Spurb Zeta

3 years, 7 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
7 2034

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

Until the End of Time or How Not to Save the World

(Snippets I may or may not ever get back to fleshing out~)

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The Traveler

Darkness was everything, that simple blessing that nothing would ever turn out right. For a light player like myself that might seem contradictory but that matters little at this point, my game was long since over. Watching my ‘friends’ struck down one by one, always destined to be wiped from existence. That was all the game ever offered our doomed session.

How long now have I wandered in this void? My connection to the outside world reduced to a simple laptop and a strange teleporting creature from another world. Ah but Kibō is different, he certainly didn’t come from our boring session.

The more pressing question though was why I was left alive, why I was the only survivor. Not counting a certain sprite that comes and goes as often as that strange creature. He was the first to fall; honestly, he never even made it into the game save as my guide.

Where was I though? Oh yes, it seems I might have found my calling at last or at least somewhere I can ‘live’ again. Kibō is incessant that I follow him to his session; it seems they’ve made a complicated mess of the game and need another player.

A true mess of a session that will drag three very different worlds towards ruin and yet only one will fall. Only one would throw itself into the game and rewrite the rules, Kibō is certainly the most interesting first guardian I’ve ever met.

I slept little after that first meeting, waiting, always waiting for someone else to act. It was not long though before I found another contact point, one of the players of this new session reached out to me even in my exile. I guessed he must have been a void player, it certainly would have taken such a power to find me though I suppose the guardian could have also played a part.

It was after that chat that I realized I was not so alone in my exile, perhaps I had never truly been alone and a small part of me was grateful for this new creature at my side. Finally, we were connected and soon the door would open.