The First Time Loaf Calls Hizashi Dad

3 years, 4 months ago

Loaf always stays up waiting to make sure Hizashi and Mizu make it home safe. On the night Hizashi doesn't return with her, Loaf admits to the title he's been calling Hizashi for months in his head.

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Loaf turns over, squinting in the darkness. He hadn't slept since the telltale twin footsteps of Mizu and Hizashi had awoken him. That was approximately an hour and a half ago, and it was now 2:35 in the morning. Worry bites at his gut but he ignores it for the most part, they come back, they always come back. He was just paranoid, which was nothing new. With how reckless they all were, he had to worry enough for the whole lot. But, as much as he bites it back he can't help but stay up to make sure. Just in case.

It comes not 10 minutes later, the soft limping footfalls of Mizu past his door. Hizashi's, however, don't come. He waits, and, upon hearing nothing but silence, steps out of bed. He swings his legs out, standing and stepping to the hall. Peering out he scans the hall, shrouded in darkness, not a sign of life. The worry gnaws at him more viciously, sharp teeth chewing through his ribs. He swallows, heading down and into the kitchen, where the lights are on. Again, no signs of life aside from the painfully bright lights.

Only Mizu's shoes are by the door but… The door is wide open. Surely Mizu would have gotten help if they needed it but…

He peers out, heart racing. He hated the outdoors but-Hizashi was out there. He steps, silently, feet bare on the cold concrete ground. A sharp rustle catches his attention, and his quirk flares on reflex despite it offering him no protection. He can see someone-something? Hunched by the large metal garbage cans at the end of the walkway.

"D-dad?" The question escapes him before he can process it, though it seems to shock the dark figure more than himself. It jumps, crashing over the garbage can and hitting the concrete. The curses that escape him are clearly from his loud parental figure, but he flinches back on instinct anyways. Even when the figure gets back up, approaching him, the flowing yellow hair and leather unmistakable-

"Woah woah woah-Easy there little listener, it's, it's just me." It's his voice that settles him. Tension fades and he exhales gently. 

Loaf offers a crooked smile before explaining himself "I didn't hear you come in… I… What are you doing out here?"

"I was just taking out the t-trash." Hizashi's voice cuts into a stutter, catching Loaf entirely off guard. He blinks, staring up at the blonde with huge surprised eyes. Hizashi spoke with such confidence, such energy, and now it was quiet and-

Oh, he was about to cry.

Loaf watches, a bit confused but relaxed as he approaches. Why would he cry? They ate dinner together mere hours ago, this wasn't some round of clinginess was it? What on earth would spur this-

Oh, he's only ever called him Hizashi.

He just called him dad.

Hizashi was his dad.

He pauses before him, moving slow as if to not startle him. Which was a fair move, in all honesty. Hizashi has tears in his eyes as he reaches out and shakily tucks the unkempt hair that hangs over the left side of his face away.  It was a recent development, but that simple action always made his heart swell. When his parents and siblings could show how disgusting he was and look at him with nothing but love. It made him feel like maybe things were okay. He shivers, from the swirling emotions more than anything, but Hizashi tucks him up against him for warmth anyways. Gently he presses his face against his chest and cradles him with only the lightest of touches. 

With his good eye pressed against his dad, he couldn't see, but he felt the rickety shaking as he cried. All because of him, just, addressing him as he had existed in his head for so long. "You're gonna get cold, dad." Loaf speaks softly, as if, for this moment, it was Hizashi that was the fragile one. The new name felt so right, so calming to finally speak over simply thinking. And he hadn't even meant to use it. "Let's go inside."

There is a brief beat of silence, interrupted by a wet sniffle. Hizashi pulls away, his gloved hands gently holding Loaf's arms, never breaking that contact even as he nods and leads the way back inside. With renewed vigor, Hizashi's voice returns to its usual loud octave "Yeah, let's make some hot chocolate little listener! That should get your body jiggin again!" Loaf had no idea what a 'jiggin' was, but then again the eccentric man seemed to use a lot of slang that was far beyond his time. Or, Loaf didn't leave the house-Was jiggin something kids his age were saying?

"Yeah-Let's get jiggin, listener." Though his voice lacked passion and was a mere parrotry, Hizashi perks right up, as if Loaf had just told him the secrets to eternal happiness. Detecting another wave of tears Loaf clears his throat, "The uh-The kind with m-marshmallows, right?"

Hizashi smiles, a brilliant, radiant little smile that seems to radiate warmth like the sun itself. "Yeah, son, the kind with the marshmallows. Heaps of marshmallows."