various hcs

5 years, 9 months ago
5 years, 9 months ago
2 754

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 9 months ago

hcs abt chai i have nowhere else to put

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random hcs 1

- gets homesick vvv easily 

- always wants to win the grand tournaments for the home visits and thats the p much the reason they're always training hardcore

- owns a shop in the school's cafeteria; its a little cafe/tea shop where he serves thai food, bakes stuff, and makes all kinds of teas 

- based their shop aesthetic after their home to cope with their homesickness 

- you can also order a familiar from his shop but that custom order and needs to be discussed with him so you gotta set up an appointment (they're not cheap either unless your his 'fam' which then you can get one for free anytime from him)

- no fighting allowed in his shop; if you fight in it, he'll kick ur ass KSAHDGHJADSG

- he has a sponsor he made a deal with; in turn for attending ikigai high, she has to support his village back home financially and essentially be his money bank bc she's rich af 

- calls their sponsor "onee-sama"

- loves their familiar with all their heart bc she helps them feel less lonely 

- wants to be every1's big brother

- gets really emo but only in privacy 

- would rather die than show weakness in front of his fam 

- a weeb 

- for the life of him, he cannot show his skin he's vvv shy 

- his one fatal weakness 

- automatically fam zones ppl

- pulls out guns on anime haters or on anyone in general

- does he even have a gun permit??? does he need one?? chai wtf

 - his aim never misses (beware of the chancla)

- a1 dancer