Father's Wish

3 years, 6 months ago
433 2

Wu Yingfei's first encounter with snow is a memory that he doesn't recall.

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The young man gazed out the window with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“It sure is snowing a lot... The shipment will probably be delayed a week...” 


Hearing his A’ Ying coo in awe, he looked down at the baby bundled snugly in his arms. He couldn’t help but smile at how his eyes’ twinkled with wonder and excitement while he stared outside at the snow. 

“Wife, I’m taking A’Ying out for a bit, we’ll be right back~” Before his wife could say anything, he slipped outside and shut the door with a loud thud. 

“Oof it’s cold!” he shivered, clutching the baby tighter. “Ahhh, you make a good heater, A’Ying~”

Entranced by the pretty snowflakes fluttering in the air, Wu Yingfei reached out a pudgy hand in an attempt to grab one for himself.  

Mistaking his gesture as wanting to get down, the man happily compiled. “You’re such a big boy now, huh? You don’t need your father anymore?” He chuckled to himself though he made sure his hands stayed on the baby’s shoulders. Although it would be funny to see his son face-plant into the snow, his wife would eradicate him if A’Ying caught a cold because of this. He shifted his stance a little, curious to catch a glimpse of his son’s expression at finally coming in contact with the mysterious substance he was in awe of.

Only to see his cute son’s face incredibly scrunched up in disgust just like when he drank his wife’s beloved jasmine tea. He must not like the wetness and coldness of the snow, huh. The man couldn’t help but laugh boisterously, but he stopped when he felt his crouching body become unbalanced with the force of his laughter. In an effort to save himself from plopping into the snow, he subconsciously exerted more force on Yingfei’s shoulders, causing the poor baby to fall forward into the snow instead.

He hurriedly picked him up and examined his face. Only to break into laughter once more. 

He didn’t know if it was possible, but A’Ying’s face was even more scrunched up!

“Sorry, sorry; I’ll tell Auntie Yi to make a batch of your favorite tea to warm you up, so forgive your father okay?” He smiled down at his son, who in return lit up at the prospect. At that, his smile turned a little wistful.

A’Ying, I hope that even in the future, you will be able to express your feelings freely...