Writing for Others

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
2 1201

Entry 2
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Basically I’ll just put stuff like writing trades and commissions for others here! I want to keep up to date with my writing so yeah-

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Festive Confession//Writing Trade

For: http://aminoapps.com/p/9jnd7g

   Tool seemed to nervously wait at the spot he told Level to meet him at. He had to tell her something. Something very important to him, actually. He had feelings for the blue-grey cat but he was too scared to tell her. Well, until now that is. He had finally managed to get the courage to say it! And it would be better on him to get it over with. After all, if he kept it in, things wouldn’t be so good. It was also the holiday season, so why not confess now? And if, IF she felt the same way he did, it would only make the holidays better for him…

    ...But what if she didn’t feel the same way? What if she only thought of him as a friend? Questions like this swirled around in Tool’s mind, causing him to look on the darker side of how this entire thing will go. It frightened him and it caused him to not pay attention to his surroundings while waiting for Level.

    “Hey, Tool!” Level said, causing Tool to jump and jerk his head up, startled. “Sooo… You needed me for something, right? 

    “I-uh.. Yeah..” The cream tom responded, clearly nervous about what he had to say. He fidgeted a little as he tried to find the words to what he needed to say. “Well uh..”

    “Don’t worry!” Level said in an attempt to comfort the tom in front of her. She smiled kinda awkwardly.

    “Alright, so..” Tool said, taking a deep breath. “I uh.. I’ve kinda had.. H-had feelings for you.. For a while actually.. A-and uh.. I-I just wanted to tell you that I did s-so..” He didn’t know what to say now but at least he got it out there… right?

    But, Level was quiet, mainly due to the shock of it all. It seemed like she didn’t know how to respond. It was also hard to tell her opinion on the matter as well, as her face had looked blank, while also being shocked. It was worrying Tool. A lot.

    ‘Does… does she not like me?’ He thought, feeling kind of a frown form on his face. He always tended to overthink things. But still. What if she didn’t like him in the same way? What if she didn’t like him at all? What if she only hung out with him out of pity? So many questions stormed within Tool’s head, he couldn’t think straight.

-The Next Day-

    Tool stretched, waking up from a good night’s sleep. He stretched, eventually padding down to the entrance of his home. Everything seemed normal until he spotted a little basket at his doorstep. There were a few gifts inside of the basket, stuff that Tool liked. There was a letter as well, resting on top of the gifts that were inside the basket. Tool picked the basket using his mouth and padded inside, placing the basket of gifts down in the main room of his home. He grabbed the letter and opened it up, taking out a handwritten note from Level. He read it out. It said:

    “Dear Tool.. for one, I’m sorry that I upset you yesterday. I didn’t mean to upset you at all! But, about what you told me yesterday, I did some thinking and honestly, I’ve felt the same way as you do. I’ve felt this way since the beginning! I honestly didn’t know that you felt the same way! I just was kinda… too shy to tell you that I reciprocate those feelings. Once again, I’m sorry and I hope you enjoy the gifts I got you! And hopefully we can see each other again soon!

    -Sincerely, Level”

    Tool could feel himself smiling the farther he got into the letter. It was kinda irrational that he got so upset due to Level’s silence but it wasn’t entirely his fault. Maybe his holiday wouldn’t be so bad after all...