Idolish7: Center Stage

6 years, 1 month ago
5 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 5
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

Koharu x Ryuu fic

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Chapter 5

There was never any rest for the wicked. Some days came and went before Idolish7 finally appeared on Re:vale’s show. Koharu was well aware that there were some degree of nervousness going around, and she had been no degree of help after the teasing comments a few days prior. Regardless, she knew things would settle just fine. Having spoken to Yuki and Momo prior to the recording, she was well aware that everything was all in good fun, and any hiccup all in innocent fun, pranks included. It was just in their nature to do this. She was honestly glad she hadn’t said anything when asked. It seemed to turn for the better.

Re:vale had always been good to VIRTUE, too good at times Koharu assumed. How many years had they known them? Some too many she sometimes thought, at least in the belief that time flies when you’re having fun. Their company was always a blessing. Hikaru was particularly close to Momo, and Koharu enjoyed seeing them interact. There was so much chemistry between the two, and it was evident that Hikaru valued him as one of her closest friends. He was a good sorts, and somehow, Koharu always seemed to have a hard time being in a bad mood with him around.

When it came down to it, however, Koharu generally found herself most comfortable around Yuki. The two had worked together quite frequently, usually due to close acting jobs, and had managed to form a close bond of their own in time. Despite his tendencies to victimize her with his teasing, of which she had grown remarkably resistant to over time, Koharu felt comfortable in being able to confide in him when she needed to most. This was in part, much to her occasional frustration, that she found it impossible to keep up her happy mask all the time with him around, as he had come to be able to read her too well. Still, he was kind to her, and she wasn’t about to complain about having another shoulder to sulk on when she needed too.

Given just how much pleasure Koharu and Hikaru found in Re:vale’s company, they honestly couldn’t wait to see just how well everyone got on in the future. Of course, meeting with Re:vale was only the start of the good news, and a small portion of why things seemed to have been so busy as of late.

In addition to news of their show appearance, the girls found themselves elated that growing idol group would soon be receiving their own show. It was an amazing step forward, and the girls couldn’t help but be happy for everyone. Every day there seemed to be something to look forward too. However, the girls did, of course, have their own lives to deal with, and life certainly was far from done throwing curveballs towards them.

“Ko-chan, I’m on my way out!” Koharu picked her gaze from the hole she had been staring in her book to see Hikaru ready to face the day head on, a determined yet distant look on her face as she smiled at Koharu.

Koharu observed her partner with a degree of concern for a moment before smiling sweetly. “Off to meet Momo then?” She inquired, holding a finger on the page of her book as she closed it for a moment.

Hikaru gave a gleeful nod, clearly excited and a bit antsy to a degree. “Yeah! There’s something I want to talk about and he just… seems like the best person to do it with!”

“I see.” Koharu was rather quiet in her response, still a degree worried. Koharu was well aware that Hikaru generally spoke to Tenn when things were taxing on her mind, so this was a bit of a switch up. Regardless, she knew Hikaru would speak up if there was any major problem, and Koharu had her suspicions. “You two stay out of trouble then!” Koharu sang, giving a cheerful chuckle as she watched Hikaru prepare to head out the door. She wasn’t about to pry.

“We’ll do our best, I promise!” Hikaru laughed, practically skipping out the door, clearly excited and ready to see Momo.

Koharu leaned up to watch Hikaru go, her face and tone shifting to one akin to an overprotective mother as she spoke, “And message me when you get home if I’m not here! I wanna be sure you two aren’t actually in trouble!”

Koharu watched Hikaru lean her head back in the door for a split second, a precious expression on her face as she smiled, “I will Ko-chan, I promise!” Before pulling back, Hikaru tilted her head a bit further, another puppy like expression capturing Koharu’s attention, “And Ko-chan? Try to relax a bit yourself!”

Koharu flopped her back against the couch once more as Hikaru closed the door behind her. She couldn’t help but think to Hikaru’s situation. She knew her partner was still concerned about this infatuation she had for Sogo. She had never seen her partner so… enamored with someone. It was cute, and Koharu was happy for her. Sure, Hikaru still had some degree of an issue actually coming to terms with her feelings, but things would come to pass in time. Still, there were lingering issues given their standing. It was a universal question; should she be pursuing such things? Was it appropriate? That’s what most people would ask anyway. In complete honesty, Koharu just wanted to see Hikaru happy. Sure, she loved her job, her friends, her fans, but she loved her humanity, her friend’s humanity more. She’d do anything to see her partner happy.

But what of herself? Koharu soon found her mind wandering back to Hikaru’s words, “relax.” Koharu had honestly been on edge for days, and she was sure plenty of people knew it. Distracted, self-conscious, flighty, she had become… not herself. And deny it as she might, she knew perfectly well why that was. And soon, her mind went right back to Ryuu. Ryuu and that damn job. It had come as a mixed blessing, and was not helping Koharu’s focus. Koharu hadn’t actually talked much to Ryuu since that day. She was too afraid of forcing his hand into something he was clearly shaken up about. He hadn’t made much effort to check in either, but again, she figured it was the nerves of the whole thing.

The worst part was the fact that Koharu truly couldn’t grasp the issue at hand. She didn’t understand why she was such a wreck! They didn’t even know the exact details of what they were doing, it could have been mostly innocent to a degree! But even if it wasn’t, she and Ryuu had done this before. They’d worked together multiple times throughout the years. This should have just been another bit of work to them, just a job.

Koharu groaned, tossing her book away, effectively losing her place as she did, and flopping down onto her back on the couch with a groan. She pulled her hands down her face, and placed an arm on her forehead as she stared blankly at the ceiling. “What’s changed between us Ryuu?” She questioned, a distant tone to her voice as she groaned once more.

Realizing that she wasn’t about to figure anything out on her own, Koharu rolled herself off the couch with a heavy flop and made way to retrieve her phone. She needed someone to help make sense of all of this.


“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Gaku glanced up to see a fairly disheveled Koharu hovering over him. She wasn’t messy per say, just… tired. Not her usual gleam. The two had arranged to meet up rather suddenly in a park, Koharu clearly needing help or advice of some sort. Even if it was rather sudden, Gaku wasn’t about to tell her no. He never could manage to say no to her.

“You should be. I’m a busy man you know.” He teased, earning only a shrug and a coy face from Koharu as she smiled down at him.

“Well I think you for finding the time in your busy schedule to talk to the ailing little old me. I know there are oh so many who desire your presence.” Koharu stuck her tongue out in a mocking manner, a smile tugging at her lips as she kicked his leg lightly.

Gaku couldn’t help but laugh, standing from the bench he had been mulling around on. “Well, you know I always have time for our precious Koharu.” He gave her a hard pat on the head as he examined her. Despite her smile, she seemed rather lost yet again, and, as well as she hid it, it was clear she was concerned about something or another. “So you’re… looking awful.”

Koharu frowned into a pout, staring at him through big and exaggerated eyes, “You’re nice.” Was all she said in response, though the furrow in her brow was more a display than a serious look of offence. She knew she looked bad, and she knew he was going to say it.

“Well, I just figure it’s part of why we’re here.” Gaku laughed once more. He was always happy to see Koharu retain her sense of humor, no matter how out of sorts she might seem or act at any time. It was one of her charm points, but one of her flaws at the same time. He could never tell just how bad she was hurting because of that face of positivity.

Koharu gave pause, running a hand across the back of her neck, the furrow being replaced by an expression of a more serious degree, despite the smile that replaced her frown. “You could say that, I guess.” I guess? She knew that’s exactly why she was here. She just needed to be honest with herself damnit!

Gaku’s hand lightly hovered over the small of Koharu’s back as he motioned for her to walk along with him, practically pushing her along for the first few moments before they began to speak, “So I’m going to take a shot in the dark here and assume this is about that advertisement you two signed on for?”

Koharu gave Gaku a confused look, not because he was wrong, but quite the opposite. He had hit the bullseye with that assumption. Sighing heavily, Koharu let her shoulders fall dramatically as she spoke, “So you heard about that then?”

“Ryuu brought it up briefly, though I’ve gotta admit he diverted the subject… pretty quickly.” Gaku gave Koharu a knowing side glance, though she pretended not to notice, figuring there would be plenty more where that came from in the coming days. “Still, pretty exciting isn’t it? This is a big job for you two. You work well together.”

“Yeah well, not well enough I guess.” Koharu’s face twisted into one he hadn’t really seen on her before. Even when she was sad, she was good at least putting on a show. There was always a hint of a smile somewhere. But now? She just looked lost.

Leaning over to get a slightly better look at Koharu’s face, Gaku questioned her statement, “How do you mean?”

Koharu paused suddenly, glancing up at one of the many trees that surrounded them. She looked like a portrait almost, her posture, the light, all of it brought out something about her. But that expression. She seemed so lost. Sad. It made him sad. “He’s just become so… distant. I’m… worried that this isn’t something we should be doing. That I’ve done something wrong.”

Gaku sighed and gave her a sympathetic smile, walking over towards her. He slowly took her by the shoulders, setting her down on the nearest bench as he plopped down next to her. “Koharu, you know Ryuu. I don’t think it’s possible for you to upset him. You’re both too nice.”

Koharu took his words to heart for a moment, but quickly began slapping her face as she doubled over, practically screaming into her lap, “Then what the hell is going on with us? Argg, I don’t get this!! We’ve always worked fine together”

Gaku began to laugh at Koharu’s sudden expression, taking her shoulders once more and shaking her lightly as she remained folded over, “Koharu relax!,” He expelled between laughs, eventually bending over himself to give her a look in the face. “Did you ever consider that you’re both taking this as more that a job? Because it wouldn’t shock me to see that being the source of both your nerves.”

Koharu froze at his sudden statement, her eyes going wide as the blood flowed to her face. She hadn’t really considered the idea. Sure, Koharu knew that she cared about Ryuu, that it was what was making her nervous. But thinking of this job in the context of… anything but? She hadn’t really taken the idea into any consideration. But that couldn’t be it. It was… inappropriate! Having… feelings was one thing but actually considering making any move? No that would be unfair of her! “No, that’s… no!” Koharu began to shake her head rather violently as she looked up at Gaku with a sense of desperation in her eyes. “Gaku we are idols. There are way too many risks in thinking like that! Not just to me but to him, to you, to Hika… it just can’t be like that…”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want it to be like that Koharu. You can’t control how you feel you know.” Gaku knew how deeply Koharu cared about Ryuu, and he knew how he felt in return. He couldn’t find fault in their affections, even considering their jobs. “It’s okay to feel like this you know. You’re only human. Even idols aren’t invincible.”

“Yeah, unless you’re Tenn.” She smiled at the thought of what he’d say about all this, doing what she could to divert the sudden fit of panic she had felt. Regardless, everything Gaku said… made a lot of sense. Had they been taking this into context as more than a job? Had it become a literal expression to them? Koharu knew the answer on her end, but dared not make assumptions about Ryuu’s. Either way, it didn’t matter. This was a job. No more, no less.

“Yeah well, none of us are that brat.” Gaku was quick to retaliate to Koharu’s statement drawing a laugh from the woman. He did have a fair point. “Just focus on yourself and what’s good for you for once. You won’t be at your best for others if you aren’t at your best for yourself.”

Koharu nodded her head in acknowledgement of his words. She knew very well he was right, she just couldn’t help but feel apprehensive about running anything for herself or anyone else. “I’m just not sure how to go about things at this point. This should not be so complicated.”

Sensing the apprehensiveness and confusion in Koharu’s voice, Gaku poised himself to offer her some sort of solution to her problem. “Well maybe you should start by relaxing a bit. Practice.” The idea was met with only further confusion, followed by a slight flush upon Koharu’s face the longer she thought about the situation. “Not like that! Geez, you really are enamored.” Brining a hand to his temple, Gaku did his best to keep from laughing at the woman’s suffering, attempting to clarify himself “Why don’t you try talking to each other about this instead of letting it eat away at you? Gauge your comfort levels. That much shouldn’t be too difficult, you two are friends after all.”

Koharu finally found herself surrendering to her friends support, having to admit, it wasn’t a horrible idea. “You might not be far off here, so I’ll give you this one. Doing nothing is going to get us nowhere fast I guess.” Koharu found herself stiffening in a rather dramatic manner at that point, cracking her knuckles in a way that simulated her sudden burst of resolve to beat her own embarrassment. She knew there was only one person who could help her do it. “Alright, okay, I’ve got this! Keep up that moral support. I’ll need it.”

Gaku watched as Koharu took out her phone, his face lighting up at her sudden courage, something that was more fitting for the woman he had known for so long. “That was fast. Already calling him?” he asked, leaning over her shoulder.

“Nope!” Koharu replied with an exuberant amount of energy before finding herself flush once again as she looked over at Gaku, his own face reflecting further confusion as to what the hell she couldn’t possibly be doing then. “I’m… calling my mommy.”

A silence fell between the two before it was suddenly interrupted by a boisterous laugh from Gaku, Koharu shoving him in protests as he laughed at her situation. She soon couldn’t help but find herself laughing as well, feeling her resolve returning and ready to take life by the reigns.


By the time Koharu had returned from her little intervention with Gaku, Hikaru had returned home from her own outing, seeming as conflicted as Koharu had been when she had left. “Ko-chan! Welcome back! I didn’t know you were planning to go out today.” Hikaru greeted her partner with a hearty smile.

“Hika!” Koharu returned her friends greeting with a massive grin, “I wasn’t planning on it initially. But… some things came up. So I went to talk to Gaku.” Koharu explained herself rather hesitantly, not needing to further burden others with her own apprehensiveness but well aware that she wouldn’t exactly be able to hide it from everyone, especially not one of the people who knew her best.

“You’re still on edge then?” Hikaru questioned a sympathetic smile crossing her face as she did. “It’s about the advertisement again, isn’t it?” Koharu’s slight glance to the side was all Hikaru needed to understand the answer to that question. This job is really eating you alive Ko-chan.”

“Tell me about it. Never thought I’d be walking the streets begging our friends for life lessons.” Koharu laughed at her own level of patheticness, grabbing herself some water to sate any lingering thirsts she may have had.

“It’s not necessarily a bad thing to have to ask for help you know.” Hikaru stood, following Koharu’s steps into the kitchen as she looked over her friend. “What did Gaku have to say about everything?”

Koharu leaned down slightly to glance her partner in the face, “Honestly. The same exact thing you did. To Relax. Find our comfort levels.” Koharu started before straightening herself up again and glancing out the nearest window in a dramatic fashion that really suited her.

“You’re leaving something out.” Hikaru accused Koharu in the kindest way she could, well aware of the circles the woman’s head was running. She knew exactly why Koharu was struggling so much. Why she was so nervous, so scared. It was the exact same feeling she had when she was with Sogo.

“He… asked me if I thought I could be considering this as more than just a job… if this was becoming more than a job. If it had some meaning beyond a partnership or a friendship.” Koharu wasn’t about to let Hikaru ask if it was true, because both of them knew the answer. “And it’s all right. I care about him… so much. It’s cutting deeper. And I don’t know If I can handle it.” I don’t think I deserve it. That last reason was something Koharu could only think. She knew it’s where her hesitation came from, but she wasn’t willing to admit it to anyone.

A gentle hand found Koharu’s arm, taking it into a light squeeze. “I know how it feels. It’s scary, isn’t it? To care that much. But we’re human Koharu. We have feelings. And it’s okay if we do. You care about him a lot, and I know he cares about you too. So now, I think it’s okay to be selfish. At least, when you’re ready. For now, I know you’re strong enough to go on. You two can do this! The advertisement and everything that comes after!”

Koharu found herself lost for words for once in her life. The energetic and passionate look on Hikaru’s face was inspiring, adorable and reassuring all at the same time. She remained silent, staring for a few second before finding herself laughing like an idiot at the reaction. It was so like Hikaru, she thought, to be so compassionate. She pulled her friend into a friendly sidehug, trying to speak between her laughs. “I don’t think I could function without you, you know that?”

Once the pair had managed to calm down, they elected to move their conversation to the living room once more as Koharu took her turn to pry information from Hikaru. Hikaru explained what had gone on during her own friendly outing.


Reeling with her own thoughts after Hikaru retreated to her room, Koharu finally felt it the ideal time for her to give her mother a call, somehow feeling that speaking to her mother about the issue at hand might fix the whole thing, outlandish an idea as it may have been.

Somehow managing to gather herself enough to pick up the phone, Koharu was a bit surprised when her mother answered almost immediately. “Dearest! I was just about to call you, it’s been ages! Hows my little shining star?”

“I’m fine mom, and you sound about at that level as well.” Koharu let out a laugh at her mother’s sudden interest, partly suspiscious of exactly why her mother was so eager to give her a call.

“I don’t have time to be anything other than busy sweetheart, but I’m sure that’s a sentiment you know plenty about. In fact I heard through the grapevine you’re working on another big advertisement! And with a rather handsome friend of yours what I hear. How exciting for you.” Koharu wasn’t particularly fond of her mother’s tone of voice, but chose to let is slide rather than attempting to deter her from any ideas. At least, for now.

“Yeah ma, that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I uh… theres a bit of tension in the wind with this,” Koharu managed to muster out, trying to make things seem as level as possible without going into too much detail

Koharu heard her mother laugh at her rather subtle statement, ready to challenge her daughter’s explination, “Not for any bad reason I imagine. The way I hear it the only tension is sexual, which isn’t always a horrible thing love.”

Koharu visibly jumped at her mother’s insinuation, but again chose not to content it, rather questioning her methods, “How would you know this mother dear?” She could already feel the blood in her face and was just glad no one was around to see it.

“A mother knows her child love. You may be a mystery to some but you’ll always be my open book!”

Koharu let out a sigh as she conceded to her mother’s statement, “I suppose you have a point.. or a couple. With the book and the tension thing.”

Another laugh came through the recivere, though this one much kinder than the last as her mother continued to speak, “And again, neither are things you should take issue with love, even if our line of work.”

“Yeah, well it might be in our case.” Koharu fell back to lie down on the couch as she spoke to her mother, dreading to think about any awkwardness she had already experienced, let alone what might come.

“Dear you’re still human. Theres hardly any shame in having feelings beyond a professional manner, even for someone you’re on a job with. It should be a dream to you in which case!” There was comfort in her mother’s voice. Somehow Koharu felt somewhat reassured, even if her speech didn’t support this feeling.

“It’s just not appropriate right now... we can barely get within 5 feet of one another without going red in the face.”

“That’s why you rehearse dear, once you know what’s going on.” She couldn’t see her mother, but Koharu could just feel the wink coming through the phone. She knew her mother too well.

Koharu signed, but a smile was plastered to her face. “I’ve gotten the same speech from 3 different people now, but you’ve all been right and it’s why I need your help.” Her friends knew her too well, and her mother only knew her better. It was comforting yet terrifying at the same time.

“Anything to let my little lovebird feel more comfortable!” Another laugh sent another blush up to Koharu’s face as she whined a bit softly.

“I… need you to get to Hano before our manager’s drop the bomb on whatever it is we’re doing. I’m hoping an out of work setting might do us better than pretending like something so intimate is simply business and couldn’t in any possible way be awkward. Maybe find some of their previous advertisements the company has made for products with similar themes if you can.”

“You make this sound like such a covert operation.”

Koharu quickly put up a level of defense. She despised having to lean on others for such help but found herself lost as to what else she could possibly do. She wasn’t about to admit this, however. “I-if you can’t its fine mom.”

A huff came through the phone as her mother quickly jumped back on the case,”What do you take me for? Of course I can! But I’ll only do this on one condition!”

“Whats that?” Koharu asked with a level of suspicion yet entwined it with good will.

“I need you to watch your sister for a couple hours today. I know it’s your day off and she misses you dearly anyway! Hashira is off prattling with some of her school pals and I’ve got a meeting to get to.”

Koharu let out a sigh of relief. That was definitely something she could manage. “Sure mom… That’s no problem.”

The pair quickly finished out their conversation as Koharu agreed to wait for her mother and at her dorm, expecting them, to arrive within the hour. Rolling onto her side, Koharu felt herself drifting off into daydreams, overthinking life as she tended to do. It was a relief for Koharu to have so many people willing to help her handle her feelings, especially with the current situation, and she already felt better about the job as a whole. Still, there was some dread as she continued to think about every awkward encounter that could possibly come out of it all.

The sudden buzzing of her phone and the sudden realization of just how long she had been spacing out soon forced Koharu outside, aware of her family’s arrival. Striding out the door, it wasn’t long after she took her first step that she felt a sudden weight on her shoulders, nearly losing her balance as she felt her sister swinging onto her back.

“Onee-chan!” Ai screeched into her sister’s ear with levels of glee. The pair laughed as Koharu began to spin around, a tight grip on her sister as she did.

“It’s always so nice to see you so energetic love!” Koharu stopped rather suddenly upon hearing her mother’s voice, a bit unsteady on her feet from the spinning and trying her best to to drop her sister or drop herself.

Mihoko Ito, a woman of grace and one of the few people Koharu truly felt herself truly comfortable relying on over the years. Koharu was always amazed by her mother’s young appearance and how she managed herself despite her age. She could only hope she looked, and managed, as well as her mother did when she grew older.

“Kind of a requirement in this line of work, isn’t it?” Koharu laughed, kneeling slightly to let her sister slide to the ground before taking the smiling child’s hand. “Besides, pretty sure I get it from you.

“I truly wish I still had the opportunity to exercise my energy as you do dear.” Her mother sighed rather dramatically, shrugging heavily, “the sacrifices one must make to follow their ideal lines of work.”

“Fashion not working out as well as the acting career did then mother?” Koharu smirked at her mother’s attitude, well aware of the answer.

“Only all the better.” Her mother smirked in return, approaching Koharu and laying a heavy hand on her daughter’s shoulder. The two stared at one another for what seemed like ages before falling into a heavy hug. A sentimental smile crossed Mihoko’s face as she glanced over her daughter. “You never did give me much to worry about.”

“I call your bluff there,” Koharu laughed at her mother’s sudden statement, aware of just how much trouble she had been through the years, ‘but thanks anyway mom. And I appreciate this favor.”

“Anything for you! Well, at least I have nothing to worry about right now.” Mihoko backed off slightly, prepared to head out as she spoke, “Well, I suppose I should go and get to work about now…”

Koharu’s vision strayed from her mother as she noticed another figure approaching, feeling a sudden flish rise to her face once more when she realized who it was. Koharu’s rather sudden change in expression and rapid attention shift caused her mother to change her own line of focus, a sly and knowing smile forming on her face as she watched Ryuu approach.

Unwilling to let her mother get the first word in, Koharu walked past her mother, practically dragging her sister along as she approached the smiling man, a small smile of her own forming as she managed to gather her composure, trying not to think of the conversations of the day. “Ryuu! What a surprise. What’re you doing here? Gaku said something about you guys having some late rehearsals?”

Ryuu’s smile only brightened as Koharu approached, showing now levels of hesitation as she seemed to have done. Had he noticed her expressions? Attempts to not seem a fool? Thankfully, it didn’t seem to matter. He was in great spirts and she wasn’t about to complain. “We finished up early and I wanted to check in.” The sunny smile that had graced his face fell slightly as a furrow formed in his brow in concern. “Gaku mentioned you weren’t feeling 100%, I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

Koharu stifled a laugh at his concern for her while also silently swearing at Gaku for sending him her way after everything that had been discussed that day. “You really didn’t have to come all the way out here for my sake you know.” Koharu glanced down a bit shyly. Despite her words, she felt reassured he had come when he learned of her rather down mood.

Ryuu smiled once more, leaning down a bit to look into the woman’s averted face, “But I wanted to see you… see if you were doing alright that is!” Ryuu quickly stood back up straight as he tried to correct himself, trying not to make his wording too suggestive.

Koharu simply glanced back up, giving him a simple but reassuring pat on the arm as she spoke, letting her grip linger a bit longer than she had anticipated “I’m.. fine Ryuu. I promise. Thank you.”

A sudden voice broke the pair’s focus on one another as Mihoko broke herself into the moment, “I hate to break this touching moment but… I lied, my curiosity has the better of me and my dear Kohau seems intent on leaving me out in the cold so I suppose it’s on me to introduce myself.”

Koharu cursed her mother silently yet silently agreed she should have acted on that earlier, “N-no need for that mother. Ryuu, this is my dear mother, Mihoko Ito.”

Ryuu simply smiled in response to the ordeal, not seeming to find the interruption as intrusive as Koharu, or at least he wasn’t showing it. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Ito-san. Im—“

Mihoko held up a hand, cutting the man off as he gave a look of sudden surprise, the woman simply offering a sigh and a smile. “Please drop the formalities, you make me feel so old. Besides, no need for introductions. You must be the famous Ryuunosuke I’ve heard so much about!”

The look of shocked remained on Ryuu’s face as he spoke in half confusion and half embarrassment, “So much..?”

Mihoko watched as he daughter violently protested from behind Ryuu, but chose to ignore her in favor of further humiliating her daughter. “Koharu always seems to bring you up in our conversations. Distracted, that one is.”

Koharu quickly rushed back forward, mindlessly grabbing Ryuu’s arms from behind as she leaned past him, furthering his flush, Koharu too distracted for her own to become more intense. “I discuss all of Trigger, mother. Don’t tease him like that please.”

Mihoko recoiled at her daughter’s statement in fake shock “Tease! Nonsense! I simply enjoy getting to know the people my daughter seems to hold a care for! Especially one who’ll soon be spicing things up with her from what I hear…”

Both idols suddenly shot red at her statement, Koharu’s grip tightening on Ryuu for a split second, the latter man simply standing in continued shock and further embarrassment as Koharu began to retort. “Mother!” Koharu pushed past Ryuu and rather suddenly passed her sister, whom herself was very confused, off to him with barely a word. If you could just take her and excuse us for a moment.” Koharu pushed her mother forward rather forcefully, the latter laughing at her daughter’s flustered composure. “What are you doing?!” Koharu tried her best to keep hushed but spat her words rather forcefully.

Mihoko nodded to herself in reassurance. “You’ve liked many a stupider. I can give my blessing on this one.”

Koharu sighed in irritation as she slumped her shoulders, shaking her head. “Mother what are you talking about?”

Mihoko pinched the bridge of her nose in disbelief as she shook her own head. “Please dear, you’re about as see-through as it gets.”

Koharu scoffed, no longer attempting to keep herself quiet in her frusteration. “You’re unbelievable. Mother we are friends, nothing more! I wish you’d get that through your head! Even with those feelings it’s completely inappropriate!”

“Love is a hard thing to derail dear. Perhaps I should stay back after all, I’m not certain my dear Ko can hande this situation…”

Koharu smiled to herself in pity, begging towards her mother. “Please don’t.”

“Ahhh, fine… For you and only you! Now return to your sister before she talks the boy’s ear off.” Mihoko shooed her daughter back towards Ryuu. As the pair approached Mihoko continued with her dramatic stance, truly showing how destined she had been to be part of her previous profession and exactly where Koharu got her own skills. “Well it seems I’ve been banished from your company my dear friend! Koharu can’t handle her mother very long.”

Koharu shot a smiling glare at her mother as she moved to stand by Ryuu once more, urging her away “I’ll see you later mom.”

“Farewell dear Koharu, Ryunosuke. Life is ever fleeting.”

Ryuu, having managed to get his own composure back, simply returned to his usual plesant demeanor as everyone saw Mihoko off. “Goodbye Ito-san, it was nice to meet you!”

Mihoko quickly began to make her way past the trio, but stopped for a brief moment to whisper to the taller man, “She deflects, but you’re special dear. “ She spoke without a hint of her previous dramatic tones, leaving Ryuu only to question exactly what she meant as she continued onward.

Koharu quickly turned towards Ryuu and, rather uncharacteristicly, began to bow in apology, “I’m… so sorry about that mess. I swear shes not always like this!” Koharu stood up once more, itching at her cheek as she smiled rather lobsidedly, trying to come up with some sort of explanation. “Sometimes she’s drunk!”

Ryuu only found himself laughing at Koharu’s sudden response, waving his hands to reassurance, “It’s fine! She seemed rather pleasant. Like you.”

He spoke without a hint of hesitation, and Koharu couldn’t help but question how he meant the statement, “I…” she began to speak, but was too soon interrupted by a higher voice.

“Did you forget me?” Ai spoke rather sullenly, her face showing a look of suspicion as she continued to cling to Ryuu, just as Koharu had left her.

Koharu suddenly put up her own fake shocked face, close near replicating her own mother as she spoke affectionately towards her sister. “Oh dear me, of course not Ai! How could I ever forget such a face!” she reassured bending down to meet at her sister’s level.

“You’re a liar! You did forget.” Ai continued to accuse her sister, pointing fingers as she pouted.

Koharu raised her hands in defense, sighing playfully in defeat. “You wound me dear, but you catch me in a lie… I guess I just have to find some way to make it up to you…”

Ai pondered for a moment before deciding her sister’s punishement, suddenly beaming as she spoke, “Ice cream is always a good option!”

Koharu stood straight once more, smiling towards her sister brightly. Ryuu couldn’t help but find himself smiling at Koharu’s demeanor. It was that part of her that he loved. She radiated affection for those close to her, and it was easy to tell just how much they mattered to her. “Then ice cream it shall be” Koharu sang, looking up at Ryuu, who hadn’t realized that he had been staring until she met his gaze, the woman continuing, “But before we do anything, I’ve been endlessly rude. Ryuu, this is my younger sister—“

Ryuu interjected before Koharu could finish, smiling down at the girl who continued to cling to him for one reason or another. “Ai, right? She made plenty sure to introduce herself.” He laughed as she smiled up at him before shifting her gaze back towards her sister.

“When you LEFT me Onee-san.” Ai hissed back toward’s Koharu playfully, sticking her tounge out and earning the same reaction back.”

Koharu looked between the two, aware of her own guilt, “Right.. well I—“

“Shhhh!” Ai put a finger to her lips as she made the noise, looking between Ryuu and Koharu, finally settling her gaze on Ryuu. Koharu stood in her ordered Silence as the young girl continued to stare up at the much taller man, whom could only smile back a bit awkwardly, feeling somewhat sized up by the 6-year-old.

“Mom said Koharu has the hots for you.” The girls’ words and innocent tone sent shockwaves through the two adults, Koharu finding herself choking on air itself as Ryuu stood fidgeting awkwardly, unsure of what exactly to say to that statement. The pair stood beet red together, unable to act for a select few moments.

Koharu eventually had the sense to address her sister, grabbing her away from Ryuu and carrying her upwards to look her in the face. “Ai… your mother is a bonehead.”

Wrestling in her sister’s grip, Ai continued to pout, “But she said—“

Koharu was quick to interrupt her sister, “Snitches don’t often get rewards, you know!” Koharu’s sudden threat caused Ai to throw her hands over her mouth in sudden fear of a loss of sweets. “Sometimes I swear…”

“Can we go before I say something else then?” the young girl begged, her sister placing her down once more.

Koharu simply smiled, traces of red still lingering on her face as she faced Ryuu once more. “I’m sorry we have to cut this so short Ryuu but—“

“Make him come with us!” Ai demanded rather abruptly, looking between the adults once more.

Koharu simply sighed, looking towards her sister once more. “Ai, Ryuu is a busy man you can’t just—“

“I’d actually love to go.” Ryuu cut in once again, Koharu facing him once more, a bit surprised at his sudden agreement. “We owe each other more time anyway.” Koharu found herself flushing a bit once more, and noted that the red had never entirely left his own face either.

Koharu couldn’t help but smile. It was reassuring to her that he was still rather eager to spend time with her despite all the awkwardness of the previous days. “I mean… if it’s not imposing,” she spoke softly.

“Not at all!” Ryuu said reassuringly and somewhat boisterously, his own smile bolstering.

“Then, we go!” Ai commanded, taking the hands of heach adult in her own, linking the three as she led the charge. The two adults found themselves smiling at the sudden situation. Iwas comforting, and almost… natural to them, though they’d never say it directly to one another. They felt connected in a way, linked by the small child intent on quality time, practically feeling each other’s warmth through her interlock. Temporary as it was, it was something they felt they would value for a long time. It just felt… right.


Time seemed to stop for the trio as they wandered the streets, the beautiful day keeping their already soaring spirts high. Having obtained Ai her ice cream, the small group had spent their time wandering rather aimlessly, talking about this or that in a completely relaxed manner, taking comfort in the presence of one another as they passed the time. All in all, it had been a very welcome distraction for both Koharu and Ryuu. For a moment, they were in a real world, feeling like regular people unconcerned with their professional lives or any job that would send waves of nervousness through them. They were just there, together, happy and safe from the world around them.

The group soon came to the opening of a park with a small playground, which ai immediately took interest in. She stopped rather suddenly, pulling on her sister’s hand as she stopped suddenly, the sudden halt of the pair causing Ryuu to stop as well.

“Can I? For a bit? Please!” the sort statements were all the two adults needed to concede to the girls request, trying not to laugh too hard at how earnest she was.

“I don’t see why not. Just stay in sight, okay?” Ryuu spoke first, smiling as he made her promise to stay within limits, not about to lose the sister of someone he cared so much for.

Koharu, however, was of another mind in her own statements, playfully poking at her sister as she released her hand “We need to be sure no monsters get you.” Koharu chased her sister off towards the park, shouting out as the younger girl ran. “We’ll be over by the swings, cheesepuff!”

Ryuu laughed at the pair’s interaction. It was clear just how close the pair was, and Ryuu could help but find adoration in Koharu’s actions.

“What a sweet looking family.” A sudden voice pulled Ryuu’s attention away from the two girls as he glanced at a passing pair of women, listening intently as they spoke. “So beautiful too. They must be very happy.” The words sent Ryuu into a flush once more, but somehow, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He glanced back towards Koharu, who was clearly too caught up in warning her sister to be careful to have noticed the comment, and a thousand thoughts seemed to race through his mind. Just like how the trio had been walking hand in hand so close together, it somehow felt… right. He didn’t mind imagining such a life with her, as far off or even impossible as it might have been. He found himself questioning such a future, sudden desire coming into play as he continued to stare at the female idol. Maybe it’s not something he should have been thinking, but he knew he couldn’t stop himself from caring, from having the feelings he did. But honestly, he didn’t want to.

“C’mon, might as well have some fun of our own while she is distracted.” Koharu finally turned to speak to Ryuu, smiling at him as she grabbed his hand without hesitation, towing him along towards the swing set not too far away.

As the pair approached, the lingered hand in hand for a brief moment, somewhat unwilling to let go. The warmth shared between them in that moment felt too comforting for something so small. There was no hesitation in it, neither of them too embarrassed to handel it. It was just natural. But, for them, it was only natural for a moment.

Koharu somewhat reluctantly released Ryuu’s hand as she plopped herself down onto the swing, beginning to pump herself lightly as she smiled over towards the playground, Ryuu tracing her gaze with a smile “She’s adorable, you know.” He said rather simply, the pair’s eyes never leaving the girl.

Koharu scoffed lightly, recounting to just a bit earlier and questioning how exactly Ai had managed to leave such a good impression despite her initial outbursts. “I’m glad someone else thinks so.”

Ryuu pulled his gaze away to look back towards Koharu, though the woman’s eyes remained fixed on her sister. “You two seem so close,” he spoke gently.

Koharu smiled, casting her gaze down for a moment before closing her eyes and speaking quietly, “We always have been. I hope it stays that way.” Ryuu almost wanted to question the meaning of her last statement, but found himself unable to intrude upon her thoughts in such a calm moment. She didn’t give him the opportunity, regardless, casting her gaze back up towards him with an apologetic look on her face, “I’m sorry you had to be subjected to my family like that. They aren’t exactly subtle, not to mention they seem to repeat everything they assume.”

“Don’t apologize. It was great meeting them. They were funny, and they both seem s kind. I can see where you get it from. Besides, I feel like I know you a bit better after that.” Ryuu moved slightly behind and beside Koharu, his gaze never leaving the woman, and placed a hand gently on her back, giving her slight light pushes as she moved on the seat. “You don’t talk about yourself Koharu. You or your family. You never have. I didn’t even know you had a sister until today. But seeing you with them today, it’s clear they really love you, and you really care about them.”

Koharu gave a confident nod, remaining silent for a moment and shifting her gaze back towards the playground. “I do. I really do. That’s some compliment coming from such a family man. I bet you’re just used to this”

The man gave a rather joyous laugh at the woman’s statement “I guess I’ve had some practice.”

“You’ll make a great father someday.” The way Koharu spoke was almost nostalgic in a way, maybe even hopeful.

Ryuu couldn’t help but smile a bit brighter at her words. “Yeah… I hope so. Maybe only to the right mother. You’d make a great one.” Ryuu thought on his wording for a moment before uickly interjecting back in to make things less particular, trying not to embarrass himself yet again as he laughed nervously, “In general, I mean!”

Koharu took no real offesnse to his statement and only laughed herself. “I’m not so sure about that haha! I think I’ve still got a lot to learn, get over. But then I guess we all do.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

“No, I think I give myself just enough.” The light faded from Koharu’s face for a moment, but only for the briefest of moments as she perked back up again, “But that’s not your problem.”

A look of sadness crossed Ryuu’s face at her words, his voice lowering as he spoke once more. “You’re deflecting again..”

Koharu stiffed up at his words, turning her head slightly to try and grab a glance at Ryuu “Huh?”

Before she could inquire further, Koharu felt her hands overcome with a warmth as her view was obscured by the man’s body. She felt Ryuu’s hands squeeze her own where they rested on the chains to the seat, flushing slightly at how close his forehead was to the back of her own head as he spoke, “I wish you’d talk to me about these things. I wanna keep getting to know you better so I can help you more. Whatever problems you have, you don’t have to face them alone. You’re important to me Koharu.” No correction, no hesitation, his tone lingering on that one word “me.” For once, there was no us, everyone, or everybody. Just that me.

Koharu’s chest tightened at his words. She felt safe, so encompassed there with him, yet knew the feeling wasn’t appropriate. She wanted to pour her heart out to him. She wanted to tell him everything. But she couldn’t. “Why do you have to say these things to me. It makes everything so much harder…”

Koharu felt Ryuu’s grip loosen slightly as she gazed downward, the man questioning her once more, “What do you mean?”

Koharu simply shook her head “No, it’s nothing.” Koharu leaned herself backwards far enough to find her face only inches from his own. Despite the close proximity, both sat in relative comfort, looking at one another as Koharu smiled once more and began to speak, “Maybe today isn’t the day. But one day Ryuu, I wanna tell you a lot of things. Everything. Because I wanna know more about you too. Until then, thank you for always being there Ryuu.”

Ryuu’s expression softened once again as he squeezed at Koharu’s hands, “For you, I always will be.”

The pair continued to sit in their positions for what seemed like an endless amount of time. It was comfortable for them, no hesitation or insecurity as they seemed to inch closer and closer to one another until…

“Onee-chan!” a sudden shriek a mere few paces from the pair caused Koharu to shoot up rather suddenly, acting quickly enough to connect foreheads with the man above her rather forcefully. Both recoiled in pain, Ryuu quickly staggering in pain as Koharu managed to roll backwards off her swing flat onto the ground.

“Ko!” Ryuu cried out as he realized his friend had rolled backwards onto the hard ground, quickly picking her up and examining where his head had connected with her own. “Are you alright?!”

“You know the skull doesn’t leave much room for muscle cushioning…” Koharu groaned lightly, rubbing her own head for a moment before stiffening and swinging around to look at Ryuu, “I’m so sorry, what about you? Are you okay?”

Ryuu simply laughed at her reaction, assured that she would indeed be fine, “I’m fine, though I’m sure we’ll both have a good couple of goose-eggs to speak of.”

“Mama said we have to meet soon. The clock says so.” Koharu turned to look at her speaking sister once more as Ryuu continued to support her, still a bit concerned over their collision.

Koharu slumped her shoulders in defeat at her sister’s interruption. It was probably for the best in the long run. “Then I guess we should get going.” Ryuu stood, offering Koharu a hand off the ground before the trio made way once more back to Koharu’s dorm.


Koharu waved her sister off joyfully as she watched she and her mother, whom seemed in too big a hurry to stop and say hello, somewhat to Koharu’s relief, drive off, finally leaving Koharu and Ryuu alone. As soon as the car was out of distance, the pair slumped their shoulders in exhaustion, glancing at one another and laughing as they replicated each other’s actions. “Thanks for putting up with us for a few hours Ryuu,” Koharu spoke.

“You know I always enjoy your company. I’m here anytime you ask.” He reassured her, his smile warm enough to melt ice.

Seeing his face and considering his words, Koharu figured that now was as good a time as any to get to the subject she had been dreading all day. “I’m glad to hear you say that because… Ryuu do you have time to like… talk in the next few days?”

“We can talk now if you want. I’m still here you know,” Ryuu said, tiling his head slightly in a way that somehow made this even more nerve-wracking for Koharu to bring up.

“It’s just… now isn’t a great time.” Koharu signed, trying to find her words before finally resolving to just spit it out. “I wanna talk about this advertisement we’re shooting. I think it’d be nice if we were prepared for whats coming given how... I just wanna go over a few things.”

“O-oh. Yeah, I guess that’s still a thing, isn’t it?” Ryuu found himself flushing once more, laughing fairly awkwardly.

“My mother is supposed to be bringing over some old tapes and magazines of previous ones, so we can take a look at what we’re dealing with since we should have the thematic idea in a few days as well anyway. Is… that okay with you?” Koharu questioned hesitantly.

Ryuu took a breath before nodding somewhat confidently, smiling in Koharu’s direction once more “Sounds like a good plan to me! I’ll be sure to let you know when I can escape for a while. We can talk at my place if you like?”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan to me!” Koharu relaxed at his response, nodding heavily at his response.

The pair took their time to say their farewells before Koharu retreated her room, letting out a heavy sight before praising herself internally for being able to begin to confront the problem that had been hanging over her shoulder all day. The idol slowly began to stride over towards her bed, flopping down heavily onto it as she let out another sigh into her pillow. It wasn’t long before Koharu’s mind began to wander once more, wondering just what everything would bring. She couldn’t help but think back to the comfort she had felt today, how right everything felt between them, not even a moment of hesitation. It felt so real, so right. Everything felt like it was fixing itself. Koharu couldn’t help but smile to herself. For once, she was excited to see what the next few days would bring.