Erzulie, Prompt A2

3 years, 2 months ago

Prompt A2. Describing Erzulie, Damballa's familiar.
Gold Count - 8 Gold

  • 400 words = 4 gold
  • Prompt A2 = 4 gold
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Damballa’s familiar is a large snowy owl named Erzulie. She has all of the typical visual characteristics of a snowy owl, except instead of bright yellow eyes, she has blueish teal eyes, the color of Damballa’s third eye. She can often be found perching atop his head amidst his horns. She is silent around new comers, and prefers to observe rather than interact. She has the same stand offish nature as Damballa, but is much better in social situations than he is, if she decides to involve herself. Her voice is soft and sweet, soothing almost. When she is just around Damballa, she speaks much more freely and openly, and the two can often be heard having conversations from the outside of their library. Sometimes the conversations are heated, but they are mostly about books. She found her way to Damballa shortly after Damballa’s mentor passed away. She helped him through the mourning process, and became a close friend to Damballa. Seeing as he had no others friends besides his mentor, she is seen as a signal from the gods to him, for without her who knows what would have happened to him. When she is not perched on Damballa’s horns, or on her perch in the library, she can be seen reading books herself. Though she doesn’t have the same memory as Damballa, she does enjoy to read. This helps fill Damballa’s free time, as they often read the same book and share their opinions on them. Their opinions often differ, but they enjoy discussing them anyways. It passes the time. She sometimes goes on scouting missions for Damballa, looking for new story tellers to come and share their stories with the two of them so Damballa can write them down. She never speaks to them, but sometimes the travelers follow her anyways, just because she is a sight to see in the swamps. Other times, she comes back and reports to Damballa and then leads him to them. Her eye sight and hearing is much better than his, so she is the perfect scout. Erzulie also alerts Damballa of danger, but most of the time, hostel beings leave him alone. Erzulie really is the perfect companion for Damballa, they get along well, and enjoy speaking about the same things. Damballa feels indebted to her because she saved his life, and has helped him find his purpose. But, she insists that this isn’t true, and that he in fact has helped her more than she has helped him. It’s a toss up on to which is more true, but they are bonded all the same.

[word count - 436]