Oceanayde Lore

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
2 1875

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence

Everything I put here has to do with the Village or the Tribe, or even just the characters in general if I decide to write more backstory or anything for them

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For the Cecaelia, it isn't really magic persay that they can do, though in come cases it is, but it is moreso about abilities. Here I am going to be listing the different abilities available, as well as how common or uncommon they are in the Oceanayde Tribe.


These are all abilities or traits that come naturally to those of my tribe, so for someone to not have one of these triats, they would be considered disabled, however minorly. 

  • Eyesight- there are no glasses underwater, so to cure poor eyesight like we do on land, some Cecaelia wear goggles (though this isn't particularly common, and only those with severe sight problems wear them)
  • Night Vision- Due to living on the bottom of the ocean, it can get quite dark down there, during the day in the village, the lighting is probably closer to evening light than day, and during the night it is completely black (with the slight exception of moonlight sometimes). This means that they need the extra help to see, however, unlike regular eyesight if a cecalia is born without this there are no glasses or modifications, they will need to find their own way. 
  • Agility & Endurance- While yes, cecaelia have more advanced agility than humans, the extent of this varies just as it does in humans. A farmer would be more agile than a common joe, but a warrior would be more agile than a farmer. 
  • Breathing- All Cecaelia can breathe both air and water, it is extremely uncommon for a baby to be born unable to breathe water, but they would die. It is fairly uncommon for a Cecalia to be born unable to breathe air, but that is a trait that is not normally noticed until later on, but is still more common than being unable to breath water
  • Echolocation- All Cecaelia possess this trait, though how well developed it is is questionable. Some can feel a fish move miles away while some can only perceive something like a dolphin clicking within relatively close proximity. 


While most cecaelia posses these traits, some do not, but it is considered less of a 'defect' when one does not get these traits

  • Flexibility- Due to being part octopus, Cecaelia is extremely flexible. Those without this common trait are only flexible in the octopus half of them, not the human half. There has yet to be anyone known in the village to struggle with flexibility of the tentacles. 
  • Speed: While like endurance this is case by case for how fast one can go, someone without this trait would be considered slow, and simply would have a slower speed than someone with this trait. A slow Cecaelia may be super strong and fit, but may still only be as fast as a regular Cecaelia
  • Ink sacs: Most Cecaelia in the village can, like squids, squirt black ink from ink sacs in their tentacles. More uncommonly, the sacs can also be found in one's arm (inner forearm). It is very rare for this ink to be any colour besides black. If someone does not have this ability they were likely born without or for some other reason lost their ink sacs. 
  • Healing- Some Cecaelia can heal their own injuries extremely quickly. Someone without this ability would heal about the rate a human would
  • Water Manipulation 1: Small amounts only, droplets. Must have visible amounts of water present to be able to manipulate it. Mostly a party trick.
  • Aquatic Manipulation 1: Guppies, Shrimp, Plankton, and similarly sized creatures. Only really useful on the farm. This ability is what makes Cecaelia such successful farmers. It's not quite mind control because you cannot make them say certain things, or get into their head, but you can control their movement.


  • Bioluminescence- It is fairly uncommon for someone to possess bioluminescence. When it is possessed, it is most commonly found in patches or only covering a few small areas. It is quite uncommon for it to cover entire tentacles. It is very uncommon for it to cover all of the tentacles, and rare for it to be on ones full body.
  • Healing 2- Some Cecaelia can preform minor healing on others. The degree of this varies, but the stronger the ability the more uncommon it is. Most can only do minor things, no one can grow entire limbs for someone else. Many people with this trait become doctors/ healers. 
  • Siren Singing: A recessive gene from their cousins, it's about as common as it is for humans to be really good at singing, and of course some are better at it than others. 
  • Water Manipulation 2: Average amounts, this can be useful in battle, but also in farming and whatnot. Like average water benders. 
  • Aquatic Manipulation 2: This includes pretty much all fish. Does not include mammals, sharks, and any creature too large. A good rule of thumb is that if the creature is larger than them, then they probably can't control it. Can control up to 6 fish separately or 1 school collectively at one time. 


  • Healing 3- Some can regrow entire limbs. This varies, as some can only regrow octopus limbs or only human limbs, it is even more rare to be able to regrown both. Just because someone has this trait does NOT mean that they have the Healing 2 trait
  • Water Manipulation 3- Basically extremely powerful water benders. If they were to find themselves in a situation where there is no visible water present they could draw from the air/ clouds. Can move/ pull large amounts and can control large quantities at once. 
  • Aquatic manipulation 3: Can control sharks, and any sized fish. Mammals are tricky, so an experienced/ particularly powerful may be able to but it is extremely unstable. Can control up to 10 fish seperatly, up to 3 schools, 2 sharks OR (potentially) 1 Mammal at one time


  • Water Manipulation 4- Basically, it is what Amunet has. Can create extreme Tsunami's and Hurricanes. This is such an excessive amount of power than when in use it can easily become uncontrollable without proper training. 
  • Aquatic Manipulation 4- The limits to this are unknown, but it is said that mammals of all size and intelligence become controllable with ease, and dozens of schools could be used to swarm a village, a worthy distraction before storming the village, where starved sharks would be brought and released to feast. Legend says that a man could possess hundreds of dolphins at one time, and even use a great whale to squash cities.