog, but it depends.

180: Do you like to read? If so, what kind of books do you prefer?

Yeah, I do like reading! I mainly like to read case studies and such that are just really bizarre, y'know? Like, tell me how this tiny town just vanished in literally a night, or how this other city suffered from weird supernatural-esque attacks. I love it, crave it even. I also really like mystery novels and, uh... Well... Wellll...


...Vampire lit. Give me bloodsucking bastards, please. I love 'em.

181: Do you have an interest in art (paintings, sculpture, etc.)?

Yeah, I do. I like art, especially the more abstract and weird kinds. Like, put me in front of a piece of art that'll make me question reality or something, that's my style.

182: What kind of mass entertainment do you prefer (theatre, sports, live music, etc.)?

I mean... I mean, there's some great musicals out there, so theatre is fun... Especially vampire-themed musicals, I love those... And live music is always SUPER fun. Like concerts? Hell yeah.

183: Do you like to get dressed up, or do you prefer casual wear?

I absolutely prefer casual, please. Formal-wear sucks. And yes, it is 100% because there's often required pants. And like... I can kinda weasel my way out of it by wearing dresses and skirts and shit, but who says I want to?

Besides... Haha, okay, so you know how I mentioned that whole detective show I would watch when I was younger? Well... Let's just say the protagonist inspired me a lot in my fashion choices, minus the pants. He always wore Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses on top of his head. And I gotta say, he inspired the hell out of me. I aspired to be him. So I started emulating his fashion style and adopted his whole daring, won't-back-down-from-a-dare attitude. Granted, I sorta, uh... Sorta developed from there in my style and personality. But still, my casual wear is a sorta comfort mechanism nowadays. So I don't really like getting out of it.

184: Which is your favourite season and why?

Fall, for two reasons. One... Leaves are pretty. Two, October is during fall. October has Halloween. Enough said.

185: What is your favourite topic of conversation?

Anything in line with my interests, probably. 

186: Is there anything that truly bores you to tears?

Oh, absolutely. There's plenty of stuff that bores me like that. Mainly, like... Political stuff, for one. And petty drama. Among a lot of other stuff.

187: What is your most treasured possession?

My collar, for sure. It's kinda... Well, I talked about it. It was kinda the one thing that went with me, no matter where I went in my life.

188: If you could have one thing, anything in the world, what would it be (any physical thing)?

A lifetime supply of eggs. Oooh, or maybe an all-expenses paid vacation to a tropical island resort with Mercy! Haha, I'd love that.

189: Do you like living where you are now?

I mean, uh... Ehhh.... There's good and bad things about it, haha.

190: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live?

Somewhere warm, sunny, and tropical. Like a nice cabana right off the coast where I can unwind and enjoy.

191: How do you prefer to travel?

Either walking or by car, usually. If I'm going far distances, which I never do, I'd just go on a plane.

192: Do you drink alcohol?

Yeah, sometimes. I mean, I don't drink to the point of addiction, but I enjoy a drink or two here and there.

193: Do you smoke?

No thanks, smoking isn't really my thing.

194: Do you use drugs?

Uhhhh... Uhhhhhhhhhh...

What are you, a cop??

But no, not regularly at least. I've gotten high a few times before, but it ain't anything I try to do on the daily or anything. And even then, I never go for the hard stuff. Too many risks, not enough reward.

195: Do you solicit prostitutes?

Nah, that's not really my thing. If I see any though, I do like to give 'em a little bit of cash anyways. Just to help 'em out, y'know?

196: How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

Typical Saturday night... Usually I'd be with Mercy doing who-knows-what. Probably out at the bar to celebrate the weekend with a drink, or doing some petty crimes, or something fun. Or we'll just be in cuddling, haha.

197: How do you spend a rainy day?

Depends on what day it is. Usually I'll be working, otherwise... Nothin' like cuddling and listening to the rain, am I right?

198: How do you deal with stress? Is there anything you do to help you relax (play music, take a hot bath, drink, etc.)?

Haha, well... L-Like I said, I don't get stressed. So. No need to relax! ...But I like to visualize myself being on a tropical island. Like I have this little kiddie pool and a bag of sand on stand-by at all times. I set up the pool with sand and put my feet in. And I put on some nice music and island ambiance to set the mood, make myself some sort of drink like a Piña Colada, and just chill. 

199: Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny?

Pffft, I can find almost everything funny. So naturally, I laugh a lot. Even at my own jokes.

200: Is there anything in particular that shocks or offends you?

Hahaha, no. Offense isn't something I regularly feel.

201: What are your pet peeves?

Okay, so the crying thing? I think that fits here. It really is a peeve of sorts, haha.


202: What is your greatest strength as a person?

Probably my intelligence? I'm a genius, I just don't act like it, haha.

203: What is your greatest weakness as a person?

Oooh... Well, others would probably think it's my recklessness or supposed lack of empathy, but I'm not so sure about that. Rather, I think it comes in the form of my bad memory.

204: Do you generally think with your head or your heart?

Head moreso than heart. I tend to go based on logic and not emotion, so...

205: Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

Eh... Depends on the situation? I can swing either way.

206: What kind of personal qualities do you most respect in others?

Dependability and loyalty. I respect people who will be there for you, even in bad circumstances. Not... N-Not leave you at your worst.

207: Do you have those qualities?

I'd like to think I do, at least. I sure as hell don't wanna abandon anyone, so...

208: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Easy. I'd probably make myself less emotionally inept. And I don't necessarily mean in an empathetic sense. Rather, I'd make it so I can actually sort through my own emotions and not be clueless about how they even work. Because smoothing over that little bump in the road would theoretically help me relate to others emotionally better as well. Or I'd make my memory sharper, but at the same time... At the same time, there's a lot of shit I don't want to remember. So I think it's best the way it is.

209: Do you consider yourself to be attractive?

Absolutely. I'm gorgeous and I know it. Even if no one else does, haha.

210: Do you like yourself?

Eh, for the most part. I'm well off enough about myself, y'know. 

211: Do you consider yourself to be a good person?

Hell no. But I also don't necessarily consider myself a bad person. I'm... A neutral person, I suppose I could put it.

212: What do other people say is your best quality?

Huh... Y'know, I've never thought to ask. I dunno. Maybe my humor? Or my wit, haha.

213: What do other people say is your worst quality?

I can assume probably the fact that I'm reckless and emotionally inept? But again, I've never thought to ask.

214: How would you say people view you as a person, generally?

No clue. I don't think I have a very high public opinion. And quite honestly? I don't really care. I don't live to please.

215: Do you care what others think of you?

Not really, no. I, uh... I don't think, haha.

216: What three words would you choose to best describe your personality?

Humorous. Reckless. Smart.    

217: What three words would others probably use to describe you?

I. Don't. Care.


218: Choose a person you know well. It could be a family member, friend, romance partner, mentor, rival, enemy, or anything else as long as they have had a major impact on your life. I am going to ask you several questions about them.

Ooh, okay! Uhhh... Let's go with Mercy!

219: Who are they to you (friend, mentor, enemy, etc.)?

He's my sweet, amazing partner!

220: Who are they in general (their occupation, social status, place in the world, etc.)?

He's a doctor, obviously! And he's the best damn doctor around. I love him so much, haha.

221: Tell us what he or she looks like.

He's a tiny, mostly-yellow cat with a wacky tail. He's smelly, like the finest formaldehyde, and I can't get enough of him. He's... Well, I guess the best way I can describe him is... He's like a perfectly preserved skeleton. With all those pearly-white bones, so pretty... He's the kind of skeleton archaeologists would fight over.

222: Give us a general impression of their personality.

Well... He's a fun guy, to say the least. Humorous as all hell, he loves getting into trouble with me. He's just a wacky little weirdo. And I love him for it. 

223: What are this person's goals? Do these goals coincide or conflict with yours?

Well... I dunno if he's got goals nowadays. He used to, and I helped him with 'em. But now... I got no clue, haha.

224: What is your general opinion of this person?

He's my favorite person in the whole world. No, I'm not kidding. Yes, that includes dead people. He's always there for me, and I'm always there for him. We got each other, and it's great.

225: How did you meet this person, or, if you've known them your whole life, what is your earliest memory of them?

Well... He waltzed into Oblivion's Cabana one day wanting to ask me some questions. And who am I to refuse the little cutie? So I went to greet him, kinda sniffed his fluff, and... Well, I didn't know it at the time, but I fell for him in that very moment, haha. I criticize the idea of love at first sight, but with him... With him, I think it happened.

226: How did your relationship develop into what it has become (how did you become friends, partners, enemies, etc.)?

Well, we were working together a lot, y'know. We were getting to be friends, and... Well, eventually I was finally able to puzzle out my feelings, then we had the whole date thing, and... Well, here we are now, haha.

227: Have you always had this kind of relationship with them, or was it different at some point? If so, how did your relationship change?

Do you mean, like... Did we hate each other or something? Because no, we were always pretty friendly with each other.

228: How often do you see this person?

Every day, at the very least! Which is... Yay, haha.

229: Given the choice, would you like to see them more, or less?

More! Haha, if that's even possible.

230: Tell us something good about this person.

He's a total cutie, not to mention he's really smart. Like, probably even smarter than me. Haha, he's incredible.

231: Now tell us something bad about them.

Something bad? Well... Hell, I probably shouldn't, but... He struggles with a lot of vices. And like, I can't criticize, I get it. But sometimes I worry for him, y'know?

232: Have you ever been in direct conflict with this person (in a fight, competition, popularity contest, etc.)?

Uhh... Hell, I dunno, haha. As far as I remember, no.

233: Have you ever worked together with them to achieve a common goal?

Of course! I mean, that was only the reason why we met in the first place!

234: Tell us something you have learned from them?

Well... I guess I learned that... Ha, it's silly, but I learned that not everyone leaves, y'know? Not everyone is gonna just abandon you at your worst and leave you begging for them to come back. Not everyone is gonna forget about your very existence. There are people out there who'll stay and be good to you. And I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful man like Mercy as that person for me.

235: How would you feel if this person were to succeed in life, especially at something you wish to succeed in, yourself?

I'd feel so happy for him! I want him to succeed, and I'd be there to support him the whole way!

236: How would you feel if they were to die?

Right... Right, right, that's the one sad thing about getting close to people. You gotta worry about when they leave. Well... Obviously, I'd fight like hell to make sure he doesn't die before me. Or that we die together, if anything. But, in the event that he does go first... Well, it depends. If it was natural causes, then... Well, that's that. I'd be sad about it, of course. Hell, I'd probably grieve harder than I ever have before. I dunno, I don't think I'd like to see myself at that stage of my life. But I'd live on with him in my memory forever. I know him, he wouldn't want me to stay hung-up and grieving forever. And I'd make sure he doesn't fall to an existence of being forgotten, I'd spread his story everywhere. I'd talk with everyone and anyone about him, make sure everyone remembers his name. But if it was something like murder? Ha... You bet your ass I'm gonna avenge him. Then also spread his story and stuff, haha.

237: What would you do if they were to walk into the room right now?

Sniff his fluff and cuddle with him, hehe.


238: Do you ever want to get married?

Oooh, marriage? Haha... Yeah, yeah I could see myself as a spouse. And I could sure as hell see him as a husband. Especially as MY husband. I dunno when, but... One day it could be fun!

239: Do you want children?

Hell no. Sorry, I'm not interested.

240: Do you have a lifelong dream?

I dunno, really. If I had one in the past, I've long-since forgotten it, haha.

241: What goal do you most want to achieve within the next year?

Hmmm... No clue.

242: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Still in Oblivion's Cabana with my sweetie.

243: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Hmmm... Dunno. Maybe finally starting to get the means to move to some pretty island.

244: Where do you see yourself in twenty years?

Hopefully sitting on the shores of a lovely beach, sipping a piña colada and watching the sunset with Mercy.

245: What is your most cherished fantasy?

The island thing, for sure. I want a tropical paradise to get away to, dammit.

246: If you had the opportunity to do anything with your life, and you had absolute assurance that you would succeed, what would you do?

Make this cherished fantasy come true with Mercy!

247: If you could choose, how would you want to die?

Hmmm... I dunno. Never thought about it. Probably in some sorta cool way.

248: What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death?

Haha, I just want everyone to know every tiny, excruciating detail, y'know? I want to leave 'em disturbed once I'm gone, haha.

249: If you had the chance to live part of your life over again, what is the one thing you would choose to do differently?

I wouldn't do anything differently, honestly. Why risk butterfly-effecting into...  I dunno, never meeting Mercy or something? It was shitty, but I like where I'm at now.

250: Why have you decided to live your life the way you do?

I dunno. Because it's fun, life is short, and I wanna live how I like, haha. That's a good reason, right?