Hybrids: A New Beginning (Old)

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
3 2807

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

Note: This story is not canon to my characters today. I wrote this when I was 11. This is completely un-edited from its original state minus that the names and character descriptions so they reflect what they look like now. I also fixed the minor grammar mistakes. Please enjoy my horrible mess of a story.

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Author's Notes

Tw // blood mention

Chapter 1: The Dream

   It was a cold, dreary night in a quaint village outside of 18th century London, where a wolf with thick gray fur rummaged through garbage trying to find a sufficient meal. During his search, he heard a faint, almost unnoticeable sound coming from behind him. He peered back, noticed nothing, and continued nosing into the trash.

He heard another sound, louder this time, and caught the scent of a human. The wolf quickly whirled around to see his foes, who were a mob of angry villagers armed with rusty pitchforks and fiery torches.

He swiftly bolted away, hoping to escape the clutches of the men. No matter where he went, they were on his tail. The endless pursuit exhausted him; his legs ached, his paws were sore, and he was nearly out of breath. He couldn't run any longer, so he collapsed onto the cold, hard ground.

Soon, the whole mob surrounded him. The leader of the group, an older British man with a pitchfork, scolded at the exasperated wolf. "I am going to stop this ONCE AND FOR ALL!" he yelled as he raised the pitchfork and crashed it down on the wolf.

I jolted out the covers in a cold sweat, screaming my lungs out. The moment I noticed I was safe, I stopped screaming. I looked around my bright yellow room with sun pouring out of the windows. It was morning. I could tell by the smell of crispy bacon and scrabbled eggs that lingered from the kitchen. I got out of bed and started to get ready for the day. I put on my favorite red tee and my blue denim jeans, made my bed, cleaned my teeth, and brushed my beautiful black hair.

Once I was finished, I took a good look at myself in the mirror and stared at my glowing yellow eyes. "This is going to be a great day." Finished with my morning routine, I rushed downstairs. I saw my grandparents were eating eggs and bacon while reading today's newspaper. My grandma was an older woman with stone grey hair, and my grandpa was as old as my grandma but had deep black hair because he dyed it whenever we weren't home. It was sort of a secret of his.

"Hey Xavier, good morning," grandpa stated.

"Well, good morning to you too, grandpa," I responded.

"We heard you screaming upstairs. Are you alright?" grandma asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm alright. It was only a bad dream," I said reassuringly.

Moments later, I heard knocking at the door.

"I'll get it!" I announced as I meandered toward the front door.

Once I opened it, I noticed that the person was my friend Daisy. She was a year older than me at 17 and had short white hair, sparkly blue eyes, and geeky red glasses. We had been friends since the beginning of middle school, and ever since then, she has been the school nerd.

"Hi Daisy, how are you doing?"

"Well, I'm doing fine," she responded, "I just wanted to come over and ask if you wanted to go to Hover-con with me today?"

I could tell she was a little nervous asking me by the way her hands trembled and her voice cracked.

So I took her shaking hands and whispered, "Of course I'll go to Hover-con with you."

Daisy's eyes lit up.

"Great! See you at three?"

"See you at three."

I went back inside, closing the door.

"So, sounds like you have a date with your little friend," grandma said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"No, it's not like that. We're just friends," I said quite convincingly.

"Ok, if you say so," grandma said before continuing her housework.

"You know we could just get a Robo-maid to do all of our chores," I remarked as I sat myself at the table and started eating.

"No, I'd rather do it myself. To me, it's time for me to relax."

I stopped talking about Robo-maids and continued eating. A couple hours later, it was time to go with Daisy to Hover-con. To prepare, I put on a black tee that read "I <3 hoverboards" on the front and packed a bag with water, snacks, and other important items.

(author's note: there is a missing page where grandpa is complaining about hoverboards, also for some reason it changes from first to third person)

"Well, kids ride hoverboards in 2045," Xavier said, grabbing his hoverboard off the wall.

He walked back to Daisy, waving at his grandparents.

"Bye, Mr. and Mrs. London!" said Daisy, peeking inside the house.

"Bye, grandma and grandpa!" Xavier said.

Both Daisy and Xavier walked out of the door with hoverboards in their hands.

"So, ready to hover?" said Daisy, about to flip the switch on her hoverboard.

"Sure," Xavier said.

Xavier flipped the switch on the bottom of the hoverboard and lay it on the ground. Daisy did the same. The hoverboards hummed to life and started to hover above the ground. They stepped on the hoverboards and strapped their feet onto the boards.

"Let's go!" Daisy said, pumping her fist into the air.

The two of them leaned forward, making the boards move. They hovered down the front porch stairs and onto the sidewalk. All the houses around them were cottages, including Daisy's and Xavier's houses. The wind blew in their hair as they cruised down the sidewalk.

(author's note: I believe I changed it at some point to them going to school?)

"It's great we live so close to school," Xavier said in a muffled voice.

Only looking at each other made them not realize the enormous red-headed teen right in their path.

"Whoa! Stop!" Xavier said when he finally looked forward.

Daisy and Xavier immediately halted.

"Ohhh nooo," Daisy said in horror.

"What is it?" Xavier said.

"It's Randy, the biggest jerk on the planet," Daisy whispered loudly.

"Ummmm...Daisy," Xavier said, pointing in front of her.

"Randy heard that, didn't he," Daisy said nervously.

Xavier nodded his head yes. Daisy turned around.

"Hi, Randy," she said, shivering.

"Give me your hoverboard," Randy said in his deep voice.

Daisy unstrapped herself and stepped off the red board. She reluctantly her hoverboard to Randy.

"His too," Randy said.

Xavier looked to Daisy.

"Just do it," Daisy whispered.

Xavier unstrapped himself too and handed it to Randy. Randy held the hoverboards in his hands. Then in one swift move, he broke the two hoverboards in half. Randy started to smile deviously at them and threw the mangled hoverboards away. Randy then grabbed Daisy's shirt, lifting her into the air.

"Never bump into me ever again," Randy said.

"Okay..." Daisy said, sickly.

"Stop it, Randy!" he said in rage.

Randy lowered Daisy and stepped towards him. Xavier stood his ground, but that didn't stop Randy from pushing him into a puddle.

On the ground, Xavier's ears started to ring, and he felt sick to his stomach. Daisy was pushed onto the ground next to him.

"Are you ok?" Daisy said, looking at a very pale Xavier.

"No..." Xavier said, about to faint.

Randy was still there staring down at them. Xavier soon lost consciousness. Daisy crawled towards Xavier, trying to wake him.

"Wake up, Xavier!" said Daisy, panicking.

Xavier's body started to grow grey hairs all over him. Daisy crawled backward, and Randy took a few steps back. Xavier's ears started to have points, and his face grew more dog-like. Then, a tail formed. He opened his now deep black eyes. Daisy stood up and slowly walked toward Randy while Randy was paralyzed with fear. Xavier started to stand up, growling at Randy, but Daisy stood in front of him. Xavier continued to growl and walked closer and closer to them. Daisy and Randy didn't budge.

Suddenly, Xavier pounced right at Randy, but Daisy was still blocking him. As he was mid-jump, Randy ran away, leaving Daisy behind. So, Xavier landed right on Daisy, bit her, and fainted again. Daisy, seeing her arm covered with blood, began to scream.

(author's note: his eyes went from yellow to purple? What is this warrior cats?)

While Xavier was unconscious, his hands and feet morphed into paws, he became wolf-sized, and when he opened his eyes, they were back to his purple eyes. Xavier slowly got onto all fours.

"Daisy! Are you ok?!" he said as he ran to her, clothing falling off. Daisy didn't say a word. All she did was stare at the grey wolf. Xavier tried to put pressure on the wound and saw his paw.

"No," he said, looking at his body, "This has to be a dream, right?"

Daisy nodded her head no.

"This is real. I don't know how, I don't know why, but it's real," Daisy said, trying to be calm.

"Daisy?" he said worryingly.

"What?" she responded.

"You're growing white hairs on your arm," he said.

Author's Notes

So that was a blast from the past JFKSL. I really just used all the vocab I knew as a 11-year-old and went with it huh. 

Fun facts:

-These are my first "official" ocs.

-This story was based off of a dream I had when I was 10-11.

-The story and characters today are much closer to the original dream.

-Xavier was male in the dream, but out of shame I made him female since I thought it was "weird" to dream that I was a guy (turns out I am trans-masc so oops).

-Xavier and Daisy's designs and gender were flipped from the original dream (but have now since been flipped back). So "Xavier" was a white she-wolf in the story while "Daisy" got turned into a gray male wolf.

-Xavier's name was Violet (and occasionally Luna in places).

-Daisy's name was Alex.

-Comphet was hitting me HARD at this age which is why the het romance in this feels so forced. Now Xavier has a boyfriend and Daisy is a lesbian like they should.

-When I figured out I was sapphic at 12, I started changing Daisy's (as Alex's) pronouns as she/her. So in the handwritten story, it makes it look like that Daisy went by she/he.

-When I wrote this originally, I planned to "publish" it by putting the entire thing into a Netflix movie review JFDSKL. I tried to do it but they had a word limit.