The Wolf Led Astray by Fate

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
5 3000

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

a Tale about a certain Grey Wolf, affected by the world's most dangerous Yokai Transformer, Ginelle Rosewaters.

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Chapter 1 - The Sister's Phone-Call

It was a Late night in Bellwood, nearing 3:00 in the morning. The street lights illuminated the roads & the footpaths, while the moon shined above in the starry sky. The light breeze shook the trees in the pavilions, and the squeaking of bats could be heard overhead.
Inside the pavilions, a Certain fox by the name of Andrette Akashi Chau laid in her bed, fast asleep.. the covers that were over the white fox rustled as she turned over in bed.

Suddenly,, the silence was broken by a noise, ringing throughout her room.
Andrette slowly woke up to the sound of the noise, pushing herself up by her arm to look at the bedside table. her Phone was ringing.

the Fox groaned as she stretched, Grabbing the Phone as she looked to see who was calling.
Her eyes looked over the name set on the caller ID - "Elliot Fox"
She sat up in bed & answered the call, putting the phone up to her ear.

" H-hello? Andrea? are you there? "
the voice of Fox was heard on the other side, her voice sounded panicked.

" Yeah,, it's me,, why are you calling at this time? "
Andrette rubbed her eye, sounding a bit irritated.
" it's 3 in the morning, just about.. "

" Andrea, do you still own that Bamboo Muzzle? "

She woke up more at the sound of that question
" ..What? "
"do you Still own the Bamboo Muzzle you wore back when that woman turned you into a Yokai?"
Andrea went silent. the Fox looked to her bedside drawer & opened a drawer, rummaging inside of it before she pulled out a dark green bamboo muzzle, threaded with a red ribbon.
" ..yeah, why do you ask? "

" Grab it and get to my house immediately, ill text you my address. this is an emergency! "

The call ended then and there. and Andrette grew Fearful of what was going on, but she didn't waste any time getting up & out of bed, getting changed and sneaking out of the house to run to the Brown Wolf's house.