CeCe's Goofy Ghostly Halloween

3 years, 3 months ago

Three young girls decide to go through a haunted mansion in search of a good scare, but what they might find is an adventure instead!

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Author's Notes

Originally written as a gift for SassyMelvin on Halloween.

Bats flying in from every which way, the sounds of owls hanging out on their trees in the distance, and the rustling of leaves created by winds in the night. This was Halloween night.

And what better way to celebrate Halloween night than a walk through a haunted mansion? At least, this was what three young trick-or-treaters were doing on this scary occasion.

The first of the female mobian trio was a cat. She wore a pink and white striped shirt with a black skirt, pink and white striped long uneven socks and black boots. Her long blonde hair complimented her as she loved to act, so why not look bedazzling, even on a night such as this?

The second was a raccoon. She wore a jacket wrapped in purple combined with a tunic of yellow. Goggles matching the jacket sat on top of her head, giving off the impression that she was more of a fighter than anyone could ever guess. Though the mansion seemed frightening, she didn't feel scared in the slightest.

This was not the case for the third one of the trio. She was a fox with what seemed to be a heart of gold. As the youngest of the bunch, she was also the most easily frightened by nights such as this. Her outfit, consisting of a beige tank top, long socks, and a purple glove stretched across her left arm, felt like the perfect outfit for the season. Halloween, on the other hand, was her least favorite holiday because of all the scares that come with it.

The mansion was dark and moody, with paintings of what seemed to be terrible characters that somebody could of drawn up in a digital painting program hanging from the walls covered up with tattered pink wallpaper. There was a spooky vibe being emitted from across the room in which they were walking through, with laughs being heard from a mile away.

"Alright, CeCe," Trixie said, pulling CeCe to the front of the group, "It's your turn to lead!"

CeCe panicked. "B-B-But, me?! I'm not s-s-sure that's-s such a g-g-g-good idea." Her stuttering made Trixie facepalm herself. Pearl stepped forward.

"It's okay, CeCe," she re-assured her, "I'll lead for a little while, then you can. Sound good?" She nodded and rushed towards the back of Pearl, hanging on her almost instantly. Trixie giggled.

"You're such a wuss," she exclaimed, "No wonder you don't like this holiday! If you hadn't accepted that dare and lost, you wouldn't have had to come with us."

Ah, yes. The dare. CeCe was dared by Trixie to do a complicated dance move called the "Triple Pirouette Sugar Blitz", which was exactly what it said on the tin. No matter how many times she tried, she could not complete it without falling on her butt. Since she couldn't do it, she was stuck with them on Halloween night, exploring a scary mansion together. There were plenty of other things she could be doing, like painting or handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. But alas, it would not be any of that tonight.

The group walked right up to another door at the end of the room. This seemed to be the door that would lead into what CeCe could only hope was the exit. However, when the door was opened, a swarm of bats rushed past them! The trio scattered about, trying to get the bats away from them. Pearl shooed them away, Trixie punched them away, and CeCe cowered in a corner of the room. When the last of the bats had escaped, the door was left ajar.

CeCe peeked out from the corner and whimpered, "C-Can I go h-h-home now?" Her friends helped her up and shook their heads.

"It was just a swarm of bats, CeCe. Besides, there's another room up ahead," Trixie said with a bit of excitement in her voice. CeCe swallowed her breath as they joined together and went through the door.

The lights were out. No sounds. Only darkness engulfed the room. Pearl quickly pulled out her flashlight that she kept for emergencies and turned it on, revealing the room to be a place where you could talk to spirits. At least, the room had candles, paintings of people created by famous artists back in the golden years of art, and a box in the center that was brown with a lock that had no key.

Trixie walked up to the box and looked up. A chandelier with the lights out hung over-top the box. Pearl looked to her right and noticed a pumpkin that was carved into a jack-o-lantern, a Halloween classic. The two of them were amazed. This haunted house seemed like a fun place for trick-or-treaters, even if the place seemed spookier on the outside.

CeCe looked around and noticed a bookshelf to her left. She decided to walk towards it and look at how many books there were. Books on how to scare the unscare-able and books on how to summon creatures beyond all compare. She turned around and asked her friends, "N-Now can we go home?"

Trixie turned and looked at her frightened friend, "No way! This place is awesome! We've got to try and summon one of these creatures." CeCe's eyes widened as she disagreed heavily with the idea and begged her not to try it.

Pearl began to laugh softly, but with a dark undertone. CeCe and Trixie turned their attention to her. She began to speak in a fake devilish voice, "So... these books have all kinds of creatures... but do they compare to... the Pearlgeist?!" With a quick turn, she revealed herself wearing a mask that made her look like a ghost. Lightning flashed through the room and thunder boomed for dramatic effect.

Trixie jumped and laughed afterwards, but CeCe screamed and ran for the door. When she tried to open it, there was no luck. The door was jammed shut. She turned around and noticed that Trixie was also wearing a ghost mask, and CeCe screamed even louder, running around the room in circles. Her friends laughed at her reaction, dropping to the floor in their joy. CeCe slowed down and had to catch her breath before coming to a complete stop, noticing her friends laughing.

With slight tears in her eyes from anger, she yelled, "You guys! That wasn't funny!"

Trixie spoke out from her laughter, "You're right, it was hilarious!"

"I've never seen you that scared, CeCe!" Pearl chimed in.

CeCe felt embarrassed and partially humiliated. She had been pranked by her own best friends. She closed her eyes, sighed, and went to turn around so she could wipe her eyes without her friends noticing. However, she was greeted to a figure in white who made a funny face towards her. In that very instant, CeCe jumped and knocked over the box that was in the center of the room. When the box hit the floor, it shattered into pieces.

Trixie and Pearl gasped. That wasn't any ordinary box. Within an instant, the chandelier hanging overhead dropped and went through the room floor, taking CeCe with it. "CeCe!" They both screamed as they rushed to the hole the chandelier had created with the floor. It was too dark to see through it, but they saw a little flash of light shine at what seemed to be the bottom of said hole. Pearl ran to the door and tried to open it, but to no avail. Trixie, not wanting to take any chances, kicked the door open. They both ran through the hallway, hoping to find a downstairs passageway to find their friend.

A playroom filled with all kinds of toys and halloween candy was where CeCe lay. The chandelier was on top of her, lit up like a Christmas tree. However, she was unmoving. The white figure appeared and noticed the chandelier, along with CeCe. This figure looked to be a ghost unlike any other. It had lime-colored eyes and a mouth for making funny faces. It looked at her and began to make silly expressions, in hopes that she would laugh. However, no laughter was seen or heard. Only silence.

The goofy ghost frowned a bit, thought for a second, and then got an idea. It went up to her, grabbed her head, and pulled something out of her. It was her, again, but this time she was transparent. The ghost asked, in a masculine voice, "Hello? Anybody there?"

CeCe slowly opened her eyes and noticed the ghost once more, but this time, she didn't react with panic. She was confused at its smile. "Huh? B-But, you're a ghost! Why are you smiling at me?" The ghost pointed towards the floor. She looked down and gasped. She noticed her lifeless body trapped under a chandelier and began to tear up. "I-I'm... d-d-d-d-d..." She couldn't even make out the word. She began to cry, tears pouring down her face as the sudden realization of the situation set in her mind.

The ghost frowned slightly, not realizing what it had done. Hoping to make her feel better, the ghost decided to make funny sounds and faces in hopes of cheering her up. While she did see what it was doing, she continued to cry. "N-Now my friends... I'll n-never get to t-talk to them... again..." She tried to stifle her sobs in order to speak words. The ghost thought for a moment. It was fun to scare her, but now it went too far. She needed to have a fun Halloween night, and in order to do that, how about scaring her friends who seemed to be less frightened on Halloween?

The ghost tugged at CeCe's arm and said, "Hey! Don't cry!"

She slowly stopped sobbing and looked at the ghost with slightly puffy eyes. The ghost smiled and said, "I can always put your back in your body just like before, but I wanted you to help me first!"

CeCe wiped one of her eyes and asked what it was the ghost wanted help with. It dragged CeCe out of the playroom, and even though she was initially surprised at how her body could make it through the floors, she noticed it was kind of fun. Maybe the ghost had good intentions after all.

Trixie and Pearl walked down the stairs that would lead to the next room that continued down the mansion. Pearl asked, "Trixie, do you think CeCe will be okay?"

"Of course," she replied confidently, "She might be young, but she's one happy little fox. She'll be okay so long as we find her on time!"

The two of them made it to a door and opened it, revealing a room filled with animal paintings and a carousel. It looked like a carnival combined with a disco room. Trixie immediately became overjoyed and ran to the carousel instantly, hopping on one of the horses as it began to spin around.

"Trixie! We can't stay here!" Pearl urged Trixie to get off, but she wouldn't hear any of it. She was having too much fun.

CeCe and the goofy ghost slowly appeared from the walls of the room in Trixie was having fun. She decided to have a little payback on her first. The ghost whispered to CeCe, and after it was done, she understood the plan. She flew over to the middle of the carousel and began to slow it down using some ghostly force from her hands.

Trixie, noticing that the ride was over, was a bit disappointed. "Ah, man... well, so much for tha-" Suddenly, the carousel began to go at a rapid speed. The horse she was riding on began bouncing up and down uncontrollably, and Trixie was hanging on for dear life. CeCe had used the force to move the carousel at whatever speed she wished, and she began to giggle.

Pearl was shocked and immediately rushed over to her friend to try and save her, but the carousel grabbed her too and just like that, they were both on a spiral to no end. The both of them screamed in fear as CeCe and the ghost laughed at the scared expressions of Trixie and Pearl.

The carousel slowly came to a stop, and both girls were dizzy and could not make out which way they were going. They were greeted to another jack-o-lantern, followed by a vampire doll. They both began to feel fearful, but then the ghost and CeCe had one last brilliant idea.

Trixie tried opening the door to the next room, but it would not budge. The ghost held the doorknob on the other side to prevent her from leaving. She turned around and was greeted to a ghostly figure. She could make it out instantly. "CeCe?!"

"Why..." CeCe said in a spooky tone, "Why would you leave me...?" She got closer to Trixie and then, she turned towards Pearl. "Why would the both of you leave me to die...?" She suddenly began to melt away, melting through the floor.

Trixie and Pearl screamed in unison, and when Trixie tried to open the door again, the ghost let her through. She began to tumble down the stairs, Pearl following behind her in hopes that she was okay.

When Trixie made it to the bottom, she made it to the playroom. As she rubbed her head, she noticed the chandelier with CeCe's motionless body trapped under it. "CeCe!" She ran towards the chandelier. Pearl made it to the room just a few seconds after and noticed the body as well. She helped her lift the chandelier off of CeCe's body.

CeCe and the goofy ghost laughed and could not stop thanks to the scares that took place. "That was so much fun! We got them good!" She cheered, giving the ghost a high-five. She continued laughing until she heard her name being called in panic. "Huh?" She wondered. Why would they be panicking now?

CeCe and the ghost made it to the playroom and observed what was going on. Trixie and Pearl were shaking CeCe's body in hopes that she would wake up. However, it seemed like it wasn't working.

"CeCe! Please, wake up!" Trixie cried out for her friend to awaken.

"Don't do this to us, CeCe! Not on Halloween!" Pearl cried out as well.

After several minutes, Trixie stopped shaking her and felt tears build up in her eyes. She sniffed, wiping them off, only for them to return. Pearl began to sob as well, not wanting to believe the unbelievable. "CeCe... CeCe!" They both yelled and embraced each other, crying into each other's shoulders over the loss of their friend.

CeCe looked down and frowned a bit, then looked at the ghost. "Thank you for the scares, Mr... Goofy Ghost. You're a real scare-master and a fun friend to have! But, I need to get back to my friends down there." The goofy ghost appeared to be saddened by this. "Even if they did scare me, they are still my best friends in the whole world. I still have a whole lot of adventures to go on with them. But, don't worry! I'll be here next Halloween! I promise!" Whilst the ghost was disappointed, it understood. Life came first.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you again next year, CeCe!" It said, waving goodbye. CeCe waved back as the ghost went through the walls of the playroom and disappeared into the mansion.

CeCe flew down to her body and got into the same position that it was in. After a couple of seconds, her body began to feel life again. She blinked and slowly got up. She was back to her real self!

She looked over to Trixie and Pearl still hugging and crying. "Boo!" She yelled. They immediately jumped, fearful for their lives once more. When they looked over, however, they could see that she was laughing, but more importantly, that she was alive!

"CeCe!" They both exclaimed as they immediately ran over and hugged her, relieved that she was okay. CeCe accepted their embrace with a smile on her face.

As soon as the hug was broken, Trixie begged, "Please, don't ever do that to us again."

"Yeah, you scared us! We thought you were gone forever!" Pearl added.

CeCe giggled and stated, "Don't worry, girls. I'm not going anywhere, not on this Halloween night." She smiled and stood up. "Say, can I lead the way out of here?"

They were flabbergasted. CeCe wanting to lead the way out of the haunted mansion? That was unlike her! Nevertheless, they accepted. The lights in the mansion began to shine and a door appeared on the other side of the playroom.

When they opened the door, they noticed they were back outside. The mansion was right behind them, and they had managed to get out unscathed.

"We did it!" yelled the trio. They jumped together in joy. It was quite an adventure that they were on tonight. When they were calm, however, Trixie and Pearl had something to say.

"We're sorry for scaring you like that, CeCe." Pearl looked down.

"Yeah," said Trixie, "We're sorry." She looked down as well.

CeCe giggled and replied, "It's okay, girls. I forgive you both. Even if you both tried to scare me half to death." They both smiled softly at her response.

CeCe had one more thing to ask.

"Say, can we do this again next year?"