[CC] Grand Display: Isabella + Zuri

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
3 2139

Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

Dragons must undergo thorough courtship traditions before others will be interested in breeding with them. The Grand Display pushes their skills to the limit, ensuring only the finest of Dragons will go on to breed. Each element has their own traditions to impress others of their kind, though this same practice can dissuade their opposing element from breeding. Regardless of this, achieving their own element’s Grand Display is a dream of every growing dragon, and they are eager to enter into the ceremony as soon as permitted.

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Author's Notes

To complete the Providence Trial, your dragon must prove that they can provide for a family. Show them fulfilling one of the following prompts:

Finding an amazing deep sea treasure.
Gathering or hunting a feast.
Having a daring adventure through an unexplored cave.

Providence Trial

The cavern entracnce was a welcome sight after the struggles of their flexibility trial, the cool stable earth both dragons revelled in, and while they could now both swim..... it was definetely a if needed skill.

"Sooo, what do you think is in there?" Isabella asked, her claw tapping the ground thoughtfully, she was eager to see if there was anything shiny in its depths. it wasn't a very large entrance, all but hidden amongst the overgrown vines and greenery, infact, they'd all but missed it as they approached the mountains, a chance glance at the correct angle had caught both youngsters attention. It felt natural though, and while it may of been explored at some point, it certainly hadn't been touched in recent years.... either that or a jungle dragon had had some fun.

Zuri flared his hood, tongue flicking out as he considered it, it was likely only just large enough for them if they went in one at a time. "Maybe some emeralds? or other gems." He responded wistfully, with as many eath dragons as Meiron had... gemstones were a rare treat. Isabella nodded, before pacing slowly forward, Zuri followed her, though he made sure she had plenty of room should something happen.

The tunnel in was snug, but both dragon got through with no mishaps.... but they soon realised why the tunnel was overgrown, once inside the cavern, the sides dropped into a deep underground chasm; if they'd been going any quicker, they could of fallen off. Isabella peered over the edge, the sound of water echoing in the depths, and a faint glow from the bottom... that gently caught small chunks of emeralds scattered around the walls. "Think we can get down?" Zuri asked, Isabella nodded, having spotted some larger outcrops of rocks. "If we use them as stepping stones." She responded, eager and excited about what was at the bottom.

Hop, skip and a jump, it took time (and some very careful footwork) but eventually they made it down, and both stared at the pool of water that bubbled, around it bioluminescent mushroom gleamed, a stunning blue that lit the area, vines covering the rocks around it... and scatterings of tiny emeralds here and there, interspaced between the stalagmites that jutted up from the sandy ground around the pool.

Zuri nosed the tiny gems, they were lovely... but.... not very big. "There may be more further in?" The white dragon said, his pelt a pale blue in the glow from the mushrooms, his attention on another tunnel that led from the pool, his companion nodded (after collecting a few of the tiny stones, they were pretty). Zuri led this time, though the tunnel was large enough for them to both to fit side by side, several times they followed a split which led to a dead end, but finally they found one which led to a large cavern... and large clusters of precious stones. "Pretty" Isabella commented, darting over to the nearest, there was minimal light, but she was sure it was amethyst. Zuri hesitated tongue flicking out... the clusters were natural... but the large pile of other shiny trinkets in the middle was most certainly now.

Carefully he waved his way over to a large loose emerald, picking it up gently, but he kept his eye on the hoard in the middle, and where Isabella was; finally though they both had a rather large colletion of gems. "I'd call this a success." Isabella said around a mouthful of ameythyst, Zuri nodded and with one last look at the hoard in the middle, he slipped back into the tunnel that led to the spring, and eventually back to the surface.

Behind them, a great slitted eye opened peering out though the pile of trinkets, gleaming in the faint light, before closing once again to return to its slumber.

Author's Notes

Terrain: Earth