The World of Eitor

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
8 5619

Entry 5
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Some info on the world I'm working on and will probably scrap. This'll be frequently updating!

Trying to write this on deviantart without a computer has proven itself to be a pain, so I'll be working on it here from now on.

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Species and Subspecies

Eitor unsurprisingly has its handful of its own unique creatures and species... So, subspecies categories first! These branch off of already existing species but with minor differences. 


Current examples: The King, Pandora 

Royals are beings that have been officially crowned as a king or queen after a certain ceremony has been completed. This grants them the power to learn more magic easier, and access to "royal magic," which serves as a major enhancement to their known spells and possibly grants them a couple of exclusive spells. Any upgraded attacks will be shown by a crown-like symbol appearing above a magic circle. However, royals are incredibly rare as they're known to attract Dark Kirin, dangerous creatures with bound magic that are able to easily storm kingdoms. If two royals were to produce offspring, the child would be a royal. If a royal were to produce offspring with a non-royal, it'd result in a half royal. Half royals "signatures" are usually a weakened version of their parents, and their enhancements aren't as strong.

The stronger the will of the royal, the more abilities they gain. Those with the strongest of wills have a magic crown appear on their head. What the crown does varies from royal to royal.

Dark Kirin

Long ago, Kirin were powerful magic weilding mounts that Royals would frequently have by their side. Eventually, their magic started being abused. One day, an entity had corrupted all Kirin used by Royals as if it were some sort of punishment.  Now most Kirin are seen as malicious, deviant creatures. They also gained access to bound magic, which allowed them to easily destroy kingdoms and force a cultural reset.

Livestock dragons

Livestock dragon are pretty much... Well, dragon and common farm livestock hybrids. Cow dragons, sheep dragons, pig dragons, etc. They commonly lack human-level intelligence, but there are rare cases to where they're able to fluently communicate and understand the world around them.

The Exopadôs

Long ago when the gods interacted more with the land, Exousía descended down and took a large batch of early humans to give them her incredibly rough and intense training and meditation. As a result of this, that batch of humans became absurdly strong. Once that training was done, they all took on the challenge of moving to the center of Eitor and surviving in it. Overtime, their population slowly grew and they picked up a primitive lifestyle to survive on, gaining intelligence on their own and evolving. They're not referred to as human and are one of Eitors oldest living races. Once someone discovered their existence in the future, they dubbed them as the Exopadôs.

Exopadôs appear as incredibly large, bulky people, their average height being about 7'5 feet. They can be told apart from regular people from their big build and behaviour. Not many of them speak and communicate through gestures. The ones that actually do speak tend to only communicate in greek. They're basically like super powered giants. Simultaneously unstoppable forces and immovable walls, they have ABSURD amounts of strength that are beyond comparison, as they can shrug of many attacks and deliver brutal physical attacks that could shatter diamonds like glass. The most notable detail about their punches is that they disrupt magical projectiles and barriers, reasons unknown. Their weaknesses are in between their attacks. They put themselves vulnerable for effective blows when putting all of their power behind an attack.

Other End Residents

Through unknown means, crystals that come from the Other End dimension can randomly appear in Eitor. They behave like eggs, or like steven universe gems, and will randomly turn into a life form as time passes. What they turn into depends on environment. If a crystal were to appear in the water, it'd be a fish. If one were to develop into a lifeform in the sky, it'd be any sort of flying animal. They're mostly known for how fast they can adapt and evolve into a new environment. Such as, if an other-end fish wanted to walk on land, it'd just have to keep on trying, and it'll eventually develop legs like those weird walking fish irl, and the ability to breathe air. Then, they could even become anthropomorphic as time passes.

The residents of the "Other End" are interesting specimens that have incredibly pretty and sparkling eyes. More powerful ones have crystal shapes appear in their eyes. If they're capable of speech, their voices tend to have some sort of harmonic echo to them. Their intelligence can vary depending on what they are (human, bug, cat, etc). They tend to have strange personality quirks. One-of-a-kind residents have enhanced crystal manipulation and usually use this to set up crystal civilizations. Whenever an other-end resident perishes, they turn back into a crystal and will either be reborn with only figments of their previous lifes memories, or become a completely new being all together. It seems to depend on the residents willpower, ones with more will being reborn.

Dragon Slayers 

In the earliest history, humans and dragons were fierce enemies before becoming allies. Some humans fought using incredibly powerful magic techniques that'd heighten their senses and capabilities tenfold, at the expense of their mental well being. This method was called "Snapping." When descendants of those early humans are pushed beyond a certain limit, these primal instincts awaken and they will "Snap," gaining absurd magic abilities, and a lust for dragon blood. They usually lose all composure and common sense, and their mental state will slowly deteriorate. Dragon Slayers aren't seen as people and are usually a kill on sight for this behaviour. However, it takes naturally high magic strength and being pushed VERY hard to become a Dragon Slayer. There are few cases where those who aren't all too magically gifted becoming slayers.

The most notable thing about the appearance of Dragon Slayers are their crazy looking eye pupils. Their eyepupils will usually appear to resemble various symbols and objects that can signify what type of magic the Dragon Slayer has, and/or symbolize what made them snap. Like a dragon slayer snowflakes for eyepupils would control snow or ice. Dragon Slayers, upon death, explode violently into whatever element they focused on.

Dragon Slayers personalities differ depending on the state they were in before snapping, and their intelligence. Some are complete crack heads who constantly yell nonsense, or some can be sad and depressive. In very rare cases, Dragon Slayers are intelligent enough to fluently communicate and behave closely to normal people.

Soms more unique species

Goldimensional Key

The goldimensional key, commonly called "The Key" for short, is a strange, pitch black halo shaped object with a miniature X in the center of it, like a screws top. This key can be used at specific points in Eitor to open up a possibly destructive gateway into the "idealistic world." However, this object can manifest bodies beneath it that take on their own forms, and look like a living thing. These bodies are called personalities. Only one key at a time may exist, and when used or destroyed another will appear in a random location at a random point in time.

The personalities manifested by the key tend to either appear as large, horrifying dragons, but they can also vary to looking like humans, or humans that can become dragons. The personality is spawned with plenty of knowledge about Eitor and what their fate is, and they're usually perfectly fine with this fate. They commonly try and cover up this "halo" or pretend it doesn't exist while going on about their lives until they're discovered and used, or killed. They tend to rarely put up a fight. Other than that, each personality is unique and has their own behavior. Some may be social, some may be distant, and some may even be trouble makers. They're almost just like people.

Combative personalities can actually weaponize the halo/key and manifest it into various weapons or tools. The two ways of defeating a key's personality are in a head on match and knocking out its personality, or seperating the key from it. If the personality is away from the halo for too long, it will melt into an icky black liquid and it leaves the key defenseless. Destroying the key also works, if you aren't looking to open up a gateway and can get your hands on it. Although hard to break, it shatters like glass.

Personalities are like puppets. They can't feel pain and are useless without their master.

The stench hunting dragon

Current examples: Josh (kinda)

Inspired by: Gila Monsters and geckos.

Commonly just called "Stench dragons" or "Hunting dragons," these dragons appear as large 10-14ft dragons with yellowish or brownish scales, with a smooth white underside. They have long and thin snouts with razor sharp teeth like a crocodile, and usually a thin and skinny body(if they aren't domesticated, domesticates tend to be bigger). They have jagged horns, and their defining feature are: Stupidly, STUPIDLY fat, large and hefty looking tails that could be considered comically large, clashing against the dragons usually thin build. They often drag this tail along the ground but can raise it. Shown by Josh, their tails tend to have a line of triangular spikes/scales running up them. Some, but not all stench dragons have a wingspan.

With claws good for climbing, excellent vision, and an umatched sense of smell, these dragons get one part of their name because they're some of the most determined hunters Eitor have to offer. They're able to track down prey through the stalest of scents. Despite that, these dragons are mainly known for one thing: Their stench, which is where the other part of their name comes from. They can create an awful smelling stench from their undersides through glands and wipe it onto surfaces to mark it. They like using this ability to mark territory, track down prey for later, or if they're male; to try and attract mates. The more the dragon eats, the worse the stench gets. The smell is difficult to wash off and lingers for a long time, so they can be obnoxious to deal with. Licking people or objects to mark them with their stench works just fine, too. Their undersides can also secrete a very slippery liquid similar to sweat that they can use to slide across ground or set up slippery traps. As time passes the liquid grows more sticky.

The dragons have an incredibly fast metabolism, so they're always hunting and eating. Despite being carnivorous, they will try to eat just about anything that seems edible to them. Fruit, eggs, tasty looking objects, etc. A lot of the fat from the food they eat seems to go straight to their tail. 

Their tails are incredibly soft and squishy, and nearly like waterbeds. That's because they use their tails for long term storage of various liquids, and can absorb said liquids stored inside for quick energy. They can also survive off of the fat stored in their tail for 1-2 months, in case food goes scarce. Eitor is a big place, so it's always important to carry storage! Not to mention, a wide tail makes for good marking. 

The dragons are absurdly persistent hunters, willing to track down their targets to the very ends of the universe to get them. Despite their humongous tails, they're excellent runners and swimmers, but not too good at flying unless they have a large wingspan. Covering land, sea, and sky, these are commonly domesticated by civilizations to be used as "guard dogs" and chasing down criminals or solving cases. Towns with these bad boys and gals always has a lack of crime. Sure, your average clever thief can outsmart them, but the things NEVER give up until the hunt is complete.

Outside of hunting, stench dragons are scatterbrained and unintelligent, usually lacking the ability to speak any languages, only communicating through roars, barks, and whatever other animal noises you can think of. They're usually associated with degrading terms for their stupidity. Hunting is just about the only thing they're good at. The domesticated ones are very friendly and love receiving head pats or belly rubs from anyone around, just try not to get your face licked by one. It will NOT come off.

At birth, they're only about the size of the palm of ones hand but by age 20-30 they'll reach their maximum height. They live a life span of about 60-70 years. Around their teen years, males begin searching for mates by creating a unique and extra-pungent stench. Males with worse stenches tend to have more success. Females will only create a similar stench when desperate, but they also sweat a pinkish liquid while doing this that acts as a pheromone to improve success rates. After breeding, the female can lay from 2-10 chicken sized eggs. The eggs are surprisingly durable, so to protect them the female can stick them under their squishy tails. Females have shorter horns with a brown coloring to them.