Ali's Lore

5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
3 2571

Chapter 2
Published 5 years, 10 months ago

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 Hero Chosen:   

 “Bha sinn a rugadh seo a dhèanamh !”  

“Today’s the day.” 

“I’m ready!” 

During Setup: 

 “I’ll protect you.” 

“Stay close.” 

“You can count on me.” 

“I’ll stick to the shadows.” 



“Let’s get this finished already!” 

“Baird here.” 

“Let’s try this again.” 

“Stop wasting time!” 

Pick Up health pack: 

 “That’s refreshing.” 

“Back to it…” 

“Somethings never change…” 

On Fire: 

 “Haha! I could do this all day!” 

Damage Boosted: 

 “This is how it should have been!” 

Discord Orb Received: 


“This isn’t pleasant.” 


Melee Final Blow: 

“Don’t test me Laddy/Lassy.” 

 “That looked like it hurt…” 

“Now that was your worst mistake.” 


Final Blow: 

“Isn’t that a shame? Not!” 

 “I’ll be back with morphine.” 

“You tested me. You paid the price.” 


Witness Elimination: 

“Yes! Keep at it!” 

 “I have to say that was impressive.” 

“Great work!” 


Sniper Sighted: 

“Sniper! Quick get behind cover!” 


Turret Sighted: 

“Take that turret out quickly!” 


Enemy Teleporter: 

“I believe there is an enemy teleporter.” 


Enemy Teleporter Destroyed: 

“Glad that teleporter is gone.” 






Thank You: 

“Many thanks.” 

“I’m grateful.” 

“Thank you.” 





Need Healing: 

 “I’m in need of medical attention.” 

“Need healing.” 


Group Up: 

“Over here!” 

 "Heals here!” 

“Get your ass over here!” 



“Ultimate charging!” 

“Ultimate almost ready!” 

“Ultimate ready!” 


Soldier 76 (friendly): 

“It’s good to see you again Jack.” 

“The end is only the beginning, hm?” 

“The world has missed you.” 


Solder 76 (enemy): 

“Perhaps it’s time to give this up?” 

“Time hasn’t treated you kindly Jack Morrison.” 

“Life is cruel even to our heroes…” 


Mercy (Friendly): 

“Remember when you took me under your wing?” 

“Thank you for the heart Doctor Ziegler.” 

“Angela, can I get your opinion on something?” 


Mercy (Enemy): 

“You ruined a lot of peoples lives."

“I can’t believe I looked up to you…” 

“You should have let Gabriel rest in peace.” 


Reaper (Friendly): 

“I know you’re still in there Gabriel…” 

“Dramatic as usual Gabriel.” 

“A beanie would still go with that hood and mask…” 


Reaper (Enemy): 

“I’m so sorry…” 

“I wish I could’ve been there to stop this…” 

“I hope you find peace now.” 


Pharah (Friendly): 

“You’ve grown up so much Fareeha.” 

“I’m proud of you.” 

“You go lassie!” 


Pharah (Enemy): 

“You’ve still got a lot to learn.” 

“Now, now don’t get too cocky.” 

“Have a little more patience.” 


Ana (Friendly): 

“It’s good to see you again Ana.” 

“I don’t suppose you have any hot chocolate?” 

“How’s the eye?” 

“You know I still could replace that eye for you…" 

Ana (Enemy): 

“Opps, sorry!” 

“I’ll make it up to you!” 

“You taught me well Ana!” 

Reinhardt (Friendly): 

“That armour shines as usual Reinhardt!” 

“I’m glad I’ve had you and Ana being there for me.” 

“Braveheart is not a proper Scottish film Rein…” 

Reinhardt (Enemy): 


“Finally! Finally I bet you!” 

“You fought well” 

“You are tough Reinhardt, I’ll give you that.” 

Eideard (Friendly): 

“You’ll always be my little brother…” 

“The silver suits you Eiddie.” 

“I like your tattoos.” 

“Strange how you’re the older one now.” 


Eideard (Enemy): 

“Grow up.” 

“Is that a cosplay?” 

“Mother always said we were both a disappointment.” 

“You’re pathetic Eideard."