Ambiguous Alternatives

3 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
6 7614 1

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

Unrelated drabbles set in various AUs Setting and warnings will be listed in each chapter

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Author's Notes

Setting: Gijinka/Human 

Warnings: Swearing

Betting Odds

Luka was prepared to deal with many things when she woke. She knew the sun would be high in the sky and that there would be a mountain of garbage that needed attention. She knew her pets would need feeding and a walk. She did not expect to see the dirty red leathers of Kanaya’s back as she walked through the apartment as if she paid the rent. 

Muddy footprints marred the normally white wooden floor, the trail ending under Kanaya’s boots. Clumps of dirt still clung to her heels and ankles - that combined with the number of boot prints on her floor told Luka that Kanaya had not been wandering around her home for long. The hunter had not even removed her bow or quiver. 

"Really Kanaya?" She gripped from her position in her bedroom doorway. "Is it impossible for you to not trek half the forest floor into my home?"

Kanaya did not bother to even turn to look at her. Instead, holding up her middle finger over her shoulder. 

Claws scuttled on the wooden floorboards as Melody darted between Luka's legs to charge at Kanaya. There was barely a stutter in her strides as she caught the mutt mid arm with a single arm, cradling her close to her chest as Melody wanted.

Delta yawned loudly from her position on the sofa. Her attention now caught, Luka focused a glare on her other pet. 

"Some guard dog you are." She grumbled. "You can't even keep Kanaya at bay."

The woman in question laughed as she spun around on her heels - no doubt grinding the dirt further into her floor boards, thank you oh so much for that. Melody leapt from her arms, trotting over to the sofa to bother her sister instead. 

"Ain't a thing in this world that can keep me out." Boasted Kanaya as she opened her arms wide. 

"Like a goddamn cockroach." Luka grumbled as she shook her head. 

Ignoring the boisterous laughter of her friend, Luka bumbled her way into her small kitchen. If she had to be up this early, then she was going to have at least three cups of coffee first. A shift of fabric alerted her to Kanaya’s movement as she clicked the coffee maker on. A quick glance over her shoulder confirmed her suspicions. 

"Get your ass off of my counter." She demanded. 

A pointless action - both of them knew if Kanaya wanted to sit on the counter, then Kanaya was going to sit on the counter, consequences be damned. But Luka still went through the motions if only to vent her frustrations. The coffee maker clicked once more and her sweet caffeine nectar was ready. She ignored the snigger from behind her, choosing instead to chug the scalding beverage. Mug refilled and the effects already beginning to course through her veins, Luka finally turned to face her home invader. Kanaya grinned wildly, showing her too sharp teeth. Combined with the pale scars that cut through her face and the expanses of olive skin that were visible under her leathers made her appear wild and dangerous - a stark contrast to the soft and neutral colours of the kitchen around her. 

"What are you doing here?" She demanded before taking a deep gulp of the fresh mug of coffee. 

"Can't a girl drop by a friend while she's in the area?" 

Kanaya’s response seemed reasonable enough but Luka wasn't buying it - there was no reason that she could see for Kanaya to be in the area in the first place. There were no parties planned, no festivals - things that usually attracted the red party animal. None of their mutual friends were visiting the city either so there was no way they had asked her to come. 

Luka snorted into her coffee with a roll of her eyes. 

"Yeah right, try pulling the other one."

Seemingly not in the mood for a fight, Kanaya shrugged before answering. 

"Your place is a great fucking vantage point."

Coffee mug froze half way to Luka's mouth. 

"The fuck?" 

Kanaya slid off of the counter top - finally - and Luka watched as she stalked her way over to the large balcony. Following behind her leisurely and remaining silent as Kanaya leaned forwards, resting her weight on her elbows on the barrier as she looked down at the busy market center below. Luka waited patiently, taking the occasional sip of her coffee, until Kanaya spoke once more. 

"I'm here to shoot a guy in the dick." She declared. 

Luka blinked a few times. 

"... Okay. While I'm not surprised you want to shoot a guy in the dick - why come all the way here to do it?" 

"I told this dickhead 'I see your ugly mug in Fen's town again and Imma shoot you in your dick'. Then when I went to visit Fen, the fucker was sniffing around. He saw me and bolted. So I tracked him down, all the way here. Stupid bitch probably thinks he can hide from me in the crowds. Jokes on him - I'm the best shot in all of Aurora Land."

"I doubt that." Luka scoffed as she moved to stand beside the other female. 

Kanaya rose from her elbows, choosing to grip the barrier with her hands instead. Her eyes burned at the obvious challenge. 

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet on that?" She goaded. 

"Absolutely." Luka accepted confidentially. "Forty wings says you can't hit that geezer's hat."

She pointed down to an individual in the market, Kanaya’s gaze following. The man wore a simple straw hat - awfully ugly, but easy to spot in the crowd. 

"Alright - fifty wings says I can." Kanaya countered. 

The two slapped their hands into a hand shake. 

In one swift motion, Kanaya pulled her faithful bow from her back and an arrow from her quiver. The arrow was nocked. Kanaya leaned over the barrier. Bow string pulled taunt. Her breathing seemed to stop entirely. Her entire world shrinking down to just her and her target. 

She released the arrow. 

Screams of terror and confusion erupted from the market. The crowds parted as everyone panicked, running for the nearest exit to the maze of stalls. High above them, Kanaya smirked triumphantly. Luka followed her gaze. Her arrow - easily identified by its bright fletching that even Luka could see from the balcony - was embedded in the wooden post of one market stall. 

"I don't fucking believe it." Luka stared in disbelief. 

From the arrow, still swaying slightly, was the god awful straw hat. 

A toothy grin spread across Kanaya’s face as she held out her hand, palm up. 

"I fucking told you. Fifty wings, pay up." She gloated, twitching her fingers. 

With a groan, Luka turned her head skywards. But a bet's a bet, and Luka would honour it. 

She paused as she turned to get her purse. 

"Hey. Wanna put your aim to the test with some of those rigged fairground games?" 

The wild grin she got in return was enough of an answer for her.