Gibby Gets Owned

3 years, 6 months ago

Gibby gets wrecked and Chester laughs at him

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"Yo. Wake up...Bruh... WAKE UP!" SMACK.

The rat opened his eyes and glared at the feline in front of him.

"Ow." He muttered. "What is you're problem Chester?" He swung at the cat but missed.

"Dude you have a fight in like... an hour. I was told to wake you up. Don't kill the messenger."

"UGHHhHhhhh!" Gibby groaned as he sat up.

This was supposed to be the fight to put him on the map. He didn't know who he was fighting but he didnt care, anything to get out of working at McDonalds. Chester tagged along for moral support... and by that he was actually just gonna make fun of/record/laugh at his rat friend.

"Don't give me that look. You should be glad that I tagged along instead of Rut." They both stood there before simultaneously gagging at the mention of the Rottie.

"Whatever, man."

~The fight

Gibby lugged himself to the entrance, preparing to make the walk to the ring and meet his opponent. Lights struck him as he neared the door. Loud cheers filled the stadium. A gruff looking canine grabbed him by the arm and lifted it up.

"AND INTRODUCING GIBBY... the.. uhh.." He glanced at the rat, "Pssst, kid, what's your stage name?" He whispered.

"I-I don't have one?" He stuttered out. The canine glared at him. "Lame."

"ER- AND INTRODUCING GIBBY ... erm..."RAT ATTACK"... Frickin I don't know your last name... YEAH!!!"

The crowd went wild, cheers and laughter at the sheer unenthusiasm that the announcer radiated at the newcomer. "AND IN THE OTHER CORNER WE HAVE THE CROWD FAVORITE! HERE TO DEFEND HIS TITLE, THE ONE, THE ONLY, CRUSSSHHH RUUUSHHHH!!!"

Chester coughed up his lungs laughing while pointing at his friend and mouthing "You're gonna die bro" before laughing some more. The crowed went crazy, there was no denying that Gibby was screwed.

"WHAT!?" Gibby's eyes widened, hands on his head. He turned to his manager, another rat, name doesn't matter at this moment in time because I h*ccin said so. He grabbed the smaller rat by the shirt. "THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? I THOUGHT I WAS FIGHTING A NOBODY LIKE ME!" .

"Relax, Gibbs. Do you realize what getting wrecked by this absolute unit of a reptile is gonna do for you're career?" Gibby death glared at him, unamused.

"Plus he's the only one that fit your weight group." He said, poking the other rodent's belly..

"Of course." He muttered under his breath. The manager poked him again. Gibby slapped his manager's hand out of there. "STOP IT!" >0

"Are you gonna screw around all day or are you gonna fight me, Mousey?" The iguana grinned at him. Gibby walked into the ring and eyed his opponent. The iguana stood tall and muscular.

It was in this moment that Gibby regretted only eating McDonalds for the past year.

"You sure you're not a reject from that one biker gang?" Crush joked.

"Excuse you. I work at McDonalds."


"You boys ready?" The hound ref asked. "Sure am, the reptile smirked. "....I'm gonna die."

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The match started, Crush immediately charged at Gibby and swung, the rat dodging by mere inches. Gibby ran to the other side of the ring and used his big boye momentum to use the belts and yeet himself at the reptile. He managed to land a hit on Crush's shoulder, however the iguana didn't even flinch and instead grabbed the rat by the arm and swung him around, throwing him out of the ring. Gibby landed with an 'OOF', just about flattened the audience and hesitantly got himself back into the ring.

Gibby ran at Crush and swung, nailing him in the face. He was almost proud of himself if not for the fact that Crush instantly responded by punching him in the face, definitely leaving a bruise. Gibby blindly kicked and managed to hit Crush in the side, knocking the air out of him. The rodent took his chance and punched Crush right in the belly, knocking him down.

Gibby flopped down, pinning the reptile, the hound dog ref dropping to his knees and began to count down. The crowd booed at this, clearly not appreciating this nobody, whacking on their hero. (Not like that, you weirdo.)




Before the canine could finish, Crush broke free from Gibby's pin. Gibby's heart sunk. He actually though he had it.




Gibby didn't have time to react. Crush whacked him in the face again, and again, Giving him a bloody nose. He lost his balance and fell next to the corner, too dizzy to get up. Crush climbed the belts, and held his fists in the air.

"CRUSH DROP! CRUSH DROP!" The crowd screamed.


The iguana leaped from the corner, elbow first into the poor rodent, grabbing his arm in a pin. The crowd cheered.

The hound once again counted down.




Later uwu~


"Shut up! He's a pro! It wasn't fair!" He frowned.

"Uh huh.... Who cares? Oh my GOD that was the funniest shizz ive seen."

"I'm so glad to have a friend like you." He threw a water bottle at the mountain lion.

Chester put his hands on his face, "I know. Aren't I the best?" He smirked.

"SHUT UP, FARM BOY!" Gibby yelled in frustration.

"RUDE! MY HOUSE LITERALLY BURNED DOWN!" He huffed, fake offended. "Ight I'm out." He yawned and left the locker room.

Gibby sat in silence for a while. He wasn't disappointed, just in literal pain, oh my Lord did you not read what just happened to him? The door creaked open, a figure stepped in. "Didn't you just leave, Cat?"

"I'm 79.9% sure I'm not a cat." The figure stepped in.

Gibby looked behind him and saw Crush. He did his best not to look scared.

"That was a good fight. You hit pretty hard kid." He held out his hand for Gibby to shake it.

Gibby stared at him for a second before returning the hand shake.


"I mean it! You have some good potential! Don't let this one loss get you down... anyways I better get going." The reptile left the room, leaving the fat rat boye dumbfounded.

"What did I get myself into?".

Teh eND.

Author's Notes

This was for a contest lmao