tsaf loop 2: nowhere to run

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Explicit Violence

" — you're gonna die." "i'm gonna kill you."

as the decaying world converges around them, alice, robbie, and dakota face the consequences of their own actions. collection includes material from: off campus 7, park, off campus 2, and streets.

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interlude: direct messages.

PVH_Robbie:  Where are you right now

PVH_Lila: Home??

PVH_Lila: Why dyou ask

PVH_Robbie: Don't leave. Please

PVH_Robbie: Absolutely do not come over to my house I'm not there

PVH_Robbie: Got caught up in some fucking bullshit I don't want you to get dragged into it too

PVH_Lila: What the hell???

PVH_Lila: Wait what the fuck is going on, don't be all vague with me ya cunt

PVH_Robbie: Fuck

PVH_Robbie: The doxx shite that landed Wonderland in the hospital

PVH_Robbie: I was the one who figured out who was behind it

PVH_Lila: That was you?

PVH_Lila: Christ, Robbie, what the hell did you do?

PVH_Robbie: Gave the chuuni bitch the choice of coming clean or explaining herself and she didn't.

PVH_Robbie: Sent the proof to her family.

PVH_Robbie: At least she's a shitty assassin

PVH_Lila: She tried to fucking KILL YOU?!

PVH_Robbie: Managed to shoot me twice before I knocked her out

PVH_Robbie: Didn't do a very good job of shooting me. Just took some chunks out

PVH_Robbie: I've been worse. Don't want you to worry

PVH_Lila: Too feckin late, dumbass!!

PVH_Lila: What are you doing?!

PVH_Robbie: I'll be fine. Made sure she can't follow me. Tied her up in the garage

PVH_Robbie: Still deciding what to do. Leaving my house for a couple days

PVH_Lila: Oh my god, you eejit

PVH_Lila: If you don't keep me in the loop I'll chop your head off myself

PVH_Robbie: Would be fun to deny her the satisfaction of offing me

PVH_Robbie: But I don't think she knows about you. Or Mika.

PVH_Robbie: Don't want her to try to go after you or some shit

PVH_Lila: ...You are fucking batshit

PVH_Robbie: Unfortunately I am well aware but fuck you anyways

PVH_Robbie: Just don't want you to get hurt. I think it'll be fine

PVH_Lila: Just... feckin tell me what you're doing. And don't even think of leaving without me

PVH_Robbie: Going over to Wonderland’s house right now since she’s involved in this shit too. 

PVH_Robbie: Will try to decide what to do from there