Blue labradorite's story

3 years, 3 months ago
3805 1 2

Since I'll never get to complete her story I thought sharing the fast and messy summary of it all was something at least. Some of the sold designs for the hamilton au/ Labradorite's friends can be seen here:

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This story begins with these two gems. Blue labradorite served her diamond for many centuries and befriended many gems of different ranks, she wasn’t tainted by the judgemental ideals and morals of different ranks, although she new the dangers of befriending “lowlife” gems. One particular gem she was allowed to socialise with and met with on occasions during her work was pink labradorite; a passionate, strongwilled and upfront labradorite with dreams of serving her own ruler: Pink diamond.

This fierce labradorite was determined to reach her goal, she had heard about a blue labradorite whom had reached above all other serving gems. Pink labradorite was a couple of decennial younger than her role model and future friend. She served her own gems too from time to time, but she wanted more. She was ecstatic the first time she saw this blue labradorite, having only heard stories about her before. They befriended each other quickly and learned a lot from each other, “perfect” labradorites such as themselves was rare and they never met with the low rank and dull labradorites so their similar origin helped them bond easily. Accompanying blue for a special event even led Pink labradorite to be in the present of pink diamond, from that day her determination grew even bigger than before.

During short off periods from work if their schedules matched up Blue and Pink would meet up to train, fight or just talk together. Their days were usually busy, especially for Blue as she was most often requested to be by Blue diamond’s side. She did her very best to find free time as often as possible to be with her dearest friend, and as much as she loved her work nothing beat seeing Pink. Her presence alone brought her tremendous joy. She felt so much for this gem, more than any other around her.

Blue labradorite never got along well with yellow pearl, the competition started from day one. Blue kept herself as quiet and professional as possible for the most part. The feud between them had her on edge, she refused to come off as weak minded or ignorant. Yellow pearl on the other hand was bossy, loud and often attempted to show off her good work and qualities as yellow diamond’s helping hand. Blue knew her position was more rewarding, but it was tedious and challenging not to speak back to their flaunting. As far as she knew the pearls were far less influential in important decisions, not to mention weak and unable to protect their leaders if anything ever were to happen. She was decently aquatinted with the other pearls but it was very much formal rather than actual friendship. She liked Pink diamond and she found joy in her presence during the diamonds private meetings. She was in a neutral relationship with the other two diamonds, keeping her composure and silence at all times not to show the slightest bit of the fear nor admiration she had for them. She loved blue diamond, they formed a good bond and she was kind to her; she loved working for her.

During her short, free hours she bonded with all kinds of gems. Her kind heart couldn’t resist helping the weak and she became another kind of respected among the low lives. With her power she could do almost anything she wished, and she wished for good. She’d help gems out of abusive ownerships, take them under her command and protect them when political difficulties arose. She did make sure to keep it all silent, someone in her position would end up shattered immediately if anyone ever were to find out. Problems started to arise when a group of lower ranked soldiers approached her about joining the rebellion, these friends she frequently visited and admired wholeheartedly were planning to leave for earth and join the recently discovered enemy forces. With torn heart she declined and stood her ground demanding not to be a part of anything or get dragged into trouble in exchange for not turning them in. With new pressure and uneasy feelings put on their bond both sides parted for now.

What Blue didn’t know was that yellow pearl had followed her, heard every word and started recording their conversation. Not long after the argument Blue was led into a courtroom with all of the diamonds looming in front of her. Pink labradorite with her current owner, a pink zircon stood off to the side. Blue met her eyes as Pink labradorite watched her beloved friend being led in. With utter horror and disbelief she quietly yet calmly prepared to overview what was about to unfold. Another door opened and Blues’ company of befriended soldiers were shoved in. Caught red handed sneaking their way back to their positions they were now instead with panic and anger shifting their eyes between the diamonds and Blue labradorite. Blue could only watch as Yellow pearl presented the recordings; the soldiers happily approaching her, asking her to join the rebellion and then cut. Gasps from some of the watching gems, including Blue diamond were uttered. Pink diamond slightly leaned forward in curiosity yet disbelief, Yellow diamond stood unbothered and yellow pearl in front of her was wearing a big smirk. “You see my radiances? This incompetent labradorite has been plotting to join the overthrow of your reigns, clearly well acquainted with these scum AND it confirms my earlier reports of her rumoured befriending of lower ranked gems!” yellow pearl spoke in clear and confident manner. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Yellow diamond spoke.

With all evidence pointing at what pearl said was true, even if it all wasn’t; she knew that she and including her friends would get shattered. Even if she managed to somehow be spared, she couldn’t bear to abandon them to save herself. In panic she stood baffled and quiet, desperately trying to utter anything at all. She met eyes with her dearest friend and Pink labradorite, completely unknowing of blue’s secrets was beyond furious and shaken but stood up and spoke just as blue was about to attempt any kind of reasoning. -“It was her plan all along, to rat out the rebellion on her own from the inside”.

“What.” Uttered blue diamond in near hysterical anger. Blue labradorite watched all faces including her friends’ turn toward her. In silent shock she tried to say anything but was once again cut off by pink. “In what world would the strongest, smartest and wisest gem after our radiance’s socialise with these low rank gems if not to infiltrate the rebellion to the very core?”

“Nonsense!” Yellow pearl yelled. “Someone like her would be optimal for the rebellion, she probably plays the key part to backstabbing your radiances, we can’t possibly risk that!” -“Quiet pearl” Blue almost whispered, yet somehow giving the presence of a yell, everyone in the room watched her in quiet awe and fear as she continued: “Let her defend herself, if she can’t, she’ll be shattered with immediate effect.”

Blue labradorite felt the shame and panic from everyone’s eyes as they once more turned to her. Of all the piercing looks looming on her, one presence could be felt deep within her being: Pink. “Yes” Blue spoke; -“That... was my plan.” She could feel the shame once again, strangling her conscience. Her tied up friends on the opposite ends of the courtroom yelled “How could you?! We thought we could trust you!” But nothing more was uttered as yellow diamond in an instant had blasted a bolt of lighting towards the group, they all yelled in pain as each one of them went up in an explosion of smoke, only leaving their gemstones clattering to the floor.

Pink labradorite watched them, then looked back up to the diamonds before her and said: “We deeply apologise for keeping this operation unknown to our radiances. We did not wish to risk any leak of information regarding the infiltration. We were afraid suspicion would arise if we were to call you for a completely isolated meeting. Sp we took matters into our own hands. I did not expect any kind of misunderstanding happening, especially not this specific case of interruption in our operation” she finished as she glanced over at Yellow pearl. “You should never have done that without our insight or clearance”- Yellow diamond spoke. “It was a clever strategy I must give, although this chance is now ruined as these rebels will be disposed of, attempting this again may be impossible.”- Blue diamond replied.

“You both will still be under strict surveillance for the time being. Even if the plan held possibilities and you’re truthful; your cleverness can be of concern in our ranks.” Yellow diamond continued. “And just to make myself very clear: no form of attachment to these insurgents can ever be made”- she ended. While speaking she slowly hovered her giant boot over the helpless gemstones lying on the floor.

Blue diamond could feel her knees falter as her former friends were crushed into thousands of shards in front of her. Pink labradorite watched Blue intensely; with new insight and a growing ache of mixed emotions she looked up towards Pink diamond with determination.

The labradorites bond started to strain after the event, Pink confronted Blue as soon as they were alone. In pure rage she forcefully she shoved Blue against the wall, shaking in anger. They vent back and fourth, Pink desperately seeking reasoning and answers, while Blue could barely speak as the brutal execution of her friends still rushed in her mind. After that day, their combats against each other grew more violent and serious. And their formality too. Just as things started to go back to normal and Pink loosened up about Blue’s “mistakes”, the next catastrophe played out.

Things had started to change when increasing issues revolving the rebellion arose. More gems turned on their leaders, the opponents steadily grew in numbers and rumours of all kinds started to spread. Blue labradorite in desperation to ease Blue diamonds burden decided to take action into her own hands. So she requested shards of sapphires along with a few working sapphires in her section. With her staff tightly in her grip she created a raft into time and space, using the sapphires’ future visions combined with her own power. With horror she saw glimpses of what was to come. The shattering of pink diamond, the rebellion taking an upper hand and the eventual fall of the empire. She couldn’t see who or what or when but got clear visuals in what would happen: complete devastation.

She hurried down the halls toward the diamonds’ common district. She was praying for Blue diamond not to be in the presence of any other diamond, it’d be far easier to talk to her first, she’d understand; she had to. She turned a corner and ran straight into Pink labradorite, they collided and Blue fell to the floor. “Oh there you are! I’ve been looking for you. I have amazing news, you’re not going to believe it!- she spoke in excitement while helping Blue up on her feet. “I got to speak with Pink diamond in person, me! It wasn’t for long and-“ She looked over at Blue and her expression fell stale. Blue started to make her way around Pink in continuation toward her destination as she said: “I-I’m sorry Pink I have to go, it’s an emergency. You can tell me about it when I get ba-“ Pink had taken a strong hold around Blue’s wrist, stopping her in her movement. “You’re doing something stupid again aren’t you. I can see it from miles away. Whatever you’re planning...don’t.”- Blue tugged herself free in one quick sweep of her arm as she started to back away from her friend. “I’m so sorry, I won’t get you involved, but I have to do this.” She turned away and ran off. Pink stood and watched as her companion disappeared though the hallway door, automatically closing leaving her in complete silence.

Blue could feel her entire body freeze up as she opened the door into the room Blue diamond was supposedly visiting at the moment. There she was, but she wasn’t alone. Yellow diamond turned her head towards the small general that had entered the, to her, gigantic door. “What is it you wish to inquire my Labradorite?” Blue diamond asked. “Make it quick, you are unauthorised to be here”- Yellow diamond continued. “I deeply apologise my radiances, Blue diamond, yellow diamond. I am here to inform that I have acquired dire insight regarding the rebellion. If we are to continue this war, if you are to take the current action of choice this empire will fall, and it will take pink diamond down with it. I have foreseen parts of the future, and if it writes itself out-“ -“ENOUGH” Yellow diamond stood up, looming over Labradorite as she with furious eyes glared, ready to strike at any moment. “I have had enough of your games, first you are seen befriending low life gems and claim to spy on the rebellion and now you’re presenting us with this ridiculous story, holding no proof and with perfect reason to end the war and surrender to the rebellion? Blue; we gave this gem a chance, I gave her a second chance for you, but I was right of course. We can’t trust her.” Blue diamond sighed beneath the shadows of her drapes, she looked down at Blue labradorite and they met eyes. With horror Blue labradorite could see her mother figure watch in disapproval with tears in her eyes as she spoke: “shatter her.” Before she could think Blue labradorite has already fled back out the door and was rushing down the hallways, without noticing pink standing in hiding right outside the door’s threshold. “Someone stop her!” Could he heard from yellow diamond as the diamonds made their way out the door as well. “Don’t worry your radiances, I know how to stop the traitor from ever getting out here alive.” Pink labradorite replied. In confusion and lingering shock the diamonds watch the pink solder hurry off after the escapee.

Alarms blared as Blue made her way down the endless halls, doors one by one closed and locked behind her and in she could her footsteps of guards rushing to her position. Being the feared warrior and fighter she was; anyone getting in her way ended on the ground just as quickly as they came. Swinging her staff skilfully and quick to both trip and hit her enemies no one stood a chance. The staff’s far end was lined with sharp shards and a floating orb circling near which she could fling away, hitting anything coming from any direction only to have it hovering back with her control.

She was almost by the emergency pods when she was tripped by something coming out from one of the side entrances without a sound. She glid over the floor and didn’t get a chance to reach before she was hit in the stomach by a powerful kick, she rolled around in recoil and threw herself up on her feet as she blocked the spear that had come toward her in hyper speed. In defence pose holding off the sharp blade of the spear her eyes was locked into the foe before her. In shock she stumbled back, the painful cut brought back her focus and she barely avoided the next kick Pink labradorite sent for her. “What are you doing Pink?!” She yelled. Pink just grunted while preparing for another swing with her staff, it was more simple than Blues, with similarities to that of a spear. It held a stationary orb attached to the top end, with only one blade shaped shard coming out of it. She knew her partners moves well but Pink was in desperate rage and didn’t hold back for a second. “Pink talk to me! Why are you doing this?!”- Blue struggled with blocking the attacks. She had already fought a lot and her mind was rushing around while panic and confusion left her unfocused. Pink stopped for a second, fronded her teeth in anger and yelled back: “Are you seriously just going to leave?! Are you planning on joining your so called friends and betray your Diamond, betray me?! She kept striking blows with her weapon and physical powers as she continued: “I’m not letting you go this easy, you threw everything away for what?! Some rebellion you don’t stand for? Some friends who’d give you up to save themselves any day? The rebellion doesn’t stand a chance and you know that!” And now there is no going back ever! Not for me, not for you! You ruined everything!!” Blue labradorite was thrown to the ground from the sheer power and rage as Pink got on top of her with her weapon. Sparks flew as their staffs clashed against each other, Pink pinning her down yelled again: “Why are you leaving me behind?! Why did you have to ruin my dreams, now I’ll never get to be by my diamond’s side, and you left mine! I ask you to fight, fight me for real. I know you’ve always held back when we’ve trained, you think I’m too weak don’t you?! Well I’m doing perfectly well on my own, I’ll show you what real strength is!”- she ended as she kneed Blue near her torso and once again attempted to strike with her staff. Blue pushed her off and before Pink could even blink, Blue had swung her own staff by her ankles and she fell helplessly onto the ground. “I’m sorry Pink, I’m sorry I ruined it. I only did it to protect everyone. Come with me, we can fix this, I don’t want to leave you behind, please, just take my hand.” As she said her final words she felt her hand being smacked away by Pink who was already on her way up again, ready to strike once more. Pink was blinded by rage but suddenly felt herself being knocked back onto the floor, this time by the orb. She snickered manically for herself as she stood up and looked forward, seeing the empty hallway in front of her. She turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

Blue was already far ahead and the orb came swishing back to her staff like a magnet, she tried to look back but the rounded hallways hid her view. She could barely think, everything hurt and she was tired, only Pinks eyes filled her mind, eyes that once held love and joy were now holding only hatred and anger. She could finally see the pods and she quickly jumped in, calibrated for takeoff and set in the coordinates for earth, she had no idea where to go but it was the one place her mind could grasp in the moment. She sat down in her seat and launched the small vehicle out into the dark and endless space.

Pink labradorite entered the control room where she was greeted with surprised looks from a bunch of peridots. They were accompanied by yellow pearl who was holding a communication device with Yellow diamond on the other end. They appeared to be frantically searching the cameras after Blue labradorite. Pink made her way over to one of the panels by pushing away two of the working peridots. They gave her a displeased look, Yellow pearl along with her diamond turned their attention towards her as she tapped the keys to open the spacepods’ controls. “And what exactly are you doing here?” Pearl asked with a snarky tone. A red button appeared out of the control panel from a small, hidden hatched door. In that moment Pink could feel time go slower as she gave the button an empty stare, then pressed it. “Pod 3X10 Initiating self destruction in 10...9...8-“

Far away Blue Labradorite was looking back toward the large space station as it had grown small in the far distance. She was heading toward Earth in great speed and was closing up on it’s atmosphere when a mechanical voice began speaking. “Initiating self destruction in 10 seconds.” Loud beeps in second-long intervals followed as panic hit her again. She tried to look back on more time, tears rolling down her face as the pod exploded, momentarily lighting the dim night sky before it turned dark and quiet once more.

Pink labradorites screams echoed throughout the empty training facility, she was swinging her bladed staff without any hesitation nor goal, leaving destruction everywhere around her. Tears so heavy that they covered her eyesight hit the floor which was now filled with cuts and cracks. After she had destroyed the escape pod she was confronted by Blue and Yellow diamond. She received their gratitude for her quick thinking and explained that they were planning to send out trackers to earth, as it appeared the escapee may have survived. What crushed her the most was was the end of their conversation, they told her that she was dismissed and to be positioned as a spare soldier amongst the other labradorites henceforth. All “perfect” labradorites that served among higher ranks were to do so. In complete denial and shock she tried to defend herself, refusing to accept her dreams being crushed. But to no avail, she was sent out and directed to the soonest departing spacecraft to head back to homeworld. From that day on she swore to find blue labradorite and kill her herself; pledging her very desire to live she promised herself to fight her way back and claim position as Pink diamonds right hand man.

Back on earth a large explosion had scared away the creatures in the forest nearby. The pod, only consisting of rubble laid scattered all over. For several days the horrific scene stayed untouched until a small flickering glimmer appeared out of the dirt. The deep blue gem striped with black was now glowing brightly in the evening mist as a shape took form out of it. The hologram-like figure hovered in the air, changing form and glitching until it fell down to the ground. Blues rand reached for the gemstone atop her head as she felt cracks running across it. She sat completely still for a moment, sighed deeply and then stood up.