Oceanayde Lore

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
2 1875

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence

Everything I put here has to do with the Village or the Tribe, or even just the characters in general if I decide to write more backstory or anything for them

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Initiation to the Tribe, Mating, and Relationships

Cecaelia villages are generally very simplistic and this village is as well, it is a farming village. The warriors of the tribe are oftentimes farmers due to being accustomed to hard work and long days. The hard work is therefore often put onto the rest of the family when the warriors are not home. For this reason in the Oceanayde tribe it is considered 'initiation' for the warriors to take home a woman on the night that they join in attempts for a child. There are not many women who join, not because they can't but because the mothers/ wives generally take on the role of housework and farming in the warriors absence. When a women does join, her initiation is similar except she is meant to mate with a warrior and it is considered a great honour to whomever she chooses. If she does not get pregnant, she is to never mate with a warrior ever again as it would reduce their numbers. If she does get pregnant however, the child is said to become a great warrior, though this is just a myth and has never actually been proven. If this were to happen, both parents are encouraged to raise the child equally, retiring (temporarily or permanently) as warriors to do so. Should the child die for any reason anytime prior to 2 years, it is considered the fault of either both parents, or whomever was with her at the time of death (so if the baby were to die before birth, the mother would be at fault), in which case the guilty party (ies) are put to death for the treason of killing a great future warrior.

Outside of these specific scenarios, a loss of a child (or choosing to lose said child) is seen as a sad loss but not criminalized at all in any way.

After this initial attempt, there isn't much pressure in terms of mating or having a child, unless you have no one care for the farm in your absence, in which case one may feel pressured to marry or reproduce but there is no social obligation to. 

This is the only time reproduction is seen as necessary as well, outside of this initiation, contraceptives are very much encouraged and readily available to the public, though due to being a dying tribe, they are generally disregarded in the village, and young pregnancy's are not discouraged. So while the Cecaelian equivalent to condoms are available and of course encouraged there arent really any social consequences for not using them. One can join the ranks as young as 16. 

A young member is not to choose a first time mate younger than 14, it is in bad taste as well as any younger to more likely to lose the child. There is not limit on how old of a mate they may choose as long as they are fertile. It is seen as distasteful for anyone under 21 to have a partner over the age of 25, though mating does not follow this rule. 

This being said, an older member is not to choose a first time mate under 21 (this only applies to males, a female member can pick any male of any age for initiation, but a female relationship follows the same rules of distaste as a males)

Some people reading this may be thinking "Well what if they are asexual?" well in which case this would be a one time occurrence. As it is an initiation, there is no way of really getting around it unless you manage to find someone who is willing to lie, but for a female that is highly unlikely. 

You may also be thinking something along the lines of "well what if they have some sort of trauma and cannot go through with the initiation?" Honestly it depends. Someone will a well known past, or something that everyone kind of knows happened is more likely to get off the hook than someone whose past was a secret. This is actually a deterrent for a few who wished to join the ranks, but could not get over their past to be able to go through with the initiation. I'll have at least one character introduced whom this applies to. The attitude towards it though is that they should be able to get over their past in order, otherwise they are likely to weak to join anyways for males. For females it would be much worse as they are potentially depriving the tribe of a great warrior, and if they continue to be insistent upon joining but refuse initiation then they can be banished or even killed for treason (though it is unlikely to get this far, and the it is more realistic that they would just be banned from joining the ranks. 

Author's Notes

Hey, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know and I'll try to address them! 

I know that the whole relationship/ mating thing with the ages might be odd to some but it is it is generally pretty similar to what it is where I live and you also have to remember that this is an octopus people's in the sea... they don't live in the same conditions we do.