[CC] Grand Display: Isabella + Zuri

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
3 2139

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

Dragons must undergo thorough courtship traditions before others will be interested in breeding with them. The Grand Display pushes their skills to the limit, ensuring only the finest of Dragons will go on to breed. Each element has their own traditions to impress others of their kind, though this same practice can dissuade their opposing element from breeding. Regardless of this, achieving their own element’s Grand Display is a dream of every growing dragon, and they are eager to enter into the ceremony as soon as permitted.

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Author's Notes

Before they can impress potential mates, they must earn the respect of an elemental dragon matching their own element which has already passed through the Grand Display. This dragon should also not belong to the same player as the dragon going through the trial. Depict your dragon fighting its companion for this prompt! You may choose to portray the dragons using their elemental magic, even if they have not unlocked those abilities yet. Alternatively, show the dragon impressing its companion with a mastery of their element.

Strength Trial

The falcon flew high above the desert, the sun heated rocks providing perfect thermals for it to soar, its sharp gaze scanning the area below, ignoring the two bipedal dragons that crossed the scorched sands towards another pair of dragons in the distance, his interest was on the small rodents and prey below.

Isabella nosed around the sands, keeping an eye out for anything pretty to take home, the dragon beside her just as curious around the scattered boulders, because you never knew where something shiny was been hidden. "They're here." Yuka said, waving a claw at the fast approaching pair; Isabella looked up, staring at the white hooded dragon as he neared, he like her was here to prove his strength... though he didn't seem comfortable with it. "Hi." She said cheerily, as they slowed down, the other female. "Morning." the female responded, pushing the albino over towards Yuka, before heading away, Isabella followed, her raptor claws tapping the ground as she looked over Xhevahire, who was larger than her. Suddenly the female turned lunging for Isabella, and she hissed, darting out of the way..

Zuri was hesitant, not because of the other dragon who he smiled at, but because of the trial, he hated fighting.... and he somehow had to prove his strength... Yuka inched closer, resting against him in reassurance. "Not a fighter huh?" she asked and he nodded. "Well.... lets go test your stength in another way then." She loped off, Zuri flared his hood slightly, and looked at where Vee was chasing the other dragon, Isabella if he remembered correctly. He followed the female some distance away, where the sands shifted to a more rocky area; desert shrubs somehow clinging to them. "Ooookay." Yuka chirped, looking around. "Theres some gems somehwere around here, i want you to find them." she grinned, settling on a rock. Zuri blinked. "Umm... sure?" Quite how that was meant to show his strenth he didn't know... but at least he wasn't fighting. Next to him Yuka grinned.....

Isabella rolled under the older females legs, noting the sandstone affect that covered both limbs, her chest heaved as she did everything she could to simply avoid the larger dragoness's attacks, though she knew she couldn't run, hissing herself, she slammed her tail into the powerful hind legs of the other, then halted hearing the sound. She hadn't meant to hurt the other, then she spotted the faint green tint to the dragon, magic, she must of reinforced that part of her leg to minimize the damage. the tail ratlled, and Isabella jumped back, dodging the snap. That magic.... it gave her an idea... charging forward, she drew on it herself,..... and barreled into the other female, the force resounding through the desert as Vee stood her ground, dispelling the magic through the earth... for a few moments the two were locked... but eventually the sands gave below the larger female, and she stumbled. "You okay?" Isabella asked as Vee struggled back to her feet. "I'm fine." came the response. "Think you proved yourself, lets see how Zuri and Yuka are getting along."

Zuri nosed around the area, trying to find these gems that Yuka was after, and the earth... it was so compacted that he made no progress by digging; suddenly the earth shifted beneath the shockwave of magic. "Oh." He realised, resting his front paws on the earth. he closed his eyes, feeling for the gems, there.... deep below the compacted earth... as well as what felt like water, a underground spring. He wanted the gems, but he had no wish to disturb the spring, it likely fed a river elsewhere. Pulling on his magic, the earth shifted, slowly it moved, becoming easier to dig; Zuri was aware of Vee and Isabella joining Yuka, but he concentrated on the area around him, pulling and shifting the rocks and dirt, green covering the area. Digging in the now plaible earth, he collected the gems, holding them in his jaw as he returned to earth to what it was, compacted and stable, and only then did he pass the gems to Yuka, who grinned at him. "Good." Vee nuzzled him gently, and next to her Isabella grinned. He smiled back at her. One trial done, another two to go.

Author's Notes

WC: 716
Terrain: Earth
Isabella with companion Xhevahire
Zuri with companion Yuka