Second lore revision

With revisions and plot changes~ Still written badly and I do not apologise.

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Arc One

I'll start with Yona's summary as that is sort of the beginning. So Percival, our mischievous fox deity, known for his cruel and heartless tricks as well as his frequent flings and uncaring attitude is kind of a bitch, like an actual chad, fuckboi, you name it. HE is causing a lot of havoc on Univas and just honestly making it really annoying, which pisses off Yona, so she is like "dude if you do not stop I will start something i stg" and well Percy does not. So Yona is like to the Sun "hey, I will literally give up my immortality to get him to fuck off" and the Sun is like "oh yeah sure lol" and Percy is sent to the -Astro Realm- (think stars and cosmic rays and stuff with no time) . Percy is like wtf this isnt fun, I dont want to be Keeper of the Stars  but the Sun is like "sucks 2 be u".

So Yona is now located in a lush tropical Desert known as Solaros, life and progression of the humans is absolutely booming, Yona likes the humans, they are different from the usual creatures that roam the rest of Univas. They have more -spice- and look to modernising their way of living all the time. Although Yona is mortal she still retains her strong Sun spiritualism, she blesses the water in the Capitol which runs down to all the other cities and towns, this helps boost fortune and health of the inhabitants. Things of course start to go wrong when the Human King begins to dislike the power she has, he wants it and begins to start a revolution of not needing the Sun or Moon or any other deities. They then sacrifice Yona to the Sun so he can try and take her powers but it doesnt go to plan.... He essentially returned The Sun Priestess to the Sun which of course, returned her to her former state and she was fucking PISSEDDDDDDD.

Yona then completely cursed the desert to be a fire safety hazard, if the initial solar flare did not kill off most of them, the intense heat and lack of food did. Nothing could live there or survive long, the few remaining inhabitants tried to make their way to the Mountain, most did not survive. The few settlers that managed to reach the Mountain also did not fair well, the harsh cold conditions and the lack of food made them weaker and slowly die off. They turned into a shadow of their former selves known as the Imps, quiet, isolated beings; submissive and never fight back.

The desert was now a desolate wasteland, with remnants of previous  civilization long forgotten. Descendants of those who seeked refuge in  the mountains have since depleted into small, scarce communities,  scattered among the mountain ranges. Frightful blizzards and dangerous  predators kept the once proud people of the Divine Desert, into humble  servants of the Sun and Moon. Never once challenging their power again.  Those who dare venture into the desert are met with a terrible fate.

OKAY NOW TO SOMEWHERE ELSE. I'm gonna start with the large Island off the coast of Univas, where the Moon Temple and its inhabitants are based, including Minecha. Rime was the former Moon Priestess, she is a motherly figure and loves parenting and encouraging young ones to learn (this is important). She stepped down as she could not handle the responsibilities and was  distracted else where, so had Minecha as her student. Minecha is also unsure about her role as the new Moon Priestess but is the most compatible and incredibly responsible, she was the best option. Also Rime becomes less involved when she finds an orphan boy abandoned in the lush jungles of Polaerys, she absolutely devotes herself to raising him and he is her pride and joy. He shows a lot of potential as a hunter and a leader, but as he grows older he begins to show odd signs and troubling behaviour. The unamed boy grows up to be power hungry and rallies inhabitants to go against the Moon Temple, they succeed. As a final resort, the remaining Moon sages take Minecha's memories to protect her from being found and send her to Univas via a very make shift raft. 

Rime is devastated and causes a huge freeze on the island, as time goes on, all remaining inhabitants die out and Rime is left alone.


sO now we have Minecha unconscious at the base of the mountain where the Imps find her, they sense she is different and bring her up to the summit. Minecha is warmed by the blue lava of this special Mountain, as she is a dragon she does not fair well in the cold, so the Imps help her out. In return, Minecha helps them out by blessing the ice (she doen't really know why she can do it, it was just second nature), this creates springs and warms up the area and the Imps are able to make small humble homes and grow things.

Now to early life of Juno, (YES BABY BOI), he is from the Forest where a lot of animal folk vibe. He started out his younger days patrolling and protecting the woods, he was more relaxed and goofed around a lot. His then-GF, Palo, got a little bit sick of his careless nature from her point of view, she decided to break up with him when she was able to apply to The Guild, she said she would consider a relationship again when he became a bit more grown up. Juno also went on to have a small fling with a Fairy Prince but it was a mutual break off as they both simply liked each other as friends. As the Juno matured he managed to get into The Guild as a student. His personality changed a lot since joining, he became more standoffish, irritable, and more serious. He was the top in all of the classes at the Guild and was frequently fawned over by the other students but this did not interest him. Juno's main inspiration was The Guild Master himself, Juno strived to be like him and did his best to please him with every task. Juno liked how everyone respected The Guild Master and his leadership skills and wanted to follow in his footsteps.

The Guild is a prestigious school/military power home to folk of all kinds; although primarily human, The Guild accepts folks of other backgrounds. They control a lot of the land and is run by The Guild Master, a rather stubborn man who views his own ideals as correct (this cant go wrong). This is where Juno meets Ruse and Mausea, two of the other top students, they are often teamed together for tasks and quests. Although the group hang out often, Juno is still not open or friendly, he views it as work and prefers to not be distracted.

Ruse is a manticore and is very outgoing and jokey, she is in a poly relationship with Mausea for more romantic gal adventures, and Uta (an Angel) for more more of the.... uh... other things. Mausea is a Centicore but prefers her more "elfish" looking form, she does not often associate with her creature form. Mausea is a talented alchemist, she loves collecting herbs and mushrooms and enjoys cooking soups and stews (often questionable but still edible). Kyra also exists and she is a harpy, she is like the main Task Master from the Guild and is in charge of giving quests and missions, she is very casual and drinks on the job a lot, but is very smart.

Arc Two

Minecha later leaves the Mountain after the Imps are thriving, flies over the desert to the main land of Univas, where the Capitol is. She is found by Percy who instantly recognises her, but realises she has no memory of her former life and uses this to get her to work for him. She is often the leader raids and battles on the surrounding villages but is often stopped by Juno and the squad. Her wit and apparent uncaring view of them seems to interest Juno, their scraps are often evenly matched but Juno finds himself not wanting to go all the way and lets her escape often.... for information of course. It starts to become noticeable Juno is excited when an urgent mission is posted as it might be Minecha. They often talk and swap banter on the field, Ruse and Mausea sometimes catch Juno attempting to flirt with her which is a surprise to them and out of character for Juno. Juno dismisses it when asked about it and says it's all for the information. 

Percy then gets Minecha into The Guild with a more human disguise using his illusion powers and goes by her last name "Dratsu", in order to get more insider info. She is only there to gather info but takes parts in the lessons and classes, her natural skill is noticed by the The Guild and the Trio, so sometimes she is sent on tasks with them. Although Juno is first apathetic towards her existence, he begins to notice her character and behaviour is similar to the Minecha he knows, and grows a little bit suspicious causing him to pay more attention to her. Minecha tries her best to avoid the Trio when she can but Juno has a charming way of keeping her interest and the two seems to get along, which surprises Ruse and Maesea again. Juno also notices that Minecha is no where to be found when Dratsu accompanies them, but not share this info because he enjoys having her around to interact with and doesn't want to risk Minecha leaving The Guild if it is true. 

As time goes past a battle occurs with Percy present where he reveals Minecha is Dratsu to the Trio and The Guild. Although gutted, Minecha tries to avoid fighting with Juno and focuses on the other. Juno is unsure how to feel because he can no longer interact with her the way he used to when she was Dratsu, he enjoyed bonding using more than just battle phrases and witty banter. Juno tries his best to talk to her during the battle but Minecha distances herself and focuses on winning the battle. In the end The Guild win and Minecha escapes with more harsher injuries. She is found and captured by The Guild as Percy did not go back to retrieve her, he got the info he needed. Juno often tries to interact with her but she is still rather distant after feeling guilty for lying to him. He tries his best to put on a cool and collected attitude but is distraught about Minecha being caught and their dynamic being shattered due to The Guild viewing her as an enemy.

Kyra asks the Trio to go find Yona to try and help with the Percy issue, the Trio go to the Sun Temple. Yona seems uninterested as she is "RETIRED" from helping humans with their squabbles, she tells them Percy is severly weakened and probably isnt even taking this seriously (which is true). Juno seems rather moody and Ruse mentions it is probably because of Minecha, Yona is surprised to hear that name and is shocked to hear she is in Univas. Yona explains who she is and Juno is even more shocked to find Minecha never mentioned it, or seemed to acknowledge it. Leaving with no help from Yona other than information, The Trio return to The Guild Master and share the fact that Percy is weakened.

When the others leave, Juno stays behind to alert The Guild Master that they actually have Minecha captive and what they should do with her. Physically annoyed The Guild Master replies with "Just dispose of it..." which shocks Juno. He begins to question The Guild Master with "But that isn't what The Guild does?" and "But she is still a person!". The Guild Master dismisses Juno's reasons until Juno points out "But she is equal to us, she deserves a chance", already pissed, this causes The Guild Master to snap and aggressively shout "We are NOT equal because you are just a dog, this is MY Guild and what I say goes, now get rid of that dragon before I do so myself!". Juno was left speechless and hurriedly left the room, unsure how to react to someone he idolised for years, this left Juno heartbroken and confused.

Visibly distressed, Juno walks to where Minecha is kept, as he wanted to ask her about what he learnt from Yona anyway. When he arrives, Minecha is still staying quiet until she sees his face, teary eyed, this causes her to instantly rush up to him and ask if he is okay. Juno expresses that he is unsure what to do or what side he is on, he feels that he is left in the dark and wants someone he can rely on. Minecha comforts him and says they can be on the same side, they share their first kiss. Juno unlocks the door and struggles to explain what happened with the Master whilst also trying to keep himself from breaking down, Minecha simply hugs him tight and apologises for not talking to him and lying. After a long hug Juno is able to correct her and say it wasn't her that made him feel that way, but he did have something to ask her about who she is.

Minecha is confused but says she feels a connection with "The Moon Priestess", the topic is the first after a long time that Juno was able to get Minecha to engage in a conversation. She discusses her journey from waking up by the Imps and Juno is curious about her life before and if she is really the Moon Priestess or if it is the same name. Minecha also agrees and says she doesnt think she would be a prominant figure like that and it must be a coincidence. The Moon Temple has been abandoned for a long time, and there is already a Moon Priest, known as Tyrian. He asks her about her necklace and she explains she doesn't know what it is, when she wears it she has a longing for "something" but cant place it, she feels empty without it so prefers to keep it on. Juno wants to talk longer but must find a way to stop Percy from taking over the Capitol.


Yona gets worried for Minecha and decides to see her, the Guild is rather cold towards her and the guild master is rather rude, but Yona doesnt care. 

Yona and Minecha talk about her past and Minecha does not remember. Her necklace was a special Gem that could hold Truths, Yona is surprised it did not return her memories.

Percy raids The Capitol and to get to the Guild, all members take part to stop him.

Minecha is reawakened as the Moon Priestess during this and both her and Yona send him back to the Astro Realm. Percy views the loss as no big deal and says he had fun.

Guild Master is pleased but gives off questionable and bad motives. Yona calls him out and tells him about his power hungry attitude when he views Yona and the Priestesses as in the way of The Guild getting monopoly of the people. 

He tries to kill her but Minecha stop him and gets stabbed by the dragon blade he confiscated earlier.

Juno rushes to Minecha, more concerned about her than confronting The Guild Master.

Severly annoyed, Yona pulls the Blade from Minecha and stabs The Guild Master 

The wound panics Juno but Yona reassures him that wont kill a dragon, she will heal.

Kyra becomes the new Guild Master and Uta the Task Master. She pushes for The Priestess and Guild powers to co-exist which makes Yona more inclined to associate with other communities more.

Arc Three

This is where most of the little stories and headcannons take place~

Juno learns to captain an airship which is fun, and the group now become a crew, which makes exploring the world and surrounding continents easier.

Arc Four

Minecha is officially based at the Guild but frequents the mountains to visit the Imps, she is concerned for their safety so Juno suggests asking the Moon for a protector.

Bramble is formed and chooses to accept her task as protector of the Imps. 

As Time goes on, Minecha does not get the empty feeling when she removes the necklace.

She asks Bramble to take the necklace instead and Bramble has the longing to go somewhere, she is worried for the imps and Minecha suggests take them with her. The imps will follow Bramble anywhere. 

Bramble must ask Yona to stop the curse on the desert to allow the Imps to cross, Yona forgets that was a thing and was like "oh shit yeah of course, where u off to?"

Bramble explains the necklace and the longing to cross and Yona is confused but nods and is like "lol k"

Bramble crosses the desert with the imps and gets to the coast

crosses the ocean and finds Polaerys in a frozen state. 

She finds a temple with a mural on the door. There is a slot that the necklace fits in perfectly, it opens up the mural and turns out the Gem on the necklace was placed on a staff, which Bramble takes.

She explores the Temple with the Imps also spreading out, she finds a throne with frozen water and crosses it, she gets a strong feeling looking at it and sits. There she is snapped with all the memories of the Moon Priestess and her eyes change from orange to cyan.

This causes Minecha to pass out with her eyes turning lilac, Minecha is no longer the Moon Priestess. 

Minecha feels this is for the best and that Bramble is better suited, Minecha is not who she was before her memory was lost. Juno and Minecha focus on The Guild during this time

Bramble begins work with the imps to make the island habitable, the Imps begin to multiply but are still humble and treat the land with respect.

Bramble then finds an area with none stop thick blizzards, it is hard to enter but she does and finds Rime.

Rime is unsure how to react as she has been just vibing here for eternity alone, she notices Bramble's eyes and asks what became of Minecha

Finding out she is safe made Rime happy. Bramble works on Rime to get her to stop the eternal winter and slowly introduces her to the imps.

Rime tries to control her nurturing instinct with the Imps, she doesnt want to be heartbroken again, but the Imps are such an empty slate, already good natured. 

Rime finds herself returning to the Temple to help form the imps into a more civilised community, working together to build up Polaerys

Rime enjoys her new role and is enjoying the responsibilty.

Time passes and Minecha feels she misses the feeling of being the Moon Priestess, the power made her feel whole and the empty feeling begins to return.

Bramble also begins to feel she isnt the right choice to be the Moon Priestess, as Rime is taking control and doing a much better job.

Minecha returns to Polaerys with Juno and Yona to see the progression, Minecha and Bramble discuss their feelings but agree on trying to get Rime to return as the Moon Priestess.

Rime is hesitant but feels more at ease being the Priestess for the Imps, Yona states there can be more than one Priestess which shocks the others. The Moon actually liked this idea so returned Moon Priestess status to Rime and Minecha (so Minecha can be Univas' Moon Priestess).

Bramble found herself unsure what to do as she did not fit the Moon Priestess alignment, but Yona revealed her alignment was actually Sun all a long. And suggests she becomes a Sun Priestess for Polaerys despite being a Zburator, and not a dragon.

Everyone returns home, this is where most Juno and Minecha content happen. Although Minecha and Juno are not official, they are dedicated companions to each other

Arc Five

This is where most of the -other- little stories and headcannons take place~