various hcs

5 years, 9 months ago
5 years, 9 months ago
2 754

Entry 2
Published 5 years, 9 months ago

hcs abt chai i have nowhere else to put

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house hcs 1


- has a medium sized 2 story house somewhere thats somewhat secluded solely for himself and tea; his sponsor pays for everything so yeet LMAO

- his has a decent sized yard where he does archery and shooting sometimes 

- his house has like. bare furniture. there's stools in the kitchen and a big sofa in the living room and thats abt it 

- he has a lot of shelves with potted plants tho; plants are everywhere

- aside from that his house is just empty 

- his house gets a lot of sunlight bc giant windows, sometimes he'll just lay on the ground in the sunlight ashdgasdjgf

- same with the moonlight on sleepless nights

- 40% of the time he just sleeps on the ground somewhere in front of a window even tho he has a nice comfy king sized bed 

- his attic is locked forever 

- his basement is like a makeshift training center filled with targets and stuff

- his kitchen is the only place that isn't filled to the bare minimum, its filled to the max bc he shops in bulk and online JASHDFASGD

- has high speed internet but no tv; only has a desk top, his phone, and a laptop

- usually just uses it to watch anime tho 

- you'll find random weapons like everywhere in his house.

- open a cabinet? there's a gun! some random drawer? wow a knife! 

- there's one room in his house solely dedicated to his weapon collection; its lined wall to wall with his weapons and there's like a cleaning station too 

- another room in his house also dedicated to his past; its filled with pictures and objects that have a lot of meaning to him 

- those two rooms are also locked and hidden 

- honestly doesn't like people coming to his house at all and would pull a gun on you if you showed up uninvited

- if he throws a party or anything like that, its at his cafe rather than his house OOF

- has a licence, so he drives himself to school usually; sometimes he'll walk or run if he's feeling up to it   

- owns a black motorcycle he calls karasu and a black porsche (bought for him by his sponsor ofc) that he'll like,,, drift and race around the school in sometimes bc he finds it fun JHASDGSADF 

- usually only takes his motorcycle to school tho

- tea has her own full sized room to her; also has a laptop where she can order stuff online herself on chai's account 

- chai's room also has a shelf solely for his glasses collection 

- his sleeping schedule is like wack 

- has a lot of notes and papers laying around randomly but like his school notes, its all written in thai