Strangers in the Night

3 years, 9 months ago

The stranger wasn't meant to be there...but Haraka was bored (and perhaps just a little lonely), so she would indulge him.

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It was always a spectacle when the Memory Keepers came to visit. Haraka couldn't blame her pridemates for getting excited; it was a break from the often monotonous routine of their day-to-day lives, and the festivities could be quite enjoyable.

But tonight, Haraka was ticked off. If she was honest with herself, she was being silly; she was working herself into a tizzy over something insignificant. And yet, when she saw Cuore with Ruka, despite knowing that Ruka was happy (and faithful) to her mate, Haraka couldn't help but feel a flash of anger (and maybe some jealousy).

At least her typical attitude of sticking to herself as opposed to intermingling with the rest of the pride and getting close to them meant no one questioned her decision to isolate herself. It also was what allowed her to notice the specter lurking in the shadows.

Curious, the red and gray lioness approached, quickly noting that whoever they were, they were not a member of the Isle of Roses. "You know, strangers aren't generally welcomed around here." She scoffed a little at his carefree response, but she couldn't deny that his smile was certainly charming. When he prompted her for her name, Haraka glanced once back to her pridemates; there was Cuore, speaking with Maji and smiling. With new resolve, she turned back to Atlas and offered him her own small smile. It wasn't all that magnificent; if anything, the smile just was further proof that she was not one to smile often. "I'm Haraka. What brings you here?"

Spoon's portion here.