Spurb Zeta

3 years, 7 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
7 2034

Entry 2
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

Until the End of Time or How Not to Save the World

(Snippets I may or may not ever get back to fleshing out~)

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The Brothers

Meteors streaked overhead, their bright tails illuminating the gathering of pokémon huddled below. Mewtwo himself hovered at the center of the sheltering creatures, the tip of his tail twitching idly as he watched the sky overhead. Slowly his gaze strayed down to where the eight chosen ones slept, oblivious to the destruction overhead as they waited for what the shadow had promised.

How long now had they waited for this day? It seemed ages since his brother had first spoken of the end, those bright green eyes hiding something even as he urged them to prepare. Now as flames danced in the distance and larger meteors appeared above, all they could do was wait.

“You seem impatient brother.”

Mewtwo turned to regard the shadow mew, his eyes narrowing at the soft green glow that lit the huddle now. Though they called each other brothers they were not so, the mew’s eyes glowed with otherworldly energy and his soft grey fur was an illusion unto itself yet his personality resembled the other mew from ages ago. Still, somehow, they seemed connected and that was enough.

He turned away finally, resuming his watch of the sky and dismissing thoughts of the past. “How long now? If this keeps up there will not be time to cross whatever portal you promise.”

Kibō twitched, the movement running the length of his body as he too turned to watch the increasing danger. “Soon…soon the chosen will awaken and bridge the gap, you must be ready at a moment’s notice… I cannot say when, time does not work the same between all worlds but you will know when the door appears…”

Silence stretched between them for several minutes, this was nothing new. The warning was always the same but now time was running short. They could all feel it, those nearest in the crowd shifted restlessly but kept their distance from the two legends.

It was a murmur from below that finally broke it, the eevee shifted in his sleep as his tail curled tighter over a bag resting at his side. Both legends watched quietly, knowing that something was happening at last. A light flashed, the pale blue blinding for an instant, and then the eevee was gone.

“The game is afoot; the first world has come into being.”

“The first?” Mewtwo turned to regard his brother again but they were interrupted by a rumble in the distance. Near the edge of the gathering a strange circle had appeared, the same pale blue glow as the light that had taken the eevee only moments before though this was not nearly as blinding.

“There is not time to debate words, the meteors will not stop… Flee to the portal all who are able.” Kibō’s eyes flashed, the green contrasting the steady blue of the portal and the dancing orange of the approaching fire, and then he was gone again.

Mewtwo sighed, shaking his head to rid it of further questions before he turned back to the seven remaining sleepers. This would be a long night, the last night of their world.