Broken Mirror

3 years, 22 days ago
3 years, 22 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 22 days ago

Benji has a bad(?) dream.

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Chapter 1

Benji found himself in his old home in Montreal.

Okay. Weird. Visiting home is one thing. He’s done it before! But he doesn’t recall making the trip up north from Theodore; it takes a few days, even if you speed the whole time.

He sat up, realizing he was in his old bedroom—really old. He swore he had a TV in here before he left. Maybe Jean-Paul had taken it at some point while he was gone...?


Sitting at his desk was a young man, with raven hair and a horrid slouch. He was reading a book, maybe...?

Benji hesitated, before calling out a tempered “... Hey.”

The other man jolted up and snapped his neck to stare at Benji.

Yeah. As he expected.

It’s him. As a mortal. Is he having a fucking nightmare? Again?

“W-Who are you?” The younger Benji (heretofore referred to as Ben) asked, hostility in his voice, though that was overtaken by the tremble that obvious fear instilled upon it.

“I’m you from, uh... it’s probably like, 1920 now, yeah? I’m you in 100 years.”

A pause. An incredulous look shot at Benji.

“I know. I know. I sound fuckin’ crazy.” He sighed. “... Can I tell you something?”

Ben just kept his gaze uneasily settled between Benji's eyes.

“Okay. Well. You’re going to do a lot of stupid shit, dude. That college you’re gonna go to? Waste of time. But the REAL shitstorm happens after you accept Gautier’s... “gift.” I know why you’re gonna accept it. Part of me wants to, to grab you by the shoulders, and shake you,” he explained, shaking balled fists for good measure. “And to tell you to not accept it, no matter what, even though you’re gonna be paranoid at anything that might be able to hurt you. But... As much as I want to do that, and as curious as I am about how different things would’ve been if I had stayed a human...”

A dhampir.

“...I can’t do that. I like being me, mostly. The best I can tell you is to just, be careful, I guess?”



An elbow to the ribs brought Benji back to the world of the living quite handily. He was about to ask Zeb “what the fuck that was for,” but... Zeb was still asleep. Snoring as loud as ever. He didn’t do that on purpose...

Benji sighed and rolled back over.