A Harsh Lesson

4 years, 26 days ago

Explicit Violence

Seraph and Darrell meet back up for the first time in a long while. WARNING, BAD LANGUAGE USED HERE! BAD GUY SAYS BAD WORDS! You've been warned.

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Lightning crackled across the sky as rain poured upon the city of Andorough. A twisted city trying to better itself, held back by it's own corrupted systems. Night is well upon it, lights twinkling in the rain. Dripping down the concrete jungle to it's rocky floor, where our hero and villain of the night reside.
Seraph, lying in the fetal position on the cold unforgiving ground, groans in pain as several officers stand over his body. Closest to him stands the imposing lieutenant of the force, Darrell. A terrible man known for his cruelty.
"Get up." The man would order, the other cops looking at him in confusion.
"W'r not done yet, get the fuck up now. You don't get to run up to me n' double over like that."
Seraph winced as he stood back up, clutching his battered stomach. Even though there was a mask between them, it was clear as day that he was glaring at the cop. Gas raises from his skin, struggling due to the rain but still enough to be visible. With a cough, Seraph stumbled forward a fair bit.
"I'll ask you once... Where's Jay you son of a bitch." Seraph's raspy voice creeped out of his mask.

Darrel frowned. "That it? Is that seriously all you came here for? To risk your hide showin' your ugly ass to me on a fleetin' glimpse that I know where Jay is? God you're as retarded as your dipshit parents-" Darrell spit his venom, being met with Seraph lunging at him at the mere mention of parents. Slamming his fist into Darrell's smug face. The other cops respond, pulling their guns out, stopping at Darrell holding his hand up. Touching the spot he was punched a fair few times before looking back up at him.
"No. I don't know where your boyfriend is, nor do I care. What matters now is that I have a Criminal here who just Assaulted an Officer on Duty." Darrell would sneer, his glare piercing through Seraph tenfold before mirroring his foe. Giving a harsh Punch to the face, knocking him over.

Seraph was in a state of mental disarray from the encounter, emotions aflurry, thus was in no real position to fight back. Darrell continued his assault, kicking and stomping the masked man. Digging his heels into Seraph's body.
"I don't know what the fuck sorta turf war between yew and that Jay faggot was, but thing is. In this city, it ain't happenin. Yew ain't gonna be burnin' this place down like ya did the last one. Yew ain' gonna be a massive fuckin' Thorn In My SIDE." Punctuated with an extra hard stomp to the head. Knocking Seraph out.
As Seraph's head collided with the ground once more, Darrell took a step back, breathing a little uneven. With a final spit onto the unconscious man, he turned heel and made for the car. The other cops going to him.
"Don't bother, if he's smart, he'll run anyway. Shitstain ain' got the spine. Bigger fish to fry anyway. Get Moving." He'd order, pulling a cigarette and lighting it. Leaving Seraph in the increasing downpour.