Katinka - Chronicles of NeoPaneruga - ENGLISH

5 years, 7 months ago
6 months, 16 days ago
162 8808 20 32

Chapter 90
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Explicit Violence

A story about animals living on different fantasy planets. A war starts and a long journey lays ahead, full of colorful creatures and dangerous adventures in which Katinka and her friends will be quested to recreate a planet once known as Paneruga.

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#90 Danger of the Jungle

Chapter 90 - Danger of the Jungle
Chapter 90 - Danger of the Jungle
Chapter 90 - Danger of the Jungle
Chapter 90 - Danger of the Jungle
Chapter 90 - Danger of the Jungle

Characters in this chapter

© JB-Pawstep 

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Assistant Colorists: Adamiro