A Young Vampire

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
4 3945

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Mikhail goes through his hatchery quest, meeting others along the way

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Grown to be a fine young lady, Asherah was excited to finally be able to carry her master through the city. It wasn't her first time outside the temple considering she followed him through all of his lives, but it had been years this time since her emerging into the outside world as he found a place to call home.

Zigzagging through the thin alleyways, it would be far quicker to scan the area from the rooftops, but her rider wanted their outing to be more of an obstacle course. Every now and then she would knock over a trash can, proving that the course was needed, but Shiro had yet to scold her. Merely patting her side in encouragement to be more careful. Yes! She would be far more careful.

Though she wasn't sure about their destination, or if they even had one, Ash followed their directions though. Turning where her rider pointed, and taking them through what she figured was an empty maze at full speed. She rather unfortunately figured her rider was picking their sharp turns based on where there weren't any people able to be heard in the way. Which was true. However, as she became more adept at dodging the trash cans, she'd soon find herself needing to dodge something larger.

“You need to stop with this nonsense, Mikhail. You are drawing quite a bit of attention with your antics at hand.” The older blond haired male scolded the younger appearing male. Cigarette in hand and tossing out smoke before he brought it to his lips to inhale while the other was just rolling his eyes behind his glasses.

Both sat in the safety of the shadows until the sun sank away, umbrellas to the side as they walked there during daylight to discuss think over a cup of coffee that was specially made for the pair of them by a worker inside who also shared their curse.

“But daddy, they get SO mad when I do. It’s so great!” Staring at the other through his shades, the younger male could tell there was no winning this one, huffing as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Turning the rambunctious vegans into vampires shouldn’t be a pass time for you, we can discuss this later though. Make sure to be in before early morning.” Only wanting to make his adopted son happy and raise him right, it had been a battle for many centuries since they became a family.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever....” Watching the light colored noodle come from the blond’s suit, he just got up with his umbrella in hand and left, wanting to be free from the child treatment he very much deserved. Sure, he turned a few humans into vampires, but there was no harm in that! Just a harmless ‘prank’ that his other friends appreciate but his father did not.

Lost in his own thoughts as he traversed farther and farther into the dirtier and more wild area of the city, the young vampire paid little mind to the things around him. Even as he crossed the road, he didn’t even realize he was about to be blind sided until it was too late, head turning at the voice right before he was slammed into.

Purposefully leading his dragon towards the road out of the alleyways, Shiro was fine with a small incident for the sake of training. His darling Ash needed the experience of live interactions, and while he hoped she could dodge accordingly, even if she didn't he raised dragons well versed in the healing arts along with his own spells.

The cards of course were not in Ash's favor as the kitsune told her to turn suddenly. Blinded just long enough by the bright light of the exit, she didn't see the person crossing until it was too late. "L-Look out!" She yelled, flailing her wings out in an attempt to stop. It likely only helping slightly as the three went tumbling together.

The only one expecting such a thing, Shiro was soon leaping from his dragon's back to land gracefully on the sidewalk. White and red robe intact, he merely brushed it off for show, going to inspect the dragon and person he had led to their doom. "Oh my! I'm terribly sorry young master. Are you alright?" Holding out his hand, he offered nothing less than a friendly smile with that proper hint of worry.

Flailing to her own feet, Ash was quick to apologize in a much more frantic tone, seeming properly taken aback by the situation. "I'm so sorry! Very sorry! Are you okay? Are you hurt? My deepest apologies!"

Mumbling himself about how Aurelio, his ‘father’, was so unfair to him. Yeah he was self centered, and he was cruel to those he found annoying, and often would seek revenge for the pettiest of things, and was often called insensitive for not considering the others... But his quick witted tongue and crafty nature got it out of many situations, and his father often praised him for making his own paths in the world. That had to count for something, right?

Thinking so, he was crossing the road at his slow pace while spinning the umbrella. Hearing that call at the last moment though, he froze like a deer in a headlight as he was slammed into. The umbrella toppled a little bit from him as he groaned. Staring up at the dark sky that was starting to gain sparkling stars before he started to sit up and stare at the pair that now worried over their mistakes.

“I’m fine, you should watch where the hell you’re going though.” Taking the others hand, he made sure he had a firm grip on it before pulling the other down to the ground on top of him. All fun and games as he grinned at the other and enjoyed the small revenge. His attention was turned to the fox-like creature though, squinting as he let the other lay or get back up if he so pleased. “What even are you?” He asked the dam in the end.

"Of course, we'll be sure to keep a better eye on our surroundings in the future, won't we?" Still having that perfect smile as he looked over to his dragon with the hand still extended, Asherah nodded quickly. Both of them more than accepting of the slightly rude scolding, but as long as her rider was calm, so was the dragon. Worse things had been said to Shiro for his occasionally reckless attitude. He had learned to care little about those that he wasn't tasked to care for, it tended to simply lead to betrayal.

He wasn't expecting easy forgiveness, but neither was he expecting to be grasped so tightly and pulled down on the other. Yelping briefly as he laid on top of them. If he weren't in his human form to traverse easily with the mortals, his tails would be flicking slightly. He didn't move though, simply laying on the other with his palms flat against their chest as if they were a comfy couch between him and the hard pavement. If that's how the young master preferred it, who was he to deny.

That didn't mean Ash wasn't going to continue her fretting, confused on if she should try to help her rider and the stranger up. They did say they were fine. Besides a slight annoyance from the fall, Shiro didn't seem to be fazed by their antics in the slightest either. If they looked at him, he'd even smile as if nothing had happened.

She did jump when addressed however, her head tilting at the question as she blinked at him. "M-Me? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a dragon. My name is Asherah, it's a pleasure to meet you."

“Huh, interesting. My father has a long snake like dragon himself. Who knew they could come in such varying shapes...” Well, he assumes that was a dragon that came slithering out of the coat at times and spent many hours with him as a child. He never really asked, he just always knew they were there and heard Aurelio call the creature a dragon through the many years they were stuck together.

Speaking of the devil, the long dragon assumed thing came flying through the air at him, curling his head as he watched them with that slightly annoyed look of ‘what?’ until they landed on Shiro’s head and made themself comfortable.

“The Sir asks you to come home, there are apparently hunters out today and it’s deemed an unsafe night.”

“Again? Jesus christ these hunters need a life....” Sighing, he supposed it was bound to be a boring night today. Patting the apologetic dragon, he wiggled up and brought Shiro with him, patting him as he grabbed up his umbrella and sighed. “Well, you two have fun, father calls...” He didn’t sound very pleased about this, but he knew it was only for the better. If he liked it or not... So off he went, soon enough vanishing into the dark shadows he usually used as cover.