Ambiguous Alternatives

3 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
6 7614 1

Entry 5
Published 3 years, 29 days ago

Unrelated drabbles set in various AUs Setting and warnings will be listed in each chapter

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Author's Notes

Setting: Gijinka/Human - Teacher

A Glance

"Sorry for the inconvenience, Ms. Grayson." Apologised a hoarse voice on the other end of the telephone. "I won't be able to pick the twins up today-" 

The voice was cut off by a harsh fit of rough coughing. Theta winced in sympathy. 

"That's quite alright, Mr. De Serio." She reassured him in a voice typically reserved for her students. "Will someone be coming to pick them up on your behalf?" 

"Y-Yes." He managed to stutter before he cleared his throat. "Their older sister; Skyla, will pick them up after she finishes work. She won't be there for at least another half an hour. Is that alright-" Another cough cut him off. "For you to watch them until she gets there?" 

"Of course, the twins are no trouble at all. You get better soon, Mr. De Serio."

The twins were no trouble at all, just as Theta had predicted. Echo played happily with the wooden building blocks, building tall towers then delighting in knocking them over. Pepper on the other hand, just sat to one side, quietly watching her sister - occasionally her clever eyes would slide over to their teacher. 

Like they were now. 

The focused, orange stare was enough to unnerve anyone - even Theta who was somewhat used to her intense stares. Pepper was a smart child. Not only was she the smartest in Theta’s class, but she was the top student of her entire year. Theta was proud of course to see her student doing so well, but sometimes she worried. A student so smart could see right through her and the last thing she wanted was her secret discovered. 

The distant slam of a door provided a welcome distraction as Pepper tore her eyes away from Theta. Heavy foot fall echoed down the corridor. Theta stood to open the door and have a quick word with whomever was on the other side. But a harsh voice in an almost hushed whisper caused her to freeze. 

"I don't care how stubborn he's being." Growled the voice. "I'm busy - No I won't come down just to make that damn cuckoo sing for you."

Theta's hand curled around the door handle. 

"Break his fingers." The voice continued. "Then he'll talk."

She all but threw the door open. 

The white corridor was occupied by a single woman - shorter than herself, with dark skin. The woman looked up in shock, mismatched eyes meeting her own. 

"I have to go." She said down the mobile phone that was pressed to her ear. 

She clicked it off without waiting for a response from the poor soul on the other end. 

Her figure, while short, was the complete opposite of dainty. At first glance, Theta had assumed it was just the punkish, studded leather jacket that was making her appear in such a way but the way she moved and held herself gave her the impression that her strength was not an illusion. 

Mobile phone and hands were shoved into jean pockets as the woman crossed the width of the corridor in a few strong strides.

"I'm here to pick up my sisters." She announced gruffly. "Dad rang earlier to tell you."

Theta did not trust this woman one bit. She was far too gruff, rough, and plain old dangerous when compared to the gentle mannerisms of Mercutio De Serio. There was no way this was the daughter she was waiting for. 

"And you are?" Theta questioned, far colder than she had intended. 

The woman before her rose a pierced eyebrow but hardly seemed offended. 

She opened her mouth to answer but a shrill and happy cry interrupted her. 

"Skyla!!" Shrieked Echo as she launched herself at the stranger. 

Instantly the stranger caught her, spinning her around before resting her in her arms, so naturally as if she belonged there. She held the young child effortlessly in one arm as she used the other to sign - possibly some kind of greeting? It seemed to please Echo, whatever was said, as the girl giggled and began to babble on about her day, showing the stranger - Skyla - something she held carefully in her hands. 

And Skyla was giving her her full attention. The hostile 'fuck off' attitude she had been emitting before was now completely gone. Instead she had a small, fond smile on her lips, listening with rapture to her younger sister, even as she spoke complete nonsense. 

Behind Theta, someone cleared their throat. 

The teacher moved to one side, allowing Pepper to exit. The young girl had her bag secure on her back, her sister's school bag held in one arm. 

"Thank you for watching us, Ms. Grayson." Pepper's voice was monotonous as always. "We will see you tomorrow."

Theta could only stand there, dumbly and numbly giving a small wave, as the girl reached up and took Skyla's free hand. The trio leaving without a backwards glance. 

Something in her gut told her that her life just took a strange turn. 

Author's Notes

Characters, in order of appearance;




