Trivia - Choco

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
3 1045

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Here you can find more information about my Main Sona aka the being who draws too much, neglects her real life duties and should shut up about a certain letter i SWEAR TO GOD CHOCO CAN YOU THINK OF SOMETHING ELS- *technical difficulties, please stay tuned*

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1 - Media

Books - When Choco is being asked by "normal members of society" what kind of books she reads, she will always answer with "Mainly Fantasy, Thriller and horror". In reality, she means Manga, but is too ashamed to tell that to people who don't understand that kind of thing. Her favorite manga are "Uzumaki" and "Visions of V" (the second one- Eh, she hasn't read that one yet since it's japanese only atm please capcom give us that masterpiece p l e a s e)

Video Games - Choco is a true noob at video games, but she loves them nonetheless for the plot. And by plot, I mean dramatic stories and good looking characters who could kick her ***. Her favorite games are Yume Nikki, Devil May Cry 5, NieR;Automata and The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. She also watches Let's plays of games she wants to get into, but can't play them because of her being bad at games (for example Resident Evil 4)

Crushes - Speaking of Video Games: Choco is deeply attached to some Video Game Characters. It started when she was 13 years old with Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) and Link (Twilight Princess) and she got a TON of simp targets. Today, she calls herself jokingly a "simp" when she's with friends and has a smol crushlist, which she only shares with her closest friends and people she trusts. All you have to know is: Her main Crushes nowadays are V (Devil May Cry), Dante (Devil May Cry) and Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil)

Anime - Smol Choco despises slice of life romance school anime, since she thinks they "don't have anything special to them". But she adores all kinds of other anime, especially horror and everything with fantasy or dystopias. Her favorite anime are "Serial Experiments Lain" and "Mononoke".

Music - Choco's favorite genre of music can be described as "Everything except Country songs (except Jolene) and german folk songs". Her favorite songs are Parasite Eve by Bring me the Horizon as well as Bury the Light and Crimson Cloud from DMC5. Her favorite artists are Mr.Kitty, IAMX and Celldweller. She also secretly listens to Nightcore, Daycore and Russian Hardbass.

Cosplay - It's no secret that Choco wants to cosplay more. Her current cosplays are Moon from Pokemon Moon, Max Caulfield from Life is Strange, V from Devil May Cry and Zacharie from OFF. She plans to cosplay some of her OCs though.

Social Media - Choco used to use a ton of social medias. She left most of them though since she got into a lot of drama or lost interest in them. Today, she mostly uses Discord and sometimes Twitter, but only for commissions. Also, don't mention Tumblr near her, she despises that website and wants to see it get deleted.