Vermilion: Cruentus

LinBee Rueze
5 years, 7 months ago
5 years, 7 months ago
3 3598

Chapter 2
Published 5 years, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

Setting: Cyberpunk // Genre: Psychological, Slice of Life, Action, Horror, Mild-gore, Romance, Supernatural // Status: Ongoing // Soon to-be-made webcomic.

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Author's Notes

Story: Rueze Writer: DiabolicalDonut

Chapter 2

The room was quiet and dark. The silence was almost deafening when Léon set his eyes upon the sleeping figure of his best friend Abel. It bothered him every time he saw him in a hospital bed. Léon took a seat next to Abel's bed and watched him breathe softly. He was glad to see Abel so relaxed, though he feared for when his friend would wake up. He was still trying to figure out what he would say to Abel to get him to understand his position. Léon rested his elbow against the arm of the chair before resting his head in the palm of his hands. A deep sigh came from Léon as the clock ticked forward in time. With every click he could feel himself slipping away from reality. He was slipping into a place deep inside his mind.

A shuffle woke him up, a shuffle coming from Abel's bed. Léon lifted his head and looked at the time. He had dozed off for a couple of hours, but he did notice Abel sitting up in his bed, peering out the window silently. He had the same scowling look to him which gave Léon a bit of hope that Abel remembered a little bit. "Abel?" Léon asked quietly not wanting to startle him. Abel turned his attention to Léon, his glowing red eyes resting upon Léon. "If you're going to ask if I remember, I don't." He replied in a rather blunt fashion. Léon let out a sigh. "No, I was going to ask how you were feeling." Léon retorted with a small smirk before sitting up straight. "I want to know how you're feeling." He added before receiving a bit of a dirty look.

"I don't know, I am confused and annoyed. I don't know why I am annoyed but I am." With that he looked back out the window with a bit of a huff. Well, to Léon it was good to see Abel acting normal; Well aside from the amnesia he was suffering from but still reassuring enough. "I hear from your nurse you will be discharged in the morning. I know you don't remember me but I am the one going to be taking you home." Léon stated watching his most irritable friend. "Though I could not expect you to get there on you own... Given your circumstances." Léon added mostly to jest at his friend which was received with another dirty look. That look comforted Léon, gave him hope that it would not take long at all for Abel to recover.

While Léon stood up and adjusted himself, Abel sat quietly trying to collect his thoughts, but every time he collected one it was lost to him. It was most infuriating. This whole ordeal irritated him to no end. Not knowing his friend, not knowing who he was exactly and the confusing he was feeling. "Just as long as I can get out of this place I don't care." He grumbled before he flopped back down onto the bed and curled up beneath the covers. He took the time to stare a Léon for a bit while he was distracted. Though whenever Léon turned to look at Abel, he turned away not wanting to be caught and have it pointed out.

It did not take long for Abel to be discharged from the hospital. The nurses knew it was okay because he had Léon to take care of him. "Oh yeah, they were so eager to leave me with a stranger." Abel stated as he walked down the street with Léon. "It would not be the first time. By now this is routine." Léon mused with a smirk as he continued walking. "We will be at your place soon." Léon reassured as they rounded a corner. Abel took the time to look around, there was no one walking the streets. The town almost seemed like a barren wasteland. Though he assumed it was just too early for people to be up and about. Not with such a creepy mist in the air that was almost uninviting.

Abel's door opened with a distinct creak. The door may have sounded old but the inside was nicely furnished to Abel's taste. Abel sauntered over to the couch and sat down, not to sure of what to do next. He looked up to Léon as if awaiting any bit of guidance from him on what to do. Léon noticed this and decided to say something. "You should rest." He started off. "Haven't I been resting enough?" Abel interjected before Léon continued. "Let me finish.. I think you should rest. Despite what has happened we have things to do tomorrow and I need you well rested for it." Abel rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. "Fine, I'll rest." He said before getting up and walking into a hallway. He paused to speak but before he could say anything Léon spoke. "Your room is at the end of the hall to the left."

Abel made his way into his room. He looked around the place hoping that something would spark a memory. But to his displeasure nothing did. Not a single belonging even brought a memory to him. Abel laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. He had so much going on in his mind, yet not enough. Would things get better for him? He had to ask himself if he would remember what his life was and if he could really trust Léon. Though deep in his heart he knew he could. Part of him was relieved to have Léon with him but he could not remember why. Abel wondered what Léon would have him doing on the next day. What were they going to do? All Abel knew for certain that all of his questions would be answered in due time.

----- End of Chapter 1: Rendezvous -----