Travellers Sickness

3 years, 6 months ago

A disease profile. What it does and what can be done about it.

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Traveller's Sickness, alternatively referred to as Hopper's Sickness, is a virus only effecting the human race.

It can be caught throughout excessive use of a world hopping device or an object of the like. It does not have a cure and takes one to three weeks to heal depending on the persons immune system and ability to cope with being sick.

It is not typically infectious and is extremely difficult to spread, in most cases it is not spread at all. In some odd cases it can be caught by others though so it's best to distance one self from any infected.

Symptoms for Travellers Sickness include; increasingly tight feeling pains, particularly in the back, very similar to cramps, nausea, feeling cold and slightly blurred vision.

The symptoms of the sickness are similar in most cases to what a person will experience during the period of sickness. Typically the sickness will include; severe feelings of tightness in any part of the body causing cramp like feelings, very blurry vision, a cold feeling even when one would not feel cold under normal circumstances, nausea, although it never goes further than the feeling of sickness and in some cases, it can cause loss of feeling in limbs such as legs or arms. This is very uncommon however.

Recorded cases have dwindled since the sickness had it's peak in the early days of humans in the Other World. 

During that particular period of time, the sickness spread from person to person, mainly infecting people over the age of thirty. Some people were overwhelmed by the effects of the sickness and began to attempt to find a cure. This search was cut extremely short when the Fire War began. The first attack targeted the human settlement which held the research on the cure.

Many have concocted "remedies" to help lessen the effects of the sickness although none of these are proven to have any actual effect.