Ali's Lore

5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
3 2571

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 10 months ago

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Basic Info



Full Name: Alistaire Eoin Baird 

Reason for name: Mother’s choice 

Alias: Soldier 0 

Nickname: Ali, Zero 

Reason for nickname: Because people are lazy 

Age: 40 

Gender: Male  

Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland 

Birthday: October 12th 

Currently living in: N/A (Traveling) 

Species/Race: Human 

Ethnicity: White, British 

Blood Type: O Negative 

Occupation: Cybernetics Expert 

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual 

Social Status: Veteran  

Relationship Status: Single 




Body Build: Shaped upper body with medium build, slim waist and strong legs. 

Height: 5’11” 

Weight: 164 pounds 

Skin colour: Blush 

Hair style: Mohawk pushed back 

Hair colour: Black 

Facial hair: Light stubble 

Eye colour: Blue and Hazel (Hetrochromia) 

Distinguishing Features: Scar over where is heart is on his chest 

Preferred Clothing: A black and silver napoleon jacket along with black jeans and military boots only halfway laced 

Accessories: Wears two belts that cross on his hips that holds his switchblade and ammo for his two Scottish flintlock pistols 




General health: Healthy despite running on a cybernetic heart 

Posture: Military 

Any physical injuries: Deaf in one ear from an explosion (right) 

Any mental illnesses: N/A 

Take drugs: N/A 

Smoke: Every now and then 

Mental/Emotional State 

Archetype: Hero/Rebel 

Act before thinking/Think before acting: Think before acting. 

Emotion-wise, generally: Stable 




Way of speaking: Speaks clearly and quickly but makes sure his point has gotten across 

Common conversation starter: Hm? What’s that? 

Swears: Yes 

Made-up words: N/A 

Made-up language: N/A 




Likes: Jokes, reading, working, listening to music, whiskey 

Dislikes: Braveheart, assholes, carrots, unfinished work. 



Arts & Crafts 



Picks up random things likes sticks and pieces of broken glass to put into his crafts 




Strengths: Good Judgement, Leadership, Perseverance, Fairness 

Weakness: Claustrophobia, Workaholic, Stubborn, Self-Critic. 




Weapon- OTs-03 SVU - A bullpup semi-automatic thermal scoped sniper rifle that shoots 7.62x54mmR rounds, damage depends on time spend scoped. (On stealth missions a suppressor is attached) 

Ability 1 – Sh0cking 2.0- He throws an a small disk like object that sticks to a single enemy and stuns them for 5 seconds.  

Ability 2- Knife throw- Throws his switchblade at his opponent but he has to retrieve it to throw it again but if left unfound for 10 seconds it will instantly be returned to him. 

Melee- Switchblade stab- Stabs his opponent with his switchblade. 

Ultimate- Project Zer0- His cybernetic heart slows itself down so that adrenaline doesn’t affect him and he can focus more to make a more precise shot at an enemy 



He is well educated from being home schooled since his parents were too scared about allowing him outside of the house, they also lived in the valley away from the city. 




Blackwatch has many secrets but it’s soldiers have even more… 



That the world will turn into an all-out war. 




To help give the world peace for both omnics and humans. 


Views/Opinions on… 


Government: Doesn’t like anyone who earns more than him 

Religion: Isn’t religious but doesn’t shun anyone who is 

Economy: Eh 

Technology: He adjusts but it takes time 




Food: Haggis 

Colour: Silver 

Animal: Owls 

Number: 0 

Holiday: N/A 

Season: Winter 

Time of day: Night 

Thing to watch:  

Movie: Death proof 

Show: From dusk till dawn 

Type of art: Painting 

Genre of music: Alternative rock 

Genre of literature: Comedy 

Genre of shows: Crime/Drama 

Genre of movies: Action 




Alistaire was born with a hole in his heart, his parents didn’t expect him to survive the first week but little did they know about the strong son they had brought into this world and what good he would do later on in life. He didn’t really have many friends growing up but the ones he did he cherished greatly, due to his heart condition Alistaire could never be involved in anything to strenuous or become too excited. So simple board games and card games along with reading was all the boy had for entertainment, as he grew up he watched as his friends moved onto other interests and people. As a young adult he saw the posters for Overwatch and the good they were doing around the world for both humans and omnics alike.  

He wanted to join but his parents argued they would never take something with such a condition such as his, but he then started to study cybernetics hard, coming up with the concept of a cybernetic heart one that would work just as well as a human heart but perhaps even stronger. But he was hospitalized before he could take the concept to Overwatch, as the hole slowly over time had become bigger. He still worked on the heart concept with the help of his mother when one day a Overwatch recruiter came in asking about his concept, they showed interest and promised to help him with his idea and that they would enlist the help of Doctor Ziegler. 

Once his cybernetic heart was installed Subject Zer0 was revived and then the tests began, he was hard on himself at first testing the actual limits of what the heart could take but he continued to improve the design for others who may need it in the future. But after the tests he was then cut off from the Overwatch Medical/Scientific unit to be put into combat and help with Blackwatch and their growing list of people need cybernetics, they gave him the agent name Soldier 0. Alistaire fought alongside other Blackwatch agents for the good of the world and to bring peace between humans and omnics but as Blackwatch started on it’s downfall a few of Overwatch/Blackwatch’s agents were put on a list for Cryopreservation. Zero was on that list, the project was to preserve their best agents for a time when the world would once again need Overwatch, be it in three years time or twenty. 

When the headquarters in Switzerland blew up the project was initiated and the agents on the list were gathered at a secret facility to be put into cryogenic tubes frozen in time. A team was assigned to watch over them but with time they too were long abandoned… 




He’s quite a calm soul but often is very hard on himself always doubting what he does and believes he can always do things better even if he tries his best. It takes a while for someone to get in Alistaire’s good books as he has trust issues so if he looks at you with a judging eye don’t be surprized. He will always be up for a good old joke or joke book since they always cheer him up but sometimes he’s just best to be left alone when he’s in that mood. 

Alistaire is a fair man, he’ll be kind to most unless there is a warranted reason for him not to be, he holds great respect for other scientists and doctors. He’ll try to resolve things in a peaceful way if possible but if it comes down to it he will use violence. 





Father- Eoin Baird (Scottish)  

Mother- Bethany Flynn (Irish)


Eideard Baird 

Tea Baird 

Love interest: N/A 

Friends/Allies: ??? 

Enemies: ???? 




“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.” 

 "Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”