Heart to Heart

3 years, 9 months ago
736 1

Late Autumn Y771 NA

Issachar, his dam and her new fawn travel to Redwater. His dam has a special request for Issachar.

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“Keep up, Issachar.”

His mother slowed as they walked through the fog, a small fawn stuck to her side, peaking back to his brother as their mother called to him. Issachar was woken up far too early for this, but his mother asked so nicely for an escort to Redwater. He knew it was just her way of getting him to spend more time with his kid brother. His mother was a strong warrior when she was in her prime! She was retired now, working as a herbalist, but he was sure that deep down she was still as strong as ever.

Issachar trotted faster up to his mother's side, keeping vigilant of their surroundings. Light flurries of snow were starting to fall again. Dotting the evergreens in white. The perfect cover for wolves to ambush. A light nudge at his side pulled him back to what he was doing. He glanced down to the fawn at his side, bright shining eyes filled with wonder stared back up at him.

"I want to be like you one day, Issa." Yue chirped. A tinge of pride filled Issachar before he gently nudged the fawn back.

"Really? Then you have to always listen to mom. Obedience is key to becoming a great warrior like me." Issachar said proudly offering a little advice to the fawn. Of course at his age, he realized it was unlikely it would be followed. "Perhaps when you are older I can train you like my father trained me."

"But what if mom is wrong-" Yue mumbled, feeling peering eyes staring down at him. Issachar rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Mother is never wrong. Her judgment is sound and she always knows what's best for us." Issachar said lightly a hoof gently kicking one of Yue's.

"Even if she is wrong, I'm sure my judgment has reasoning behind it." Their mother hummed wisely glancing over to her oldest. Issa nodded in agreement, eyes going back to their path in front of them. Trees slowly thinned as they reached the edge of the lake. Yue ran ahead excited to dip into the cool waters. Issachar stayed back walking beside his mother as she went along the banks.

"You've been quiet." The doe said softly, nudging some dirt with her hoof as she searched for materials. "I heard of your plan to join the raiders."

Issachar swallowed hard kicking at the dirt. It was hard to tell from her tone if she approved of it or not. But his mother's calming eyes raising to look over him quelled his fears. "I've been thinking about it. I'm curious to see what's outside of Blackwood. You've told me stories of Glenmore and the Silverthorne, but I want to see these places in person someday." Issachar explained seeming a bit eager to learn more about the outside world. "I'll still be a warrior at heart. Helping the herd in a different way."

His mother stood tall a small smile on her face, "Issa. I support you in whatever you do. You are a great warrior, hopefully, one day and even better raider. But I did drag you out here for a reason, not just to help watch for wolves." She hummed looking off to the lake, watching her fawn kick at the waters. Issa followed her eyes before looking back at her.

"You want me to take care of him?" Issachar said sounding a little confused. She shook her head.

"I don't want to interfere with your goals. But he needs a strong mentor, someone to teach him as I taught you." She explained looking over to her son for his reaction. Issachar hadn't had much experience with fawns. He had been focused on training all his life, even when he was younger he didn't socialize much with the fawns around him. His hoof lightly dug into the dirt. But an order was an order, he felt he could be a good mentor, but never as good as his parents were.

"Of course I can," Issachar said quickly without thinking too hard into it. Eventually, all fawns grow up. Hopefully, by then, Issa would perfectly mentor his brother into being a perfect warrior like himself. He hummed thoughtfully looking to his mother, "I'll take good care of him, mother.” She smiled gently placing her head against his.

“I know you will, Issa. You’ll make us proud.”