Character Ideas and Development Sheets

5 years, 8 months ago
5 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 7
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

just all my development sheets and character ideas put together

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Quinn Levy

Quinn was born in a regular household with regular parents, and they grew up as a child that lacked the words to truly express how they feel. Quinn was a very quiet kid, and when they said something those words were usually very worthy of being spoken. Quinn often prefered to express themselves with their clothing and their talents, much less through speaking. The story really started one day when Quinn was walking to school, they had always passed by a library during their commute, but they never bothered to go inside. On this particular day it started to hail, and Quinn needed to quickly get inside. Quinn walked into the library for shelter, and there was the librarian, a short woman with very curly hair. She invited Quinn to go into a special part of the library. This area of the library was much bigger than the door seemed to show, it seemed almost magical. Quinn picked out a book and began to read it, this book told the story of the universes creation. Quinn began to understand that this area was very special, each book in the area answered one of the world's biggest questions. When Quinn went to tell the librarian she told them that those were merely childrens books, nothing special at all. But Quinn knew better than to think that. Quinn started coming to the library nearly every day, each time reading a new book. There seemed to be endless books, each one filled with insane knowledge. Quinn tried to tell their parents about these books, but ever time they tried it seemed as if time reset itself over and over until they gave up. Quinn could never tell anyone about their discovery.