Hybrids: A New Beginning (Old)

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
3 2807

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Note: This story is not canon to my characters today. I wrote this when I was 11. This is completely un-edited from its original state minus that the names and character descriptions so they reflect what they look like now. I also fixed the minor grammar mistakes. Please enjoy my horrible mess of a story.

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Chapter 2

Just as he said that a big van and five police cars arrived, all of the vehicles were hovering. The people in the van put them in restraints and threw them in the van. In the van, a police officer sat with them. Daisy's arm was covered with white fur.

"Where are you taking us?" Xavier said.

The man sat silently.

Undeterred, he continued to ask questions.

"Why did you cuff us? What is happening to my friend, and why am I a dog?"

The man stayed silent. The driver slid open a small window.

"We're here," he said.

"Where's here?" he said as the driver closed the window. A police officer opened the backdoors and let Xavier and Daisy out of the van. Outside they see a giant office building that had a sign that read "NHPCA Headquarters." The officers bring them inside. On the slick granite floor, Xavier starts to slip. Noticing this, one of the officers attaches a collar and leash on Xavier and drags him across the ground.

"This hurts, you know!" he said as the man pulled him on the cold floor.

Daisy, walking next to the men, now has half of her body covered with white fur. After walking for a couple more minutes, they arrived at an enormous metal door. Xavier got back on all fours. One of the men grabbed his keys and unlocked the door.

Behind the door was a secret elevator, surrounded by many guards. The six officers lead them into the elevator and press the "ground floor" button. Since they were only on the first floor, it wasn't long until they arrived at the ground floor. As they walked in, they saw a room with a long meeting table. The officers sat a very furry Daisy down. The officers did the same with Xavier.

After they sat down, the men let in four people.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" screamed Xavier as he almost leaped out of his chair.

Xavier's grandparents and Daisy's parents took many steps back while screaming. Then, a large African-American man with a general's uniform walked in.

"Officers, give these people paper bags to breathe into!" he said as the officer scrambled to give the people paper bags.

Once they had the bags and breathed into them, they calmed down.

"Hello, I know you all must be quite confused. Let me clear things up. My name is General Max Washington, and I am head of the National Hybrids Protection and Control Agency or NHPCA," General Max stopped his speech seeing Xavier's paw in the air.

"No questions until the end of the lecture," he said sternly.

Xavier shrugged and lowered his paw.

"Now, where was I? Yes, now all of you are probably asking yourselves, 'What is a hybrid?'" he said, pointing at the grandparents and parents into their seats.

"A hybrid is a person who is half human and half animal."

"Like a werewolf?" interrupted Xavier's grandmother.

"Basically, except hybrid wolves can change fully into a wolf, " General Max explained.

"Xavier is one of these hybrid wolves. Xavier's mother, before she and her husband passed away in a car crash, her mother was a hybrid wolf, while her father was a human. They had kept this secret from everyone, including Xavier's paternal grandparents, who are here now," he said.

"So, why is our daughter turning into one of these hybrids?" said Mrs. Young.

"Well, this is going to be a little hard to tell you," he responded.

Daisy, sitting in her chair, now has pointed ears and her body is now completely covered with fur.

"Before Xavier turned into a wolf, he bit Daisy. Now Daisy is a turned hybrid wolf that will be a wolf forever," he said.

"So, my daughter is going to be a wolf forever, and there is no cure?" said Mr. Young.

"Sadly, that is the case," General Max said, "Now, since Daisy and Xavier are both hybrids, they have to go to the local hybrid's high school. There, they will learn everything they need to know about being a hybrid."

"Tomorrow Daisy, Xavier, and Sam will start their first day of school there," Max announced.

(author's note: I genuinely forgot about Sam, so I was legit shocked when I read this.)

"Who's Sam?" Xavier questioned, now becoming uneasy in his chair.

"Why your brother, of course," he explained.

"WHAT?!" Xavier barked.

"You didn't know?" he asked


Reality shattered before Xavier's very eyes.

"A few hours ago, I was a normal guy hoverboarding to school with my friend. Now my friend is turning into a wolf, I'm a hybrid wolf, and I have a brother I never knew about!" he mumbled in his head.

Xavier felt sick and weak, just like when he turned into a wolf.

"Oh no..." he whispered.

Hearing him groan sickly, General Max called in a few nurses, and Xavier lost consciousness again.

Author's Notes

This chapter is where things so downhill for me tbh JFKDLS. IDK THE UNNECESSARY HUMOR MAKES ME DIE INSIDE AND JUST DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AT ALL. Also Xavier reminds me of my cringy 11-year-old self, so that's fun. 

Also fun fact:

-Daisy's original last name was "Kane", so her name was "Alex Kane," which is probably a Family Ties reference.