Trivia - Choco

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
3 1045

Entry 3
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Here you can find more information about my Main Sona aka the being who draws too much, neglects her real life duties and should shut up about a certain letter i SWEAR TO GOD CHOCO CAN YOU THINK OF SOMETHING ELS- *technical difficulties, please stay tuned*

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3 - Nature

Sad Days are good days - Different then most people, Choco loves the rain and the smell of it. She loves walking through the rain and just enjoying the wind in her wings and hair. It's a wonder she didn't get that many colds in her life.

Trees - Choco loves resting underneath big trees, while getting out her notebook and drawing in it. As she was younger, she used to fly on trees as well, but was always scared to get off the tree again.

Flowers - Her favorite flowers are pink lotus, who are a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Besides, she adores their special ability: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower. She also loves wearing Flower crown and single flowers in her hair.

Reptiles - While most people scream when they see a lizard or snake, Choco goes baby mode. She adores all kinds of reptiles, especially small lizards and turtles. She will get even more baby when she sees a turtle eating and then some of the food gets stuck on their face and they try to eat it somehow andsejhdfeskjhdkeaak-

Birds - When Choco was little, her favorite birds were bluetits. But this changed when she fell in love with V. Today, she sees Ravens and Crows as her favorite birds and always sees it as a wink of fortune when she sees those dark birds.

The thing about cats... - Lemme just tell you - Chcoo adores cats a lot. She loves cats like nothing else and she's always happy when she sees kitten meow with their tiny mouths. For some reason, cats seem to share the same love for her. No matteer where she is, when a cat sees her, they immediately purr around her wanting to be cuddled. That's why there are always dead mice in Choco's garden.