Evergrim store prompts

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
1 1041

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

prompts for the hunter's woods store

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Basic MYO (for kori)

S6 - 4 points

27907116_ArGy60SFRPRu30D.pngHeart pounding, she breathes fast, each breath stinging her lungs with the freezing air. She cannot stop lest the monster might catch her. Paws hit the ground, numb and sore. Claws dig in to keep from slipping upon the ice.
She glances over to the side and sees her friend running right along next to her. His legs are shorter and his muscles weaker so he begins to fall behind. All of her instincts tell her to run, that there’s no time to help him. Her head says to leave him and get to safety and yet her heart won’t let her do that. He’s her best friend, she’d be an awful person to abandon him to the icy clutches of a horrible monster.
Her heart is good, and pure, she always listens to what it asks of her and it has never led her astray. She skids to a halt and grips the ice, nearly ripping her claws out she launches herself back the way she came. She grips Pierce with her teeth, as a mother would carry her young child, then swings her head around and releases, tossing him to safety just in time.
But now the monster is right in front of her, his breath warms her face, his nose inches away. A wide mouth sprawls across his entire face, pointed yellow teeth stained with red. Saliva drips from his jaws, so hot it melts the ice when it lands. His eyes are pure black, almost glowing. Well reverse glowing as they seem to suck away the light around them.
She’s paralyzed as she stares into the empty pits of nothingness. Darker and more hollow than anything anyone has ever seen before. His jaws part, revealing a mouth with many tongues, and this mouth begins to reach over her, covering her head. He hasn’t bitten down yet, she can see down his throat, moist and riddled with disease. She wants to move but her muscles are frozen as still as a rock.
Something snaps her out of this at the last second. It is Pierce calling her name, it seems to be from a distance, echoey and far away. But it gets louder and she ducks away milliseconds before losing her head.
Her friend is still standing there, shouting her name at the top of his lungs. The fool, he should have run. But what else would she expect, he wouldn’t be Pierce if he had left her there to die, or whatever worse fate awaits the victims of this creature.
She roars and charges at her friend, shoving him along the ice until he begins running too. He seems faster now, fueled by the fear of witnessing Princess almost get decapitated.
They run side by side with the monster snapping at their heels. At last she sees a door she recognizes, an entrance to one of the sheltered hallways. She doesn’t have enough breath in her lungs to speak so she just jerks her head in the direction of the door, luckily Pierce sees her and they both leap through, narrowly escaping certain doom.

S6 - 4 points
27906652_mDCJM6qMa7Wx2J7.pngStep, step, step. I descend the stone stairs. The staircase spirals and the bottom cannot be seen from here. The cold does not follow me down here. It is almost a pleasant temperature,  I have learned this is something called warm.
A faint glow creeps around the corner as I get closer. It grows in strength until I make it out the door. It’s still there, the crack in the floor. The crack in the universe as I have named it.
Rainbow lights spill out of it, it’s beautiful and terrifying. Glittering smoke and particles rise up into the air and disappear before they reach the ceiling. When I look into it I can see distant galaxies, stars from other planes of existence, possibly the secret to life itself.
Every day I come down here to check on it, every day it is bigger, more cracks spider webbing further across the floor. I wonder if someday it will consume the whole world. It doesn’t seem bad or threatening, it just hums and buzzes. Pure energy, that’s what it is.
I sit next to it, my mind clears, a calm engulfs me and I hum with it, in sync with it until we are one. It sees all, it knows all and all of the information that it contains I know too.
I open my eyes, I can see myself as if from another body. My pupils are dilated, almost filling up my entire eyes and vibrant colors dance and play in their reflection. It doesn’t last, it cannot last. My mortal body is not to hold such power, my mind not to know such secrets.
I blink as an emotion that does not exist in this dimension ripples through me, everything slips out of my mind, trying to grasp at it is the same as trying to hold water in my bare paws. I feel my pupils are returned to normal and I sigh.
Such beautiful knowledge is not for me to keep, but someday, someday the secrets of the crack in time and space will be understood. Maybe not by me, maybe not for a hundred years, maybe not even in a million, but time is eternal.
Without the portal I am nothing, I used to be somebody, living my own life. I thought that I was important, to me I am the main character of the story but I am nobody, nothing I do matters in the vastness of eternity.
I head back up the stairs, the time granted to me by the rift is up. Tomorrow I shall return and learn it all again. Only to lose it when I finish. It seems inconsequential and like a waste of time. But every time I become pure energy I remember what it’s all for.
I do not remember now but as I exit the door at the top of the staircase all I can think is how much I wish to go back and how I cannot wait for the next day.