A Young Vampire

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
4 3945

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Mikhail goes through his hatchery quest, meeting others along the way

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A Son's Hard Work

Lazing on a bench in the garden, Kane was enjoying the beautiful day in a new city. His darling cactus flower wanting to go out into the world for a change of pace, but still wanting to do something fun and creative. Knowing how she loved her crafts, he suggested her a small job of helping trim bushes and pull the less than pleasing weeds. It was a bit of a bigger project than she was use to. The small jungle dragon was eager to give it a go however.

The pair traveling through the chronoscape to a rather large house on the outskirts of the bustling city. It was just quiet enough to let Kane enjoy his day while lounging, watching the small butterfly ant use her magic to grow a bush into the shape of a macaroni spiral. Well, she was trying at least, as her rider giggled a bit at the interesting shape.

“Move along, you little lizards. Father will be upset if you eat the tomato bush AGAIN, it took forever to get it to grow back to this again.” Shooing off the small ones that only croaked at him and made other various noises, he was tasked with helping the hired hands with the garden and also with babysitting. He was helping some of the smaller adult lizards pulled at the weeds, spraying off others that trudged through the mud to plant some seeds, and even was shaping bushes as other dragons grew them. He found it quite fun, when small ones weren’t nipping at his heels.

“But play!” The smalls screeched, though were off towards a ginger that came with one of the dragons that was spiralling a bush upwards. Shaking his head, he went back to digging up a hole to put a new plant in, leaning back for a moment for the gecko looking dragon of bright colors grew in bigger, waiting until he was standing and putting up the cage before growing it a bit more to fill it out nicely before they moved to the next.

“Uggg, at least it’s late in the day and cloudy....” And the area they worked in was covered so the young vampire could assist and not burst into flames while doing so. That was always a plus in his day to day life.

Cooing at the colorful dragons that zipped over to him, Kane stroked his fingers along their slick backs. Some of them were thorny and poisonous to the touch, but he wasn't particularly afraid of such things. Despite his best efforts, his own dragons had a bad habit of nibbling him with their little poison fangs, especially cactus flower. He knew she always meant well, but the random times he would come down with a short illness never failed to stress out his husband. It did prepare him for some of the things the other little ones came up with at least.

"Mhmhm, worry not, I'd love to play with you. How about a game of hide and seek until the scary wolf goes back inside~?" Kane might be there for cactus flower, but that didn't mean he was there to help as well. As a jungle rider, he could be as devious as his dragons when he was looking for something to do, or the opportunity presented itself. And right now, that opportunity was giving the young looking vampire a hard time while sliding ideas of camouflage and sneaking around at the tiny jungle pests.

Gasping as the small gathered around the other humanoid, Mikhail was glad he was left to work, directing the other lizards old enough on what to do so the garden would be so eye pleasing his father would be proud of everyone involved. WIping a bead of sweat from his forehead with the back of his dirty hand, he knew a bath was going to be needed for everyone involved after this. If he made big enough eyes at his father, he knew he could wash the dragons off before sending them on their way too. Which they seemed to love instead of having to trudge off to home or find a nice pond of water source to splash in.

“MIkhail! Can you come get some drinks for the workers?” His father called, a cart being wheeled out when he wasn’t paying mind to the porch behind him. It was packed full or lemonaids, juices, water bottles, necters, and who knows what else his father had thought dragons may like.

“Sure, father.” He called back, dusting his hands off on his pants as he headed towards the blond male who was offering the ginger a drink from the cart as he was a guest currently.

Coming eagerly at the call for refreshments, Kane was more than happy to put entertaining the little dragons on hold in favor of a cool drink. Cactus flower floated over quite happily as well, more inclined to the nectar that was offered and oh so sweet. Growing macaroni trees and bushes was quite difficult after all! "Thank you," she smiled as sweet as the drink, taking tiny sips from it as it quickly quenched her thirst considering her small size.

"Indeed, I appreciate the hospitality as well. You remind me of my own darling husband~ Hopefully our son grows up to be such a good hard worker as well." Though Kane wouldn't mind if Jamie turned out to be a gypsy like himself either rather than take after Clover's adventurous nature.

“Kids will always take whatever path they want to, no matter what you teach them along the way.” The pleasant but apathetic voiced father told Kane as he handed out drinks to the young ones too who were bound to spill some of it on themselves but such would be the life.

Arriving and taking one of the trays, Mikhail was off to hand out drinks, seeming quite the pleasant young one that didn’t look like he would do any sort of mischief. But oh did his father know otherwise.

“Hundreds of years has taught me that much, but enjoy your stay, young sir.” Bowing as he dipped back into the house, he did linger in the doorway to watch his red headed son a little more, chuckling softly as he watched the hard working boy dance around the young ones to deliver drinks. Always enjoying how he wanted to please him like he wanted to please the young one.