Rules of an Assassin

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
1 2148

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence
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Author's Notes

Rules of an assassin is formatted to be a 1 season show with 12 episodes. This is a summary since I am too lazy to actually write out the story but uh. Copyrighted I guess. I dunno

Chapter 1

Rules of an Assassin

Show format. 1 season, 12 episodes

Genre: Action, Thriller, Comedy, Romance

Low-key an anime lMaO

Episodes are WIP and are not set in stone. Long story and lots of words warning pftt.

Episode 1:

Amira's backstory is explained (all familial connects have been cut due to her parents disappearance and she now lives alone) and she starts college. She has an accidental run in with the notorious serial killer, Ghost. Ghost notices that he has been seen and looks for her. When authorities start to come, he disappears and lets her live. While having an undecided major, she starts an unfamiliar class and soon finds it to be a secret assassination class. Amira is chosen among a few with no relatives to become an assassin in the corrupt world they live in. She accepts since otherwise, she would be executed instead.

Episode 2:

Amira learns more about assassination. She also learns more about her classmate, Lev and finds him interesting and suspicious. Lev is revealed to be the third best student in the class. When they are assigned homework as a group project, her and Lev head out into the field to find a corrupt mob boss. Though the assignment is to turn this mans location in, Lev kills the man instead. Witnessing the murder, Amira quickly catches onto Lev's technique and realizes that he is Ghost. Lev knows right away that she notices and decides to let her tell on him if she wants. He does not threaten to kill her at all for it. Although she contempates it, she ends up brushing this off. Lev grows an interest and trust in her after this. She learns that Lev has a massive crush on the nerdy scientist that builds their weapons, Naomi, and she pokes fun at him for it.

Episode 3:

Amira befriends Lev and they grow closer. They begin hanging out outside of class. She begins to take interest in the 2nd best student in the class, Colin, and develops a crush on him. She starts to become a wingwoman for Lev and he slowly opens up to some of his classmates. Amira then learns about Lev's backstory (or what they know of Lev's backstory). She notices Naomi seems to be interested in another nerdy scientist that works with her, but decides not to bring Lev down since he's blind to seeing it. More projects are assigned and you learn more about other classmates.

Episode 4:

Amira learns about Lev's grumpy no coffee side. She also hypes up Lev to confess to Naomi, but he chickens out last minute. She notices Lev's connection with the number 1 student of the class, Sachi, who is a very skilled sniper. She starts to get a little jealous about their friendship as they are assigned a group assignment together. She learns more about the Sachi along with Colin. She also learns more about the teacher of the class.

Episode 5:

Amira hypes Lev up again to confess to Naomi, and this time he is forced into it. He confesses and Naomi is flattered, but admits she's into someone else. Heartbroken, Lev hides in the corner and away from everyone for the rest of the day. Amira talks to him and eventually the conversation shifts to his backstory. He admits to her that the backstory she has learned is not entirely true and that he himself wanted to become an assassin and that he did it willingly. He admits to her he doesn't even love being an assassin but that he's just so gifted at it that there's no reason to quit. He also admits to her that he doesn't have a reason to live and that he has never learned to actually live. She promises him that she won't let him die without finding something to live for first.

Episode 6:

Amira stumbles across files about the notorious serial killer Ghost after a recent news report on his recent kill. She learns that Ghost is expected to be 21 at the time and realizes that this does not match up to Lev's age which is currently 19. She researches and goes to Lev to ask him about this. She learns that Lev has killed a 12 year old and that, that was the youngest person that has been assassinated that has been documented. She learns that Lev was not always Ghost and that he has only taken up that persona cause society gave that name to him after the original Ghost (the 12 year old) died. Society doesn't realize that they are two different people. She learns about Lev's fear of using a gun. She continues to train and gets assigned with her crush so which she is very happy about. In another scene, you learn that someone is hunting Amira down and wishes to capture her. No further information is clear and no one knows who is hiring who.

Episode 7:

Amira gains confidence and asks her crush out. He rejects her and tells her he is interested in men. Heartbroken, she cries for a little, but gets over it pretty quickly. Lev makes fun of her for it and the two argue, poking fun at each other. The people coming after Amira attack her during a group assignment and Lev and number 1 student fight back. They try to figure out why anyone wants to come after Amira or who it could be. The teacher assigns Amira to be protected and watched over. Lev and Sachi suspect classmates. Lev is constantly reminded that Naomi is happy with her new boyfriend and loses all motivation. Amira fights against Lev for training. The two end up in a sort of draw, though main Amira claims Lev threw the fight so that she would win. He rejects this idea, even though it's pretty clear he did.

Episode 8:

Amira is attacked again in the middle of the night. She has to defend herself and somehow does after running into her crush who lives nearby and helps defend her. He asks about who it could be, but neither gain any clues. Amira and classmates share a bonding experience and all the classmates are assigned 1 project, to find the base of whoever is attacking Amira and to capture them. After the class heads out, they eventually find a suspicious building hat they believe must be the base. The students go inside and while looking for clues, Sachi starts to suspect the teacher. The building starts to crumble and everyone evacuates. Everyone is attacked by several henchmen and while the building is crumbling, she is knocked unconscious and is saved by one of the skilled main henchmen. Everyone is worried, looking for her and hoping she is safe. While blocked off, the henchman carries her unconscious back to base. She mumbles how important Lev is to her and how he's always there for her. The masked henchman pulls off his mask and admits he cares about her too. The masked henchman is revealed to be Lev to the audience, but not Amira.

Episode 9:

Lev drops Amira off, letting her get captured. The other main henchman pulls their masks off and reveal they are Colin. They reveal that they gave been switching off with each other and that they also used a hologram to portray a fight, yet these fights were fake. Amira wakes up in a dark room and is interrogated about her family. She tried to convince the antagonist that they have died, but the antagonist threatens her and reveals to be Sachi. Amira admits she doesn't know anything about her family and where her parents would have gone. Sachi reveals that her family are top assassins and are the ones who created the assassin system and how they started and want this corrupt world. They had her to continue this system. Sachi is revealed to the bloodline of some of the first assassins and how much of her family was killed just because she became an assassin. Sachi believes Amira is lying about not knowing where they are and is hiding something and tries to kill her, but is stopped by Lev. Lev saves her (she is suprised and confused by this since she was unaware he was a henchman). The two run off together as runaways and Sachi hires every assassin in the class to kill Amira, claiming she is part of the reason the world is so corrupt. Every student is given information and they all turn against Amira and Lev.

Episode 10:

Lev and Amira are in hiding and Lev reveals to her why he captured her and that he refused to kill her, only capture her. He also believed Sachi at first and that she was the reason his parents died and that he ever became an assassin. He then apologizes and admits he truly cares about her and is happy he met her in the end. He only realizes this due to Amira's half unconscious confession to him when he carried her to the Sachi. She admits she had no idea about her parents and how corrupt they were. She has no connection to them anymore and wishes to end this corrupt assassination system the world has created. Amira falls asleep while Lev keeps guard. They are attacked and forced to hide in another place. Both put up good fights and Amira realizes how skilled Lev is with a knife. When they escape, he reveals to her that he should actually be the number 1 best student, but isn't considered it since he refused to use any type of gun and a gun is an important assassination weapon. The two are attacked again, but this time by Sachi and Colin.

Episode 11: (part 1 style)

Lev and Amira fight back and Lev tells her to escape. With this time, she works to convince everyone and prove that she has no intentions to continue this corrupt assassination system. Lev is able to hold back both the Sachi and Colin for a while, but eventually Colin leaves and chases after Amira. Lev is left fighting Sachi. Amira fights Colin and trips him up. She wins the fight and he stuck under a bookshelf, unable to move. She frantically searches for proof as she continues to be attacked. She is able to trick most of her classmates and hides out, discovering more about her family and how the assassin system works. She learns about why her family started this system and where they could possibly be now. She is found again and she realizes she needs to go back to Lev. The other students catch up to her and attack her, she is left defending herself from them and trying to return to Lev.

Episode 12: (part 2 style)

The teacher comes to save her last minute and says he doesn't believe that all the information he was given was true, giving her a chance to escape back to Lev. Lev is still fight number 1 best student and is surprised how skilled she is. When he sees Amira come into view, she starts explaining to everyone how she is not meant to continue the corrupt assassination system and how she is innocent. She provides the proof and convinces her classmates, but cannot convince the Sachi. She refuses to believe it and claims Amira has ruined everyone's lives and will continue to ruin others until their bloodline and their ideologies are ended. Clearly not giving up, Sachi attacks Lev again and threatens to kill him if Amira doesn't kill herself. Lev tells Amira to refuse. While caught off guard, Lev attacks Sachi and uses her grenade launcher as a last resort. Lev then tells Amira that he thanks her for being his reason to live and by being his reason to live, she is also his reason to die. He then uses the grenade launcher at close range, killing both him and Sachi. Everyone is left in shock at the scene and Amira is devastated. After some time to recollect herself, the class is shut down and she begins her work on ending the corrupt assassination system. She finds a hologram that she believes Lev used to trick her into thinking he was not the attacker but finds it's actually a message for her admitting he was in love with her and that he already knew he wasn't going to live and escape. He thanks her for not turning him in as Ghost and how close of friends they became. The message is recorded while she was asleep and Lev was keeping guard. Amira is left heartbroken at this message and his loss. A flashforward is presented and it is revealed she has done what she promised and the corrupt assassination system is closing down and that there will be no more classes to train assassins. She invisions Lev still alive and with her, though it is clear he is not and is shown as a ghost.