Interviewing Lian

3 years, 4 months ago
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An interview with Villain Cat thief

Q: First please introduce yourself. Lian: My name is Yao Lian I'm a professional thief. I'm 23 years old and dating pro hero Hawks. My quirk is Dark Lightning

Q: Why is your villain name Cat thief? Lian: Because I like cats and I also steal cats on occasion cats also seem to find me. Some people have also told me I'm cat like I guess because I'm nimble and stealthy? You'd have to ask them I'm bored of this question, Next

Q: How did you and Hawks meet Lian: I asked him if I could have his jacket, Later I stole it. Hey at least I asked!

Q: What would you do without Hawks ? Lian: I would be devastated it wouldn't be pretty. // Lian is teary eyed at the thought of loosing Hawks

Q: Did it hurt getting your tattoo, seeing as its on your face as well? Lian: It took little over a month to complete and yes it hurt a lot. Don't bother asking why I got the tattoo its not for you to know.

Q: Do you have a catchphrase? Lian: I can't say that I do but sometimes my Chinese side comes though and I call people JieJie and GeGe witch means older sister and older brother. I get some weird looks sometimes because of it

Q: Do you do the classic villain thing where you give a monologue? Lian: Haha no I don't, 90% of the time you don't even know I was there

Q: What bad habits do you have? Lian: Oh geez do we have to talk about that, I cant help stealing things I have kleptomania I guess some would consider that a bad habit. I'm also pretty lazy at home.

Q: How do you display affection? Lian: Caring for them in little ways If I'm cooking or baking something I will save some for Hawks. I'm also a hugger I like cuddles and I won't turn down kisses with Hawks <3

// Hawks comes in the room interrupting the interview Hawks: Would you kiss me live on TV if I give you $25? // Lian blushes bright red Lian: Yes! It wouldn't be a little peck on the cheek either <3 // Hawks seems pleased with this answer and the regular interview continues

Q: Do you have any pets? Lian: YES! Hawks and I adopted a long haired black cat. We call her our baby and not explain to confuse people

Q: You said at the beginning your a professional thief what are some of your past jobs? Lian: Okay so listen to this! One time I stole this ugly looking bowl because I needed it ,It was so so stupid looking so I just needed it okay! I place by my door for my keys and stuff and a week later I go into this job request and its the bowls previous owner ! He asked me to steal it back from the thief who stole it! Ha ha witch of course was me that was a good day.

Q: What is your weakness? Lian: Yikes I'll keep that info to myself you'll jinx me Don't give me that look, Okay I'm weak to... // Hawks covers Lian's mouth to stop him from talking Hawks: That's for me and Lian to know thanks

Q: What do you love to hate? Lian: Dogs! They are the worst! So slobbery and they invade your space without permission and they are smelly! And they jump up on you ugh

Q: What living person do you most despise? Lian: I hate Endeavor because he treats Hawks badly. But don't get me wrong Endeavor isn't my enemy or rival I'm no match in a fight against endeavor I just hate him and pick on him in other ways like stealing his stuff when I need something.

Q: Who would you want to raise your child if you die unexpectedly? Lian: Hawks and I would have to have a child first it would be an adorable kid! Of course if I died the father of our baby Hawks would have to continue caring for them. // Hawks nods in agreement Hawks: Don't worry I wont let Lian die, Does that make you the mom?