Mage Quests

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 3 days ago
6 598

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

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1, Stars in Their Eyes

Vela shivered in the cold air. It was late, late night- the most freezing time to be out wandering the hills of Bellacoste- but also, the very best time to see the softly sparkling stars that were illuminated against the inky sapphire sky. 

Her pyropine, Indigo, was sniffing around, casting a dim light from its crackling rainbow spines. 

Vela settled herself down, spread out her charts, and quills and ink. Her breath made a little cloud as she read over the brief, making a plan in her head. “Chart the stars for Remiel, from wherever you are at the moment. It will help further his celestial research!”, said the scrawled note from her professor at her brand new magic school. This was her very first assignment- one sent to all the new students, that could be completed from wherever they happened to live before they made the move to the Asterfall College for Mages. It got them in the academic headspace in a familiar setting, while allowing them to say goodbye to their homes until the term was over. 

Magic school. She could barely believe she was going. 

She had always exhibited some magical tendencies, she supposed- uncontrolled bursts of energy, especially when she was a bloom. Her parents graciously fixed what she broke in emotional outbursts, always laughing it off, with a ‘oh we always knew you’d be powerful, just didn’t know it would happen so soon!’ and were so, so proud when she was accepted to Asterfall. 

She smiled to herself, scribbling some more constellations onto her parchment paper. Her pyropine, exhausted from rooting around in the grass, curled up asleep next to her. She rested her head next to it. “It’s happening, Indigo”. Vela whispered. “We’re really going!” 

(Word count: 291)