Gustclan Post 9

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
7 913

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

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Chapter 1

Heronstar curled tight around her two tiny newborn kits. One a beautiful gingery-brown, the other a just-off-white colour. They were both boys, and they were both beautiful. She was sure that anyone who saw them would agree, and that that wasn’t motherly bias. They really were, with their still-shut eyes and (even she would admit) weirdly folded ears, still completely adorable.

Heronstar looked up as Chubtail entered her den, and she was sure he instantly realised the kits had arrived by the look of happiness he seemed to instantly adopt at seeing her.

“They’re all healthy? 18 toes, 2 eyes, a tail, everything in place?” Heronstar nodded hugely, and Chubtail bounded straight over to join his family, curling around his mate and kits. “They’re both beautiful!”

“Both beautiful toms. What are we going to call them?”

Chubtail got a proud look on his face. “I always liked sun-dews. They eat insects, even though they’re plants- a kit named after them would be so good at hunting that nothing could stop him, I feel.”

“We can’t call him sun-dewkit! But… There’s another name I heard for them before… Drosera?”

“I like Droserakit.” Heronstar beamed at her mate as he said that. She did too. “What about the other kit?”

“I like a few options. I was thinking of Saxifrage at some point, after those tiny white flowers, or Squill, but I don’t think either suits him. Maybe Mistletoe? Sheep? Shell? But if his brother has a meaning to his name, he should too.”

“Shell could have a meaning. Good at defending himself… at home in water… er…” Heronstar snorted at his attempts to come up with a similar level of meaning for it. She nodded.

“I like Shellkit.” Chubtail beamed wide and gave his mate a lick, followed by each of his sons.

Harrierpelt came in a second later. He raised his eyebrows at having walked in at such a scene of affection, not entirely comfortable. “Do they have names I can tell the others, then?”

“Shellkit and Droserakit.”