Marcus's day

3 years, 5 months ago
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Author's Notes

All credits goes Pickles! For bringing all of our characters together for an amazing bash!

"The hell do you mean you're busy?" Marcus snapped over the phone. He set down a six pack of beers on the conveyor belt, glancing over to see the cashier giving him a look between a dead stare and a stink eye. He looked away.
"I mean I be busy! I can't be holding your hand all the damn time, yo! Gotta make the time for da numbah one guy out here, oh yeah! Rylex time, baby-- WOO!!"
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"I got me a teeth whitening appointment, my man. Gotta keep the pearly whites extra pearly for the ladies, you feel me? Dentist dude here is FIRE! Cleans them up real good for a lil extra penny." Meanwhile, Dan stood at the door, a vein pulsing at the side of his head as he waited for Rylex to finish his call. "Uh-oh! Bossman's giving me a mean look--"
Marcus glanced over at Kass, who was also giving him a mean look. "I can relate."
"--catch ya later, B. Next time you see Rylex you will be BLINDED by his smile!"

Marcus stormed out of the grocery store, disgruntled, irritated. Drinking alone wasn't manly; who could he share his stories with?! If he was alone, he was alone with his feelings and that... He shook his head, then glanced up in time to see a familiar face.
"You," he grunted, met with a tired look.
"Huh? Oh, it's you," Terry mumbled. He glanced at the bag hanging off Marcus's arm and motioned towards it. "Big plans, huh?"
"No, not anymore," he shook his head. "My drinking partner cancelled on me. You'll take his place instead."
"Thanks for asking," Terry grunted. "Sure, though, I could use a drink after this week, and it'd be a good way to start the weekend. Why don't we go to a bar instead, though?"
"Spoken like a true drinker," Marcus snickered. "Deal. Let's go."
"N-Now? But I need to get--"
Unfortunately, Terry got dragged away.

Lucky for Marcus, he was pretty popular among the bars in the city world. When the bartender saw him coming in, he eagerly waved and said, "It's good to see my favorite customer again! Hey, drinks are free today, on me!"
Marcus and Terry sat at the bar and were handed their drinks, a glass of the most expensive vodka on the shelf. Marcus downed a shot of it and winced in pleasure at the burn. He glanced around. "Pretty empty today, huh?"
"Yeah, but it's bound to pick up with you here," laughed the bartender before pointing at the other end of the bar. "Only had one customer today. She's a looker, and, uh, I think she might be interested in you by the way she keeps looking." Following his gaze, Marcus saw a beautiful woman with dark blue hair watching him. "Well hello there," he greeted.
With a smirk, the woman got out of her seat and went to sit besides him. "It's good to see you again," Charlotte said while leaning her head against her gloved hands.
"I could say the same," Marcus nodded. "You been waiting here all day for me?"
"In a way. I heard you frequented these bars, and... I really wanted to see you again."
"Mr. Marcus!"
Hearing yet another familiar voice, Marcus glanced over to see young Dragon hurrying over to him. "I practiced being as manly as you and now everyone wants to be my friend!" he said excitedly.
"Well congrats to you, squirt," Marcus smirked while patting his head. "Can I get you a milkshake?"
"No, thank you," Dragon shook his head. "Because I'm a man, I'll have alcohol!"
"Hold on," Terry started. "Isn't he--"
"One alcohol coming up!" spouted the bartender before patting Marcus's arm. "I told you people would keep coming in with you around!"
Before Marcus could answer, his phone rang. He picked it up and heard Rylex on the other end spouting, "Yo, Bossman! You still need yo drinking champ around? Man, I can't WAIT to show you these teeth! Brighter than the SUN! S-U-N, dawg, I'm talkin' light pollution here!"
Marcus considered it, glancing around at everyone that surrounded him. "You know what? Take the rest of the day for yourself. I'm fine."
"What?! Did I hear that right--"
He hung up. "Now, let's have another round, huh? On me!"
"I thought they were already--" Again, Terry was interrupted by the cheer of the others.