Crystal Payback

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
4 3441

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

"With a puff of blue smoke, Davie was back to normal. Actually, normal would be an understatement, because he was fucking pissed. And embarrassed. But mostly pissed. Storming down to the shop, he channelled his anger into the only conclusion he could come up with; spending every morsel in his pockets on whatever random crystals he could grab in a rush. After rudely smacking one of them into the face of some random girl in the hallway and that annoying apple bitch from twitter, he toured through security and engineering to hit some specific targets in the least subtle way possible. He's probably going to catch hell for this later, but whatever. Half of them deserved it."

October 2018, Davie crystal pranks a couple of coworkers; these are the various HCs that followed it!

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Author's Notes

"After taking a quick trip to find Opal and ask for a spare pair of clothes (thank you Opal you are appreciated so much), Lilith's stalking through the halls with a menacing aura. She's going around and getting some stories about what happened first but she'll be finishing up shortly and looking for the culprit :>"

Lilith is angry

readies fists
davies just walking back in from getting taco bell w mikky completely casually

asdfghjk Mikky's getting a front row seat then
So Lilith turns around the corner and instantly his eyes lower dangerously because well look who it is, just the man he was looking for and he starts stomping towards him

he notices the glare and is just like 'ay you alright there bitch?' because he doesnt even know who lilith is pff

So Lilith grits her teeth. "I don't know, you know, considering the fact that a rude goblin came up to me when i was minding my own business and rudely shoved a crystal into my face!"

davie just kinda blinks in confusion but smirks like an asshole. "aw, c'mon, you look fine. it didn't do any damage. can i get back to work now or do you wanna bitch some more?"

Lilith glares up at him. "That's not the point! Not to mention, the poor countless others you reversed! AND the security manager you soured! What did they ever do to you!? Or are you just that much of a rude prick, not having any care or consideration for the others around you!"

he shrugs. "i was in a bad mood."

"Well, congratulations, it must be contagious. Because I'm in a pretty bad mood myself, thanks to an unsufferable pig like you. So, pardon me, but also who cares? Have a taste of your own medicine!" And with that, he pulls his gloved hand out of his pocket and smacks the crystal into his face as hard as he can

after the smoke settled davie looks down at himself and just kind of starts laughing. "buddy. my dude. i'd been WANTING to try this out. you just did me a favor"
hes grinning his insufferable asshole grin

"Sorry to disappoint, but you look just as ugly as before."

"bad tastes then. now move it, pipsqueak." he tries to shove past and get going back inside.

This is where Lilith brings her fist up and punches Davie square in the nose, before kicking his shin as hard as she can.
"The only one with a bad taste is you."

his smirk instantly changes to a snarl as he holds his now bleeding nose. "alright, you fucking asked for it." and jumps back up to tackle her with full force.

Lilith's eyes widen as he stumbles and falls back, but he recovers quickly and starts struggling, rolling them over and punching at him. "It was only a matter of time until someone came to wipe that ugly smug look off your face! I'm just glad i get to do it FIRST!"

he takes a few punches before reaching up and straight up jabbing lilith in the throat and trying to scratch at his face, not really in the talking mood anymore.
the moment davie gets angry he just turns into a hissing cat i swear

Lilith's eyes widen and he coughs, but grits his teeth and bites one of Davie's hands, grabbing the other one and trying to move her leg so she can use it to pin it down.

"You really wanna play that game, fucker?" He spits out, biting Lilith's arm with his terrible pointy goblin teeth

Lilith yelps a bit, before letting go of Davie's arm and slamming his fist into the side of his face. "What do you know, the dog does bite! I thought he was simply all bark!"

davie takes advantage of his now free arm, glaring daggers while reaching up to try and choke lilith with both hands (god im sorry he's so awfully violent aaaa)

Lilith's eyes widen and he claws at Davie's hand, before remembering something she heard about going for someone's eye in this situation and jabbing her fist into his right eye.

davie just swears loudly, clutching his eye with one hand while trying to clock him in the jaw with the left.

Lilith starts taking deep breaths instantly, sounding somewhat relieved. "What the hell?! Did you really just try to strangle me?!" And he moves to grab Davie's arm as he brings it around but still ends up hit. He winces, but returns it with a punch in Davie's jaw, and then goes to follow it up.

davie doesnt answer the question (because it was... probably rhetorical. of course he did, what does it look like?) instead he decides hes getting sick of being the one on the floor, and puts everything into his legs to try and heave them both sideways

Lilith notices but this time doesn't react quick enough, but hell he's not gonna let Davie get on top of him so he quickly gets up and kicks Davie in the side/stomach

ok yeah though Sicily comes around a corner en route from security to break this up and just rolls her eyes because for Sweet's sake and gives one of those loud two-finger whistles on her way over, then takes Lilith by the collar and drags him back away from Davie so Sicily's between them and says "Hey, kids, this isn't a schoolyard, break it up already, yeah?"

Lilith honestly jumps at the whistle and then oh he's being dragged uh- and considering he'd just been choked that might come with an uncomfortable feeling but when he sees it's Sicily, a security worker, he doesn't fight back. He just glares down at Davie. "It was only a matter of time until someone gave this guy what he deserved.... I'm just glad i got to do it first."

davie just tries to spit over sicilys shoulder onto liliths face lmao

Sicily's arm shoots out sideways when Davie spits to keep Lilith from going back towards him and tbh her mouth kinda twitches in an almost-smile bc lmao this is kinda ridiculous but she says "That's enough, both of you. We're all takin' a nice peaceful trip to medical - can you pick yourself up, Davie, or do you need a hand?"

He grumbles but gets himself up easily enough, rage slowly subsiding, but still not in the mood to talk. He just glares daggers at them both and crosses his arms in frustration.

Lilith honestly stepped back, kinda doubting the spit could reach her anyways but stepped back for good measure. He simply glares back, but he's gonna listen to Sicily and not try to instigate another fight.

"Yeah, that's some good progress," Sicily says, not particularly bothered by the dagger-glaring going on. "Lilith, you walk on my right, Davie, you go left, and let's keep things at least silent if not polite, sound good?" She takes them both by the elbow and gives them a light push forward before letting go and walking along the hallway towards medical. "I'll spare you the lecture, you both know what you did."

"I didnt do shit..." Davie mutters, staring straight ahead as they approach medical. Sweet alive, it kind of hurt to talk.

"Yeah right." Lilith scoffs, but puts a hand over her mouth and just stays quiet as they head to Medical.

"Kids," Sicily says with a kinda warning note in her voice, and assuming the conversation leaves off at that she takes them the rest of the way to Medical and probs stays there while they're getting bandaged up to make sure things don't spark again

Lilith probably gets calmer after the silence and as he's getting bandaged up. Doesn't say anything to Davie, mostly just pretends he's not there the whole time.

Davie tried to shrug off the nurse a lot because he hates her but otherwise his mood is kind of improving and seems to be almost happy again tbh.

It probably hits Lilith as the adrenaline wears off that wow he just got into a fight what as Davie's getting fixed up, and that's a shock for him, but at the same time, he looks a little smug and happy herself because he's never had the chance to do that before. He's gonna try not to do it again in the future but it did relieve some pent up anger instead of keeping it inside. Makes a mental note of that and tells himself that he needs to find something that has the same affect of burning energy, but not the same method, which is beating up your local gremlin

LMAO Sicily watches them slowly get happier and is just like 'ok they really shouldn't be happy about this but at least they're in a better mood'
once theyre patched up sicily will probs send lilith off back to work and talk to him separately later about this, it's just davie she's gonna just "Yeah you're going home before anybody else comes for your life, let's go get your stuff"

LOL it'll fade soon most likely, don't worry Sicily, it's just something Lilith's never done before or really ever had the chance of doing so the fact that it's new to him is what what sticks.
Lilith's just like "oooookay, I'll see you another time, Sicily. Thank you for intervening before it got out of hand." And takes his leave and goes throughout the whole day pretending it's a normal work day. doesn't even say anything to Davie still.

Davie doesn't say anything, kind of lost in thought. Looks like the rest of his day will be fine and he can just go home and rest right ( :

LOL right Davie!!!