The Band: Maize

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
6 3585

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

It's a story of friends that lost their way. They lost what they loved. They lost the words to say. Everyone needs a second chance to explain. Listen to what this groups story has to explain.

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Author's Notes

Based on me and my friend VMU characters

Verse 1: Reboot

Static wakes up to that blurry vision. His eyes flicker fuzzy TV static. It bothered him, but there wasn't a lot he could do. It had been 11 years since his parents passed and he got this curse. It was hard at first managing as it basically knocked out his vision depending on the day. Luckily Harvey hooked him up with digital. No more analogue waves for him. The Windows XP sound kicks on and he smiles as he sets his eyes to a fun wallpaper and gets ready for the day. Reading the news while eating breakfast, he gets an email from Cornelius. He hadn't spoken to him since they graduated. Nervous from it all he went down after prom night he went to open the email. However, right when he was about to click on it a new piece of mail came in that was spam. He clicked too fast and accidentally opened the email. A virus latched on and he started to spasm out. Fuck. The only thing bad about being digital is the stupid internet bugs. Static starts to cough as he becomes infected. He sends a dm to Harvey about the virus. His head starts to overheat so he shuts down.

Meanwhile, Harvey is out with Cornelius catching up. It had been awhile, but Harvey knew Cornelius was doing through a lot. Harvey gets the message from Static. Immediately changing the conversation he blurts out, “Hey I know we were just talking about Static, but he came down with a virus and needs help.” Cornelius looks up from his shades that were hiding his week-long hangover. Cornelius was spacing out most of their conversation, but as soon as Static was mentioned it triggered an emotion. He couldn't explain the feeling. It just felt like pain. Moving out from his parents before high school ended had not been easy in terms of couch surfing. Behind the 80s print t-shirt lived a suppressed adult that just wanted to feel a spark. “I don't know if that guy wants to see me tbh...” Harvey knowing not the whole story why their band had to come to an end, began to prod. “Come onnnn it’s been years since we were all together. The kid could really get fucked yo. Stop being melodramatic and drive me over.” Cornelius snaps to be extremely irritated, “Why the fuck don’t you have your license yet? We’re almost 26, dude.” Harvey, fed up, decides to walk and Cornelius, feeling bad, apologizes, and they get in his car. Cornelius pops in a cassette as he drives around and Harvey stares at him. “You’re still using cassettes? Why are you trying to live like an 80s film.” To which Cornelius just gives the middle finger, but smiles as they drive out.

Static boots back on. His body shivers as he feels his processor not working correctly. He goes to open his eyes and it’s filled with pop up ads. “Fucking. Harvey please come soon,” as he stumbles to the door and unlocks it to let him in when he comes. Forced to lie down, he waits as his head starts to hurt from all the ads cluttering his vision. They show up and Harvey finds static turned off again. Booting him up he asked Cornelius to help get static back to bed. Removing his head dial, Harvey’s able to plug in some wires to help override the virus. Cornelius looks around static’s apartment and finds one of his shirts in the laundry. “Knew it. He had it all along. Ugh.” Cornelius stuffs the shirt in his bag and goes back over to Harvey. “Man, he never updated his virus protection from the last time we installed it. This might take a bit. Sorry Cornelius.” Both wait in the bedroom watching tv until the start up sound goes off. Cornelius looks over and static is staring at him. It had been so long since they had seen each other. However, what he couldn’t tell is that static's memories had been wiped partly. He couldn’t remember what had happened to him or the band but he was so excited suddenly that his friends were there. He hugs both and cries as he starts to feel better. Harvey sets a few reminders for Static as they head out.

Cornelius looks back wondering if they were closer with or without the bad memories.